
Farmmi | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Farmmi | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

農米良品 | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/08/28 05:30


Farmmi has entered into a securities purchase agreement with institutional investors to raise $1.03 million in gross proceeds. The company will sell 3,433,167 ordinary shares at $0.30 per share in a registered direct offering, along with Series A warrants to purchase up to 3,433,167 additional shares in a concurrent private placement.The Series A warrants are immediately exercisable at $0.75 per share, expiring in 5 years. The exercise price is subject to adjustments for certain events and resets. Maxim Group LLC is acting as the sole placement agent, receiving a 7.50% cash fee. The offering is expected to close on August 26, 2024.Farmmi has agreed to file a resale registration statement for the warrants and underlying shares within 30 days of closing. The company and its officers and directors have entered into a lock-up agreement for up to six months following the purchase agreement date.
Farmmi has entered into a securities purchase agreement with institutional investors to raise $1.03 million in gross proceeds. The company will sell 3,433,167 ordinary shares at $0.30 per share in a registered direct offering, along with Series A warrants to purchase up to 3,433,167 additional shares in a concurrent private placement.The Series A warrants are immediately exercisable at $0.75 per share, expiring in 5 years. The exercise price is subject to adjustments for certain events and resets. Maxim Group LLC is acting as the sole placement agent, receiving a 7.50% cash fee. The offering is expected to close on August 26, 2024.Farmmi has agreed to file a resale registration statement for the warrants and underlying shares within 30 days of closing. The company and its officers and directors have entered into a lock-up agreement for up to six months following the purchase agreement date.
農米良品已與機構投資者簽訂證券購買協議,籌集103萬美元的總收益。公司將在一次註冊直接發行中以每股0.30美元的價格賣出3,433,167股普通股,以及在同時進行的定向增發中發行購買最多3,433,167股額外股份的A系列Warrants。A系列Warrants可立即以每股0.75美元的價格行使,有效期爲5年。行使價格會因某些事件和重置而進行調整。Maxim Group LLC作爲獨家 placement agent,將收取7.50%的現金費用。預計該發行將於2024年8月26日結束。農米良品已同意在交易結束後30天內提交Warrants和基礎股份的轉售註冊聲明。公司及其高級管理人員和董事已簽署鎖定協議,鎖定期爲購買協議簽署日期後的六個月。
農米良品已與機構投資者簽訂證券購買協議,籌集103萬美元的總收益。公司將在一次註冊直接發行中以每股0.30美元的價格賣出3,433,167股普通股,以及在同時進行的定向增發中發行購買最多3,433,167股額外股份的A系列Warrants。A系列Warrants可立即以每股0.75美元的價格行使,有效期爲5年。行使價格會因某些事件和重置而進行調整。Maxim Group LLC作爲獨家 placement agent,將收取7.50%的現金費用。預計該發行將於2024年8月26日結束。農米良品已同意在交易結束後30天內提交Warrants和基礎股份的轉售註冊聲明。公司及其高級管理人員和董事已簽署鎖定協議,鎖定期爲購買協議簽署日期後的六個月。


