
富途研选 | 2018荟萃

Futu Research Selection | 2018 Highlights

富途资讯 ·  Dec 31, 2018 15:44


From a large number of institutional research reports, we select the best among the best, identify the reports with the highest gold content, and present the industry data and logic essence to investors. The conclusions of the research and newspaper may not all come true, but its thinking process is very valuable to investors who love to study fundamentals.


Must-read strategy | with the annual review approaching, who will join the Hong Kong Stock Exchange? Who will be out?

Must-read strategy | US stocks continue to plummet, is the US economy failing?

Tuyere industry | the production and sales of pure electric vehicles exceeded 1 million, and the spark began to start a prairie fire?

Tuyere industry | Quan Jian products are not health products, which will show you the real health products industry.


Must-read strategy | prospects for the trend of 2019 major categories of assets

Research framework | 2019, the year of the rise of real estate stocks?

Tuyere industry | comments on major media events: the tone is higher than expected and the effect remains to be implemented.

Tuyere industry | the policy increases the informationization of education and pays attention to the stocks with channel advantages.

Tuyere industry | the demand for normal temperature milk keeps growing, and the leader has the most deterministic opportunity.

Tuyere industry | the first domestic PD-1 has been approved for listing, and the 10 billion-level market is expected.

Tuyere industry | Dental outbreak: aging population + rich

Tuyere industry | how big is it? How much is "less"? Take you to understand the modern service industry


Must-read strategy | the lower house of the British Parliament is about to vote for Brexit, and the market will fluctuate violently?

Must-read strategy | 2019, is the stock market opportunity coming?

Tuyere Industry | Insurance Series 3: China's life insurance industry is facing 15 years of gold growth

Tuyere industry | charging piles are in the dawn before the outbreak.

Tuyere industry | 5G full carding 2:PCB topic

Tuyere industry | CITIC Construction Investment: insurance stocks are significantly undervalued


Must-read strategy | 2019, is the global economy coming?

Must-read strategy | the auto industry is pessimistic. What is the growth rate to shift gears?

Tuyere industry | 5G full carding 1Rank 5G investment strategy

Tuyere industry | Stock index futures will be loosened, and securities companies will benefit first.

Tuyere industry | online advertising maintains a high growth rate, and algorithm-driven platforms are emerging as a new force


Must-read strategy | China's economy is still bottoming out in the first half of 2019?

Must-read strategy | crude oil plunged 30% in two months, sending out this important signal

Must-read strategy | 2019 Macro: 10 questions and 10 answers for investment

Tuyere industry | Huawei has won 22 5G contracts! Which opportunities need to be paid attention to immediately?

Tuyere industry | treble in two months! Why are vitamins so crazy?

Tuyere Industry | Education Industry 2019: will you meet the Rainbow after the Rain?


Tuyere industry | sales and investment are all down, will house prices fall?

Tuyere industry | strongest track: AI+, industry that will double in the next three years?

Tuyere industry | the deployment of the basic system of Beidou 3 has been completed, and the global competitiveness has improved steadily.

Tuyere Industry | Insurance Series 1: three drivers of Insurance Stock Price

Tuyere Industry | Insurance Series 2: five Development courses of Insurance Enterprises in China

Individual stock opportunity | BABA takes the lead on Singles Day, and there are bright spots in the food industry.

Individual stock opportunity | the annual active buyer far surpasses, and Pinduoduo has the strength to rise against the trend.


Must-read strategy | View the future, where should I go in 2019?

Hot events | Quick Review of Major events: Arimetuan or protracted War?

Tuyere industry | A variety of new equipment was unveiled at the Zhuhai Air Show, focusing on the leading military industry and central enterprises

Tuyere industry | what are the new trends and changes in the 10-year Singles Day holiday?

Tuyere industry | the channel of blood products is getting warmer, and the subsequent release of large varieties can be expected.

Tuyere industry | shock wave of the new preschool education policy: RYB Education Inc halved overnight, and the Hong Kong education sector plummeted.

Individual stock opportunities | Tesla, Inc. 's performance inflection point appears, giving rise to expansion opportunities for small and medium-sized suppliers

Individual stock opportunity | Bilibili Inc. will defeat the three giants of "Aitengyou" in this way.


