
XBP Europe Holdings | 10-K: FY2023 Annual Report

XBP Europe Holdings | 10-K: FY2023 Annual Report

XBP Europe Holdings | 10-K:2023財年年報
美股SEC公告 ·  04/02 05:24
XBP Europe Holdings, a pan-European integrator of bills, payments, and related solutions, reported a consolidated revenue decrease of 7.7% to $166.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to $180.5 million in the previous year. The company's Bills & Payments segment experienced an 11.0% decline in revenue, primarily due to the completion of one-time projects and a client contract end, partially offset by new business. Conversely, the Technology segment saw a 2.5% increase in revenue, driven by higher software license sales and technology implementation services. Net loss widened to $11.0 million from $7.9 million year-over-year, while Adjusted EBITDA decreased to $11.6 million from $14.5 million. The company's cost of revenue decreased by 6.8%, and SG&A expenses rose by 5.2%. XBP Europe Holdings also highlighted its...Show More
XBP Europe Holdings, a pan-European integrator of bills, payments, and related solutions, reported a consolidated revenue decrease of 7.7% to $166.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to $180.5 million in the previous year. The company's Bills & Payments segment experienced an 11.0% decline in revenue, primarily due to the completion of one-time projects and a client contract end, partially offset by new business. Conversely, the Technology segment saw a 2.5% increase in revenue, driven by higher software license sales and technology implementation services. Net loss widened to $11.0 million from $7.9 million year-over-year, while Adjusted EBITDA decreased to $11.6 million from $14.5 million. The company's cost of revenue decreased by 6.8%, and SG&A expenses rose by 5.2%. XBP Europe Holdings also highlighted its investment in technology and plans to expand its client base and product offerings, including the XBP Omnidirect and platforms. The company expects to incur additional expenses as a public company and has taken steps to address regulatory requirements. Looking ahead, XBP Europe Holdings plans to continue developing strategic client relationships and leverage its solutions across European markets.
XBP歐洲控股是歐洲的票據、支付和相關解決方案的整合者,截至2023年12月31日的財年營業收入下降7.7%,爲16660萬美元,而上一年爲18050萬美元。公司的票據和支付業務部門的營業收入下降11.0%,主要是由於一次性項目的完成和客戶合同的終止,部分被新業務抵消。相反,科技部門的營業收入增加了2.5%,主要是因爲軟件許可銷售和技術實施服務的增加。淨虧損由年初的790萬美元擴大至1100萬美元,而調整後的稅前利潤(EBITDA)由1450萬美元降至1160萬美元。公司的營業成本減少了6.8%,而銷售和管理費用增加了5.2%。XBP歐洲控股還強調了其在技術方面的投資以及擴大其客戶群和產品供應的計劃,包括XBP Omnidirect和Reaktr.ai平台。該公司預計將作爲一家上市公司而產生額外的費用,並已採取措施解決監管要求。展望未來,XBP歐洲控股計劃繼續發展戰略客戶關係,利用其解決方案在歐洲市場上進行利用。
XBP歐洲控股是歐洲的票據、支付和相關解決方案的整合者,截至2023年12月31日的財年營業收入下降7.7%,爲16660萬美元,而上一年爲18050萬美元。公司的票據和支付業務部門的營業收入下降11.0%,主要是由於一次性項目的完成和客戶合同的終止,部分被新業務抵消。相反,科技部門的營業收入增加了2.5%,主要是因爲軟件許可銷售和技術實施服務的增加。淨虧損由年初的790萬美元擴大至1100萬美元,而調整後的稅前利潤(EBITDA)由1450萬美元降至1160萬美元。公司的營業成本減少了6.8%,而銷售和管理費用增加了5.2%。XBP歐洲控股還強調了其在技術方面的投資以及擴大其客戶群和產品供應的計劃,包括XBP Omnidirect和Reaktr.ai平台。該公司預計將作爲一家上市公司而產生額外的費用,並已採取措施解決監管要求。展望未來,XBP歐洲控股計劃繼續發展戰略客戶關係,利用其解決方案在歐洲市場上進行利用。


