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6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)
6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)
On May 23, 2024, Lilium N.V., a foreign private issuer, announced a comprehensive capital raise through a public offering and concurrent private placements. The company entered into an underwriting agreement with B. Riley Securities, Inc. for the sale of approximately 38 million Class A ordinary shares and accompanying warrants, generating gross proceeds of around $40 million. Simultaneously, Lilium agreed to a private placement (PIPE) with qualified investors for the sale of approximately 47.5 million Class A shares and warrants, resulting in gross proceeds of about $50 million. Additionally, Lilium and Aceville Pte. Ltd., an affiliate of Tencent Holdings Limited, agreed on a pre-funded warrant arrangement for the purchase of over 24 million Class A shares at $1.05 each, with Aceville prepaying $24 million at $1.00 per share. The...Show More
On May 23, 2024, Lilium N.V., a foreign private issuer, announced a comprehensive capital raise through a public offering and concurrent private placements. The company entered into an underwriting agreement with B. Riley Securities, Inc. for the sale of approximately 38 million Class A ordinary shares and accompanying warrants, generating gross proceeds of around $40 million. Simultaneously, Lilium agreed to a private placement (PIPE) with qualified investors for the sale of approximately 47.5 million Class A shares and warrants, resulting in gross proceeds of about $50 million. Additionally, Lilium and Aceville Pte. Ltd., an affiliate of Tencent Holdings Limited, agreed on a pre-funded warrant arrangement for the purchase of over 24 million Class A shares at $1.05 each, with Aceville prepaying $24 million at $1.00 per share. The transactions are expected to close around June 28, 2024, subject to customary closing conditions and shareholder approval for an increase in authorized share capital. The capital raise, including the public offering, PIPE, and Aceville pre-funding, is anticipated to bolster Lilium's cash and cash equivalents to approximately $218 million. The company also terminated a standby equity purchase agreement with YA II PN, Ltd. on May 29, 2024. The detailed terms of the warrants issued in the public offering and PIPE, as well as the Aceville pre-funded warrant, were provided, outlining the exercise prices, adjustments, and conditions. Lilium's press release regarding the capital raise was attached as an exhibit to the report.
2024年5月23日,外國私人發行人Lilium N.V. 宣佈通過公開發行和並行私募進行全面融資。該公司與B. Riley Securities, Inc.簽訂了承銷協議,出售約3,800萬股A類普通股和附帶的認股權證,總收益約爲4000萬美元。同時,Lilium同意與合格投資者進行私募配售(PIPE),出售約4,750萬股A類股票和認股權證,總收益約爲5000萬美元。此外,Lilium 和 Aceville Pte。騰訊控股有限公司的子公司Ltd. 商定了一項預先注資的認股權證安排,以每股1.05美元的價格購買超過2400萬股A類股票,Aceville以每股1.00美元的價格預付2400萬...展開全部
2024年5月23日,外國私人發行人Lilium N.V. 宣佈通過公開發行和並行私募進行全面融資。該公司與B. Riley Securities, Inc.簽訂了承銷協議,出售約3,800萬股A類普通股和附帶的認股權證,總收益約爲4000萬美元。同時,Lilium同意與合格投資者進行私募配售(PIPE),出售約4,750萬股A類股票和認股權證,總收益約爲5000萬美元。此外,Lilium 和 Aceville Pte。騰訊控股有限公司的子公司Ltd. 商定了一項預先注資的認股權證安排,以每股1.05美元的價格購買超過2400萬股A類股票,Aceville以每股1.00美元的價格預付2400萬美元。這些交易預計將於2024年6月28日左右完成,但須遵守慣例成交條件和股東批准才能增加法定股本。此次融資,包括公開發行、PIPE和Aceville的預融資,預計將使Lilium的現金和現金等價物增加到約2.18億美元。該公司還於2024年5月29日終止了與YA II PN, Ltd.的備用股權購買協議。提供了在公開發行和PIPE中發行的認股權證以及Aceville預先注資的認股權證的詳細條款,概述了行使價格、調整和條件。Lilium關於籌資的新聞稿作爲附件附在報告中。
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