Must-read strategy | the impact of US dollar credit on the global economic order

Must-read strategy | A-share ETF has been swept away, reaching an all-time high

Research framework | you can make money lying down. What exactly is this industry?

Tuyere industry | where is e-sports 's road: IG won the championship, and then?

Individual stock opportunity | BABA: building the core competitiveness of sustainable development in the next 10 years

Individual stock opportunity | dig up a close invisible champion-Tesla, Inc. first-class supplier!

Individual stock opportunity | the property leader in the bright eye, is it really reliable?


Must-read strategy | steady! Are A shares rebounding gradually?

Must-read strategy | A shares and US stocks are repurchased, who has a great effect on the stock price?

Must-read strategy | after the financial report, "see the light to die", has FAANG come to an end?

Research framework | understand the education industry and seize the opportunity for bottom reading ahead

Tuyere industry | We "lazy" people have great strength! The incremental way of deposit and transfer from the supermarket to home

Tuyere industry | lie down and win the darkest hour! Is this breed really all right?

Tuyere industry | with the development of accurate medical treatment assisted by diagnosis, there is only one listed leader in China.

Individual stock opportunity | performance mine rare drop limit! Is the myth of Maotai coming to an end?

Individual stock opportunity | Walt Disney Company, who increases the streaming video, will Netflix Inc be knocked down?


Must-read strategy | A-share "policy bottom" is now available, how far is the "market bottom"?

Must-read strategy | does the three major stock indexes fall below the annual line and US stocks reverse?

Must-read strategy | stay alert! The next big fall may be just around the corner

Research framework | understand the communications industry before the arrival of 5G market

Tuyere industry | New power of payment industry: do young people in small towns have money and leisure?

Tuyere industry | Singles Day is approaching, which is good for express delivery.

Tuyere industry | Investment in real estate, which indicators can not be missed?

Tuyere industry | Why are you bullish on bank stocks?

Tuyere industry | apart from Tesla, Inc., what else is there to see in the new energy automobile industry?

Individual stock opportunity | forward-looking financial report, can BYD turn around in the second half of the year?


Must-read strategy | the phantom of stock market stagflation reappears, which industries are investment opportunities?

Must-read strategy | with the mid-term elections approaching, will US stocks plummet?

Must-read strategy | can US stocks have the last laugh?

Tuyere Industry | New Power of payment Industry: post-00 pay attribute?

Tuyere industry | solid state battery enters the field of investment, and the market space is expected to exceed 100 billion.

Tuyere industry | trillion scale! Who is the market leader?

Tuyere industry | Medical information industry welcomes the golden period of development

Tuyere industry | computer industry reversal established! Revenue growth for the third consecutive quarter

Individual stock opportunity | Tencent Q3 Financial report Prospect: Anxin expects revenue to increase by 19.5% year on year


Must-read strategy | A shares surrounded by trillions of dollars, who has a better chance?

Research framework | learn some useful information about the market downturn and read "stock selection from top to bottom".

Hot events | Why do US Treasuries fluctuate sharply in the past 10 years?

Tuyere industry | 4 trillion market! Which companies stand out in this industry?

Tuyere industry | "Yan is justice"! The consumption of cosmetics depends on the post-2000 generation?

Tuyere industry | performance is good + peak season is approaching, this sector may be "warm hands in cold winter"

Tuyere industry | Infrastructure demand and capital supply are expected to increase, and performance elasticity is enhanced.

Tuyere industry | dig deeply into the background and trend of game live streaming

Tuyere industry | the policy environment is getting warmer, and the valuation of high-quality bank stocks is more attractive.

Opportunities for individual stocks | the market is in the doldrums. This company is still bullish! Is the premium rate of 6% low?

Individual stock opportunity | relying on Tencent and, this company wins by traffic.


Must-read strategy | look at the medium-and long-term excess returns in the stock market from the perspective of "R & D dividend"

Research framework | after reading this article, I dare to say that I can analyze the industry.

Hot events | it is a good time to lay out pharmaceutical companies with a large amount of purchasing

Hot events | what determines the "tenfold shares" of the stock market bulls?

Hot events | is the mid-term election bad for the market? The sword of Damocles on Trump's head

Tuyere industry | Why can Haitian's valuation exceed Maotai?

Tuyere industry | Post-real estate era, the rise of property, how to develop ten years later?

