
SoFi Technologies | 8-K: Sofi Technologies, Inc. Closed Its Previously Announced Private Offering of Convertible Senior Notes Due 2029 in an Aggregate Principal Amount of $862.5 Million

SoFi Technologies | 8-K:Sofi Technologies完成先前宣佈的2029年到期的可轉換優先票據的私募發行,本金總額爲8.625億美元

美股SEC公告 ·  03/09 06:26
On March 8, 2024, SoFi Technologies, Inc. completed its private offering of convertible senior notes due in 2029, raising $862.5 million, which includes the full exercise of the initial purchasers' option to buy additional notes worth $112.5 million on March 6, 2024. The net proceeds from the offering amounted to approximately $845.3 million after initial discounts and before costs related to capped call transactions and other expenses. The notes, unsecured and unsubordinated, will pay interest semi-annually at a rate of 1.25% and are set to mature on March 15, 2029, unless repurchased, redeemed, or converted earlier. Noteholders have various conditions under which they can convert their notes, with the initial conversion rate set at 105.8089 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes, equivalent to an initial conversion price of...Show More
On March 8, 2024, SoFi Technologies, Inc. completed its private offering of convertible senior notes due in 2029, raising $862.5 million, which includes the full exercise of the initial purchasers' option to buy additional notes worth $112.5 million on March 6, 2024. The net proceeds from the offering amounted to approximately $845.3 million after initial discounts and before costs related to capped call transactions and other expenses. The notes, unsecured and unsubordinated, will pay interest semi-annually at a rate of 1.25% and are set to mature on March 15, 2029, unless repurchased, redeemed, or converted earlier. Noteholders have various conditions under which they can convert their notes, with the initial conversion rate set at 105.8089 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes, equivalent to an initial conversion price of about $9.45 per share. SoFi also entered into capped call transactions to reduce potential dilution from the conversion of notes and entered into exchange agreements to exchange $600 million of its 2026 notes for common stock. The company has filed the necessary documents with the SEC, including the Indenture and forms of the capped call and unwind agreements.
2024年3月8日,SoFi Technologies, Inc.完成了2029年到期的可轉換優先票據的私募發行,籌集了8.625億美元,其中包括初始購買者在2024年3月6日全面行使購買價值1.125億美元的額外票據的選擇權。扣除初始折扣後,扣除與上限看漲期權交易和其他費用相關的成本後,此次發行的淨收益約爲8.453億美元。這些無抵押和無次級票據將每半年按1.25%的利率支付利息,並將於2029年3月15日到期,除非提前回購、贖回或轉換。票據持有人可以轉換票據的條件各不相同,初始轉換率設定爲每1,000美元本金票據105.8089股普通股,相當於每股約9.45美元的初始轉換價格。SoFi還進行了上限看漲期權交易,以減少票據轉換帶來的潛在稀釋,並簽訂了交換協議,將其2026年票據中的6億美元票據兌換成普通股。該公司已向美國證券交易委員會提交了必要的文件,包括契約以及上限看漲和解除協議的表格。
2024年3月8日,SoFi Technologies, Inc.完成了2029年到期的可轉換優先票據的私募發行,籌集了8.625億美元,其中包括初始購買者在2024年3月6日全面行使購買價值1.125億美元的額外票據的選擇權。扣除初始折扣後,扣除與上限看漲期權交易和其他費用相關的成本後,此次發行的淨收益約爲8.453億美元。這些無抵押和無次級票據將每半年按1.25%的利率支付利息,並將於2029年3月15日到期,除非提前回購、贖回或轉換。票據持有人可以轉換票據的條件各不相同,初始轉換率設定爲每1,000美元本金票據105.8089股普通股,相當於每股約9.45美元的初始轉換價格。SoFi還進行了上限看漲期權交易,以減少票據轉換帶來的潛在稀釋,並簽訂了交換協議,將其2026年票據中的6億美元票據兌換成普通股。該公司已向美國證券交易委員會提交了必要的文件,包括契約以及上限看漲和解除協議的表格。


