
Jumia Technologies | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Jumia Technologies | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Jumia Technologies | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/08/06 18:34


Jumia Technologies entered into a sales agency agreement with RBC Capital Markets and Berenberg Capital Markets on July 30, 2024, authorizing the issuance of 20,227,736 ADSs. The Sales Agents will sell these ADSs at prevailing market prices through an at-the-market offering.The ADSs will be issued under Jumia's shelf registration statement on Form F-3, supplemented by a prospectus dated August 6, 2024. Following this agreement, the company's remaining authorization under Authorized Capital 2024/I allows for the issuance of up to 58,490,399 new shares against cash or in-kind contributions.
Jumia Technologies entered into a sales agency agreement with RBC Capital Markets and Berenberg Capital Markets on July 30, 2024, authorizing the issuance of 20,227,736 ADSs. The Sales Agents will sell these ADSs at prevailing market prices through an at-the-market offering.The ADSs will be issued under Jumia's shelf registration statement on Form F-3, supplemented by a prospectus dated August 6, 2024. Following this agreement, the company's remaining authorization under Authorized Capital 2024/I allows for the issuance of up to 58,490,399 new shares against cash or in-kind contributions.
Jumia Technologies於2024年7月30日與RBC資本市場和Berenberg資本市場簽署了銷售代理協議,授權發行20,227,736個ADS。銷售代理將通過市場發行以當前市場價格出售這些ADS。這些ADS將根據Jumia的貨架註冊聲明F-3表格發行,補充以2024年8月6日的招股說明書。根據此協議,公司在2024/I授權下的剩餘授權允許以現金或實物出資發行最多58,490,399股新股票。
Jumia Technologies於2024年7月30日與RBC資本市場和Berenberg資本市場簽署了銷售代理協議,授權發行20,227,736個ADS。銷售代理將通過市場發行以當前市場價格出售這些ADS。這些ADS將根據Jumia的貨架註冊聲明F-3表格發行,補充以2024年8月6日的招股說明書。根據此協議,公司在2024/I授權下的剩餘授權允許以現金或實物出資發行最多58,490,399股新股票。