Tuyere industry | one of biological innovation series: immunotherapy opens a new era of tumor therapy

Tuyere industry | Biological innovation series 2: CD20 target monoclonal antibody, a large variety of lymphoma

Tuyere industry | Biological innovation series 3: CAR-T cell therapy, hematological tumor shines brilliantly

Tuyere industry | Mid-Autumn Festival brings not only moon cakes, but also raw hairy crabs

Tuyere industry | Real-time distribution has entered the B-end integration period, who will compete with the 50 billion market?

Individual stock opportunity | A thousand troops gathered in the new retail outlet, how does Ma Xiansheng take the lead?


Must-read strategy | can you identify A-shares with Buffett's methodology?

Tuyere industry | which online travel agency is better to book a hotel and buy an air ticket?

Tuyere industry | in the next decade, AI may become an important engine of global GDP growth.

Tuyere industry | October, this plate to meet the high certainty to do more windows!

Individual stock opportunity | BABA VS Amazon.Com Inc: giant development, different paths lead to the same goal

Individual stock opportunity | BABA VS Amazon.Com Inc: what do you have in common on the road of omni-channel expansion

Individual stock opportunity | CITIC: several reasons to be optimistic about Ping An Insurance


Must-read strategy | A-shares may have to wait for these two turnaround signals.

Must-read strategy | Pinduoduo is just a drop in the ocean in the trillions of chances of the third and fourth lines sinking.

Hot events | how big is the bubble after ten years of U. S. stocks?

Hot events | Ten years of U. S. stock market bulls, when the current bubble burst?

Tuyere industry | how is the "money" of NIO Inc. 's car "rising"?

Tuyere industry | New Iphone brings new "east wind" to the mobile phone industry chain

Tuyere industry | the second child cannot be born, industrial robots welcome the opportunity for development.

Tuyere industry | Beidou chips have successfully entered the 28nm era, and hundreds of billions of markets have been opened in the middle and lower reaches.

Tuyere industry | car sales are going downhill? New energy vehicle: it doesn't exist!

Tuyere industry | the big start of cloud computing in China and the United States! You don't know. One, two, three, four.

Tuyere industry | SaaS company reclassifies! Tell you what the value is with Pram A.

Tuyere industry | four major expected differences are coming, how to seize the opportunity of this theme

Individual stock opportunities | New Oriental Education & Technology Group: new online advantages of established offline educational institutions


Hot events | what is the impact of the reform of the social security collection and management system? who has less money in his pocket?

Hot events | when the growth rate of car sales slows down, is consumption downgraded?

Tuyere industry | the leftover is king? In the later stage of beer industry integration, excellent enterprises ushered in the layout window.

Tuyere industry | the catering and tourism sector in the first half of 2018, luxury goods became the leader

Tuyere industry | the overall performance-to-price ratio of the industry is high, and the pharmaceutical sector may switch to meet the valuation.

Tuyere industry | Software and hardware boom continues to improve, funds like to buy "cloud" targets

Individual stock opportunity | Retail flow dividend disappears, how does BABA make a breakthrough?

Individual stock opportunity | data-driven logistics change, does the early "rookie" really catch the worm?

Opportunities for individual stocks | it is not terrible to be "bounced" in Wechat, Tencent's biggest opponent is it!


Must-read strategy | summed up in the second quarter, where will the domestic Internet go in the future?

Hot event | RMB exchange rate reversal, A shares welcome retaliatory rebound

Hot event | Why is the emerging market the biggest "leek"

Tuyere industry | ICT industry ushered in a good opportunity for development under the independent controllable logic

Tuyere industry | AI is the first to bloom here? Giants such as BABA cut into the big cake.

Tuyere industry | "Beidou +" industry welcomes the outbreak, with great market potential of hundreds of billions

Tuyere industry | what gives this plate the courage to create new highs continuously?

Tuyere industry | the college entrance examination barrier that can not be bypassed, the K12 training class that "cannot be beaten to death"

Tuyere industry | the central position of the high-nickel ternary cathode will be released, and the installed capacity will grow by more than 60% in the next 3 years.

Individual stock opportunity | see how the trillion-dollar giant grabs the hearts of users!


Must-read strategy | CITIC Construction Investment: 5G enters the commercial sprint phase!

Hot events | BABA joined hands with China Tower Corporation to trigger the first shot in the ecological battle of the Internet of things.

