
Bakkt Holdings | 8-K: Current report

Bakkt Holdings | 8-K:重大事件

SEC announcement ·  03/05 01:35
On February 29, 2024, Bakkt Holdings, Inc. reported the entry into two separate securities purchase agreements, resulting in registered direct offerings. The first agreement, with various institutional investors, led to the issuance and sale of over 34 million shares of Class A Common Stock and various warrants, with the transaction closing on March 4, 2024. The second agreement was with Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc. (ICE), an existing major stockholder of Bakkt Holdings, for the sale of up to approximately 11.5 million shares and accompanying warrants. The initial closing with ICE occurred concurrently with the third-party closing, with further sales contingent on stockholder approval and NYSE regulations. The offerings are expected to net approximately $37.6 million from third-party investors and $9.8 million from ICE, after expenses. Bakkt Holdings intends to use the proceeds for working capital and general corporate purposes. The offerings were made under the company's existing SEC registration, with Keefe, Bruyette & Woods acting as the placement agent for the third-party offering.
On February 29, 2024, Bakkt Holdings, Inc. reported the entry into two separate securities purchase agreements, resulting in registered direct offerings. The first agreement, with various institutional investors, led to the issuance and sale of over 34 million shares of Class A Common Stock and various warrants, with the transaction closing on March 4, 2024. The second agreement was with Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc. (ICE), an existing major stockholder of Bakkt Holdings, for the sale of up to approximately 11.5 million shares and accompanying warrants. The initial closing with ICE occurred concurrently with the third-party closing, with further sales contingent on stockholder approval and NYSE regulations. The offerings are expected to net approximately $37.6 million from third-party investors and $9.8 million from ICE, after expenses. Bakkt Holdings intends to use the proceeds for working capital and general corporate purposes. The offerings were made under the company's existing SEC registration, with Keefe, Bruyette & Woods acting as the placement agent for the third-party offering.
2024年2月29日,Bakkt Holdings, Inc.報告了兩項單獨的證券購買協議的簽訂,最終進行了註冊的直接發行。與多家機構投資者簽訂的第一份協議促成了超過3,400萬股A類普通股和各種認股權證的發行和出售,交易於2024年3月4日結束。第二份協議是與Bakkt Holdings的現有主要股東洲際交易所控股公司(ICE)簽訂的,旨在出售最多約1150萬股股票和附帶的認股權證。ICE的首次收盤與第三方收盤同時進行,進一步的銷售取決於股東的批准和紐約證券交易所的監管。扣除費用後,預計這些發行將從第三方投資者那裏淨賺約3,760萬美元,ICE淨賺980萬美元。Bakkt Holdings打算將所得款項用於營運資金和一般公司用途。這些發行是在該公司現有的美國證券交易委員會註冊下進行的,由Keefe、Bruyette & Woods擔任第三方發行的配售代理。
2024年2月29日,Bakkt Holdings, Inc.報告了兩項單獨的證券購買協議的簽訂,最終進行了註冊的直接發行。與多家機構投資者簽訂的第一份協議促成了超過3,400萬股A類普通股和各種認股權證的發行和出售,交易於2024年3月4日結束。第二份協議是與Bakkt Holdings的現有主要股東洲際交易所控股公司(ICE)簽訂的,旨在出售最多約1150萬股股票和附帶的認股權證。ICE的首次收盤與第三方收盤同時進行,進一步的銷售取決於股東的批准和紐約證券交易所的監管。扣除費用後,預計這些發行將從第三方投資者那裏淨賺約3,760萬美元,ICE淨賺980萬美元。Bakkt Holdings打算將所得款項用於營運資金和一般公司用途。這些發行是在該公司現有的美國證券交易委員會註冊下進行的,由Keefe、Bruyette & Woods擔任第三方發行的配售代理。


