
Affirm Holdings | 10-K: FY2024 Annual Report

Affirm Holdings | 10-K: FY2024 Annual Report

Affirm Holdings | 10-K:2024財年年報
美股SEC公告 ·  08/29 05:13
Affirm Holdings, a leading payment network company, has released its annual financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. The report showcases a significant increase in total revenue, net, which rose by 46% to $2.32 billion from $1.59 billion in the previous year. Operating expenses saw a modest increase of 5% to $2.94 billion. Despite this, the company reduced its operating loss by 49% to $615.85 million, down from $1.20 billion. Net loss also improved by 47%, decreasing to $517.76 million from $985.35 million. The company attributes its financial performance to the growth in Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV), which surged by 32% to $26.6 billion, driven by increased volume at top merchants and platform partners, as well as a rise in active consumers to 18.7 million and transactions per active consumer to 4.9. Affirm's...Show More
Affirm Holdings, a leading payment network company, has released its annual financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. The report showcases a significant increase in total revenue, net, which rose by 46% to $2.32 billion from $1.59 billion in the previous year. Operating expenses saw a modest increase of 5% to $2.94 billion. Despite this, the company reduced its operating loss by 49% to $615.85 million, down from $1.20 billion. Net loss also improved by 47%, decreasing to $517.76 million from $985.35 million. The company attributes its financial performance to the growth in Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV), which surged by 32% to $26.6 billion, driven by increased volume at top merchants and platform partners, as well as a rise in active consumers to 18.7 million and transactions per active consumer to 4.9. Affirm's business development has been robust, with the expansion of its merchant base and active consumers, and the launch of the Affirm Card, which contributed to 8% of total transactions. Looking ahead, Affirm plans to continue leveraging its proprietary technology platform and data analytics to optimize risk pricing and enhance its product offerings. The company is also focused on expanding its network and diversifying its mix of funding relationships to support growth.
領先的支付網絡公司Affirm Holdings已發佈截至2024年6月30日的財務年報。報告展示了總營收淨額(淨額)顯著增長,從去年的15.9億美元增長了46%,達到23.2億美元。營業費用略有增加,增長了5%,達到29.4億美元。儘管如此,公司將營業虧損減少了49%,從12億美元降至615.85萬美元。淨虧損也改善了47%,從985.35萬美元減少至517.76萬美元。公司將其財務表現歸因於毛收入交易額(GMV)的增長,GMV增長了32%,達到266億美元,受頂級商家和平台合作伙伴交易量的增加,以及活躍消費者增加至1870萬人和每位活躍消費者的交易次數增加至4.9的推動。Affirm的業務發展強勁,擴大了其商戶基礎和活躍消費者,並推出了Affirm卡,佔總交易的8%。展望未來,Affirm計劃繼續利用其專有的技術平台和數據分析,優化風險定價,完善產品供應。公司還致力於擴大其網絡,並多元化其融資關係組合,支持增長。
領先的支付網絡公司Affirm Holdings已發佈截至2024年6月30日的財務年報。報告展示了總營收淨額(淨額)顯著增長,從去年的15.9億美元增長了46%,達到23.2億美元。營業費用略有增加,增長了5%,達到29.4億美元。儘管如此,公司將營業虧損減少了49%,從12億美元降至615.85萬美元。淨虧損也改善了47%,從985.35萬美元減少至517.76萬美元。公司將其財務表現歸因於毛收入交易額(GMV)的增長,GMV增長了32%,達到266億美元,受頂級商家和平台合作伙伴交易量的增加,以及活躍消費者增加至1870萬人和每位活躍消費者的交易次數增加至4.9的推動。Affirm的業務發展強勁,擴大了其商戶基礎和活躍消費者,並推出了Affirm卡,佔總交易的8%。展望未來,Affirm計劃繼續利用其專有的技術平台和數據分析,優化風險定價,完善產品供應。公司還致力於擴大其網絡,並多元化其融資關係組合,支持增長。