Hot events | follow-up to the Trade War-Why should we be wary of financial sanctions imposed by the United States?

Tuyere industry | short videos make a lot of money? None of the live games in advertising e-commerce can be missing.

Tuyere industry | step on the "somersault cloud", who can fly 108000 miles

Tuyere industry | Industrial upgrading + increased demand, this medical segment of the industry in the future high growth stable?

Tuyere industry | has your child learned to program? STEAM opens up a new blue ocean of education

Tuyere industry | imitation is moving towards innovation, how to make money for "innovative drugs", the core of the pharmaceutical industry?

Tuyere industry | domestic or foreign capital, which cosmetics company makes more money?

Tuyere industry | Food and beverage rivers and lakes add more generals, can Haidilao International Holding stir up the red soup?

Individual stock opportunity | Ping An Insurance, the galloping elephant


Must-read strategy | heavy technology stock Apple Inc, where does Buffett's strength come from?

Must-read Strategy | Internet of everything + New Increment: how to seize Investment opportunities in the 5G era?

Hot events | experts will fully interpret what you are looking at for the upgrading of information consumption.

Hot events | Hot education stocks have been smashed into a big pit, bottom-copying or withdrawal?

Tuyere industry | double drive of policy and market, natural gas enters a new era of development

Tuyere industry | the policy continues to increase, competing with each other for autopilot

Tuyere industry | Global cloud competition is fierce, which Chinese company is also flying on the cloud?

Tuyere industry | the localization rate of semiconductor materials continues to improve, and the leader accelerates to seize the market.

Tuyere industry | Cloud is becoming a trend in enterprises, and there is great potential for SaaS segmentation.

Tuyere industry | would you like a Red Bull to cheer you up? Look at the competition in the functional drink market.

Individual stock opportunity | the charm of looking back at a woman in cloth as she walked south of the Yangtze River.

Individual stock opportunity | user growth is steady and high stickiness, and the potential of special selling giant Vipshop Holdings Limited is promising.

Individual stock opportunity | Game dormant, e-commerce attack, short-term pressure and long-term potential of NetEase, Inc


Must-read strategy | the adjustment of Hong Kong stocks is coming again. Who will be the upstart investor?

Must-read strategy | is the electronic rebound coming? Have you decided what to buy?

Hot events | with frequent storms, how far can Tesla, Inc. go when he is in a quandary?

Tuyere industry | content payment, head traffic, the two-lane main track of the media Internet?

Tuyere industry | small devices, large uses, wide imagination in the future (the first part of the series of passive components)

Tuyere industry | behind the rise of fresh e-commerce, cold chain logistics ushered in tuyere

Tuyere industry | big data era, this industry ushered in a period of golden growth

Tuyere industry | revelation of crayfish-- hundreds of billions of market capitalization under the small body

Tuyere industry | leapt to the "cloud" end, ERP manufacturers bucked the trend and rose sharply

Tuyere industry | the industry has broken out, and the giants are spending money crazily.

Tuyere industry | Why is anti-cancer star PD-1 so popular?

Individual stock opportunity | Anta-never stop

Opportunities for individual stocks | institutions believe that China Tower Corporation is "inexpensive" and the dark market is still low.


Must-read strategy | under the background of deleveraging, which do you choose, stocks, houses or bonds?

Tuyere industry | the general trend of ternary high nickelization of cathode materials, who is the leader of the domestic industry?

Tuyere industry | the full screen of mobile phones has become a tuyere, these investment opportunities have come?

Tuyere industry | tens of billions of new blue ocean knowledge is paid for and bought under anxiety

Tuyere industry | the hottest anticancer drug PD-1 is expected to be made in China next year.

Tuyere industry | AH pharmaceutical stocks in the two places, looking for dark horses with low valuation and high growth

Individual stock opportunity | small Maotai in Hong Kong stocks-Vitasoy International

Individual stock opportunity | the nemesis of "superbug", will Mengke Pharmaceutical be the new dark horse?

Individual stock opportunity | Muddy Waters short Citi to see if long K12 education can continue the previous trend?

Opportunities for individual stocks | depending on "cheap" debut, can Pinduoduo gain a firm foothold?

Individual stock opportunity | "burn" 270 million US dollars! This American pharmaceutical company came to Hong Kong to list its shares.

