
Luminar Technologies | 10-K: Annual report

Luminar Technologies | 10-K:年度報表

SEC announcement ·  02/29 11:28
Luminar Technologies, a global automotive technology company, has reported significant developments in its 2023 annual financial report. The company, which specializes in LiDAR sensor technology for vehicle safety and autonomy, has seen a 71% increase in revenue year-over-year, reaching $69.8 million in 2023 compared to $40.7 million in 2022. Despite this growth, Luminar experienced a gross loss of $72.7 million, a 21% increase from the previous year's $60.3 million. Operating expenses also rose by 28%, with research and development costs marking a 42% increase to $262.2 million, reflecting the company's continued investment in product enhancement and new technology. Sales and marketing expenses grew by 37% to $53.1 million, and general and administrative expenses saw a slight increase of 1% to $159.8 million. The company also recorded a goodwill and intangible asset impairment...Show More
Luminar Technologies, a global automotive technology company, has reported significant developments in its 2023 annual financial report. The company, which specializes in LiDAR sensor technology for vehicle safety and autonomy, has seen a 71% increase in revenue year-over-year, reaching $69.8 million in 2023 compared to $40.7 million in 2022. Despite this growth, Luminar experienced a gross loss of $72.7 million, a 21% increase from the previous year's $60.3 million. Operating expenses also rose by 28%, with research and development costs marking a 42% increase to $262.2 million, reflecting the company's continued investment in product enhancement and new technology. Sales and marketing expenses grew by 37% to $53.1 million, and general and administrative expenses saw a slight increase of 1% to $159.8 million. The company also recorded a goodwill and intangible asset impairment of $15.5 million. Overall, Luminar's net loss widened by 28% to $571.3 million. In terms of business development, Luminar has expanded its partnership with Mercedes-Benz, expecting to generate over $1 billion in revenue from the integration of its Iris+ LiDAR across various Mercedes-Benz vehicle lines. The company has also established new commercial arrangements with companies such as Scale AI, Pony.AI, Swiss Re, and Applied Intuition. Luminar's acquisition of Seagate's LiDAR business and the establishment of a manufacturing facility in Mexico, set to start production in the first half of 2024, are key highlights of its industrialization plan. Looking ahead, Luminar is focused on optimizing manufacturing and product design processes to reduce costs and is transitioning to new suppliers expected to be completed in 2024. The company's future plans include continued investment in research and development to support its product roadmap and the pursuit of additional commercial partnerships to expand its market presence.
全球汽車技術公司Luminar Technologies在其2023年年度財務報告中報告了重大進展。該公司專門研究用於車輛安全和自動駕駛的激光雷達傳感器技術,收入同比增長71%,2023年達到6,980萬美元,而2022年爲4,070萬美元。儘管實現了這種增長,但Luminar的總虧損爲7,270萬美元,較上一年的6,030萬美元增長了21%。運營支出也增長了28%,研發成本增長了42%,達到2.622億美元,這反映了該公司在產品改進和新技術方面的持續投資。銷售和營銷費用增長了37%,達到5,310萬美元,一般和管理費用略有增長1%,達到1.598億美元。該公司還記錄了1,550萬美元的商譽和...展開全部
全球汽車技術公司Luminar Technologies在其2023年年度財務報告中報告了重大進展。該公司專門研究用於車輛安全和自動駕駛的激光雷達傳感器技術,收入同比增長71%,2023年達到6,980萬美元,而2022年爲4,070萬美元。儘管實現了這種增長,但Luminar的總虧損爲7,270萬美元,較上一年的6,030萬美元增長了21%。運營支出也增長了28%,研發成本增長了42%,達到2.622億美元,這反映了該公司在產品改進和新技術方面的持續投資。銷售和營銷費用增長了37%,達到5,310萬美元,一般和管理費用略有增長1%,達到1.598億美元。該公司還記錄了1,550萬美元的商譽和無形資產減值。總體而言,Luminar的淨虧損擴大了28%,至5.713億美元。 在業務發展方面,Luminar擴大了與梅賽德斯-奔馳的合作伙伴關係,預計通過將其Iris+ LiDAR集成到梅賽德斯-奔馳的各種汽車系列,將產生超過10億美元的收入。該公司還與Scale AI、Pony.AI、瑞士再保險和Applied Intuition等公司建立了新的商業協議。Luminar收購希捷的激光雷達業務並在墨西哥建立製造工廠,定於2024年上半年開始生產,是其工業化計劃的主要亮點。 展望未來,Luminar專注於優化製造和產品設計流程以降低成本,並正在向新供應商過渡,預計將於2024年完成。該公司的未來計劃包括繼續投資研發以支持其產品路線圖,以及尋求更多的商業合作伙伴關係以擴大其市場佔有率。