Individual stock opportunity | Mini Program Great Power: more than 400 million monthly active users open up Tencent to realize Blue Ocean


Must-read strategy | Biomedical listing is coming! The new Nuggets are here.

Tuyere industry | milestone! Domestic storage DRAM is officially launched.

Tuyere industry | consumption storm in lipstick

Individual stock opportunity | Ant Finance-- from payment instruments to financial services platform

Individual stock opportunity | the leader has come on the market to "fall" endlessly, this year's online reading is not good?

Individual stock opportunity | China Olympic Park rebounded by 10% in two days to lead the rise of inner housing stocks.

Individual stock opportunities | Gregory Pharmaceuticals-Hong Kong stock biotechnology first stock

Individual stock opportunity | China Molybdenum in the new energy tuyere

Individual stock opportunity | Google, king of cool techs

Individual stock opportunity | Real estate enterprise layout Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area undervalues a stock to be explored


Must-read strategy | what do you think of consumption upgrade? where is the opportunity?

Must-read strategy | funds going northward continue to firmly increase their positions, and southward funds begin to pick up

Must-read strategy | Why? A-share US stocks are both hot and icy.

Tuyere industry | awesome! Another hundreds of billions of blue ocean market appeared.

Tuyere industry | Tencent and NetEase, Inc games are breaking through in this direction.

Tuyere industry | "addictive + replicable", how high can the industry leader fly out of a pot of red soup?

Tuyere industry | the latest forecast of Apple Inc's new phone, all parties in the supply chain have arranged it.

Individual stock opportunities | backed by central enterprises, holding a large number of high-quality land reserves, China's Jinmao development is full of confidence?

Individual stock opportunity | big data + strong word-of-mouth in the industry in the past ten years, the Yiju who withdrew from the United States and went to Hong Kong eventually became the leader in real estate service?


Must-read strategy | when A-shares hit bottom, the market has five behavioral characteristics

Must-read strategy | how do you do this when the northward capital buys more than 500 billion yuan and the floating profit is as high as 60%?

Must-read strategy | with the emergence of the wave of buyback and increase, is the market "up" coming?

Must-read strategy | Real trade war affects Hong Kong stock market, what, why, how?

Tuyere industry | Amazon.Com Inc and Microsoft Corp have the strength to hit a trillion-dollar market capitalization from here.

Tuyere industry | HUYA Inc. Yingke has been listed one after another, what do you think of the surging live broadcast industry?

Tuyere industry | due to market sentiment, can the auto sector regain confidence?

Tuyere industry | Sexy property management industry: light assets + high growth

Opportunity for individual stocks | Tencent Music will be listed in the United States soon.

Individual stock opportunity | A new army has been added to the hot education sector, this time the second in private education in the western region.

Individual stock opportunity | Primary school 45000, high school 86000, why is maple leaf education so expensive?


Must-read strategy | which stock has performed best among the 8 sharp falls and rebounds of A shares in the past decade?

Must-read strategy | A shares are falling, but foreign investors are buying.

Tuyere industry | Defense attribute + plate effect, new shares in property management industry can be expected.

Tuyere industry | stable volume parity + low valuation real estate stocks are bright again?

Tuyere industry | urbanization + leasing market to create new opportunities in the real estate era

Tuyere industry | where are the new opportunities for Daniel stocks, which have risen more than 20 times over the past six years?

Tuyere industry | can Macau gaming industry still make money under policy control?

Individual stock opportunity | what is the origin of Pinduoduo, which makes BABA and nervous?

Individual stock opportunity | not afraid of the slowdown in the growth rate of the game, Tencent still has this big move!

Individual stock opportunity | oversold + industry leader, is this a white horse stock that is only "killed by mistake"?

Individual stock opportunity | the baby boom is coming again, can the good boy take off with this east wind?


Must-read strategy | can immature A-shares still be given a chance?

Hot spot event | 8 consecutive drops! What is the real reason for the devaluation of RMB?

Tuyere industry | this sector is short-term profitable + sustained incremental funds + historically low valuation

Tuyere industry | how does big data empower the future medical industry?

Tuyere industry | rigid demand + talent purchase restrictions relaxed + supply-side thrust, real estate ushered in the "second spring"?

Tuyere industry | Policy + sales + supply, which hot spots in the real estate industry should not be missed?

Individual stock opportunity | Rongxin China sales are up 307% year on year! Another real estate dark horse came in the air.

Individual stock opportunity | with the opening of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed rail, can Sasha International take advantage of the huge increase in passenger flow?

Opportunities for individual stocks | it turns out that can make money by selling advertisements.

Individual stock opportunity | FB makes money from advertising? AI+ Social Future

Opportunities for individual stocks | turn against the wind? Once the "first investment bank in China"


Must-read strategy | what do you think of the collapse of A-shares today?

Tuyere industry | the future direction of the medical sector of the "cattle stock concentration camp"

Tuyere industry | this pharmaceutical segment has an eye-catching performance, with leading stocks rising more than 20 times in the past two years.

Individual stock opportunity | "always second place". Why should AMD counterattack?

Individual stock opportunity | member, logistics, cloud computing, troika helps Amazon.Com Inc go further and further

Individual stock opportunity | Fushou Garden to meet the last need of your life

Individual stock opportunity | the industry is turbulent and the tycoon enters the market. Why does Netflix Inc go against the trend and hit new highs repeatedly?

Individual stock opportunity | standing on New Oriental Education & Technology Group's shoulder, Puxin Ltd rose for three days in a row.

Individual stock opportunity | another property Daniel stock comes out? As soon as the company went public, it became the first property stock in Hong Kong.

Individual stock opportunity | the spring of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd, a domestic chip made by the leader of the semiconductor industry?


Tuyere industry | Zhang Yidong reiterated that he is optimistic about the insurance sector. what determines the insurance stock price?

Tuyere industry | what are the common characteristics of high-quality targets in the education sector?

Tuyere industry | both Hang Seng Index and National Index have plunged, and the stock price of semiconductors has gone against the trend.

Tuyere industry | the scale of the real estate market is one street away from the United States, what is the potential of property management in China?

Tuyere industry | where to catch China's consumer bulls in the future?

Individual stock opportunities | A-shares welcome insurance companies after 7 years. How did PICC Property and Casualty assist?

Individual stock opportunity | how was "JOYY Inc" in the JOYY Inc era?

Opportunities for individual stocks | current situation, challenges and opportunities of

Individual stock opportunity | the logic that Hua Hong Semiconductor has risen more than 40% since the beginning of the year.

Individual stock opportunity | Internet health care, how many steps ahead is Ping An Healthcare And Technology?

Individual stock opportunity | can Twitter continue to fly on the thigh of the World Cup?


Tuyere industry | Why the silicon wafers of semiconductors are "all over the place"

Tuyere industry | in the post-real estate era, property companies have become "hot cake"?

Tuyere industry | Foundry heavy equipment, semiconductor equipment to meet the golden age

Tuyere industry | Blood products in the field of pharmaceutical subdivision, why are there Daniel stocks frequently?

Individual stock opportunity | is the woman the first spending power? The boss L'Or é al lay down to make money.

Individual stock opportunity | has risen by more than 20% since May and reached a new high. Can Baolong Real Estate look forward to the future?

Individual stock opportunity | Zhou's Black Duck what's the matter with you?

Individual stock opportunity | less than one month after listing, HUYA Inc. let Tencent lie down and earn 120 million yuan every day!

Individual stock opportunity | the only medical blue chip of Hang Seng Index! How did CSPC Pharmaceutical get it?

Individual stock opportunity | share price hit a new high! China Mengniu Dairy enters the profit release period?

Individual stock opportunity | grab the cake of the boss Tesla, Inc. cut into the high-end car market

Individual stock opportunity | where will the four carriages drive, where will Tencent go next?

Individual stock opportunity | full analysis of BABA's ecosystem. Don't miss the next opportunity to set a new high.


Hot event | how did the black swan fly out of Italy?

Hot events | the "Hercules Cup" of passion will hit in June, with three main lines welcoming the lift.

Individual stock opportunity | Greentown service is very popular?

Individual stock opportunity | the trend of the stock king is over? BoCom International excavates the space for Tencent to cash in and improve.

Individual stock opportunity | what is the origin of Baolong Real Estate which is enjoying a gratifying rise?

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The above content is for informational or educational purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice related to Futu. Although we strive to ensure the truthfulness, accuracy, and originality of all such content, we cannot guarantee it.
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