
African Agriculture | SC 13D: Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals-Global Commodities & Investments Ltd.(48.5%),Vasile Frank Timis(48.5%)

African Agriculture | SC 13D: Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals-Global Commodities & Investments Ltd.(48.5%),Vasile Frank Timis(48.5%)

African Agriculture | SC 13D:超過5%持股股東披露文件-Global Commodities & Investments Ltd.(48.5%),Vasile Frank Timis(48.5%)
美股SEC公告 ·  03/16 09:22


On December 6, 2023, African Agriculture Holdings Inc. (African Agriculture) underwent a significant corporate restructuring involving a merger and a series of related transactions. The company, previously known as 10X Capital Venture Acquisition Corp. II, completed a merger with African Agriculture, Inc. (AFRAG), resulting in AFRAG becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of African Agriculture Holdings Inc. This business combination was part of a Merger Agreement dated November 2, 2022, which included amendments leading up to the closing date. As part of the merger, shares of AFRAG were converted into shares of African Agriculture Holdings Inc. Global Commodities & Investments Ltd. and Vasile Frank Timis, who jointly filed the Schedule 13D with the SEC, received an aggregate of 16,378,797 shares of Common Stock of the Issuer pursuant to the...Show More
On December 6, 2023, African Agriculture Holdings Inc. (African Agriculture) underwent a significant corporate restructuring involving a merger and a series of related transactions. The company, previously known as 10X Capital Venture Acquisition Corp. II, completed a merger with African Agriculture, Inc. (AFRAG), resulting in AFRAG becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of African Agriculture Holdings Inc. This business combination was part of a Merger Agreement dated November 2, 2022, which included amendments leading up to the closing date. As part of the merger, shares of AFRAG were converted into shares of African Agriculture Holdings Inc. Global Commodities & Investments Ltd. and Vasile Frank Timis, who jointly filed the Schedule 13D with the SEC, received an aggregate of 16,378,797 shares of Common Stock of the Issuer pursuant to the terms of the Business Combination. Additionally, a Cash-Settled Equity Derivative Transaction (CSED) was agreed upon on November 29, 2023, which required Global to transfer a portion of AFRAG shares to Vellar Opportunities Fund Master, Ltd. In exchange, Global was issued 11,701,250 shares of Common Stock of the Issuer after the merger. A Lock-Up Agreement was also entered into, restricting the transfer of shares held by Global post-merger. The Reporting Persons, Global and Mr. Timis, now hold a 48.5% beneficial ownership in African Agriculture Holdings Inc., representing a substantial stake in the company. The Reporting Persons may engage in discussions with management or other stakeholders regarding potential corporate transactions or changes to the company's structure or strategy.
2023年12月6日,非洲農業控股公司(非洲農業)進行了涉及合併和一系列關聯交易的重大公司重組。該公司前身爲10X Capital Venture Acquisition Corp. II,完成了與非洲農業公司(AFRAG)的合併,使AFRAG成爲非洲農業控股公司的全資子公司。該業務合併是2022年11月2日合併協議的一部分,其中包括截至截止日期的修正案。作爲合併的一部分,AFRAG的股份被轉換爲非洲農業控股公司全球大宗商品與投資有限公司的股份,根據業務合併條款,共同向美國證券交易委員會提交附表13D的瓦西里·弗蘭克·蒂米斯共獲得發行人16,378,797股普通股。此外,2023年11月29日...展開全部
2023年12月6日,非洲農業控股公司(非洲農業)進行了涉及合併和一系列關聯交易的重大公司重組。該公司前身爲10X Capital Venture Acquisition Corp. II,完成了與非洲農業公司(AFRAG)的合併,使AFRAG成爲非洲農業控股公司的全資子公司。該業務合併是2022年11月2日合併協議的一部分,其中包括截至截止日期的修正案。作爲合併的一部分,AFRAG的股份被轉換爲非洲農業控股公司全球大宗商品與投資有限公司的股份,根據業務合併條款,共同向美國證券交易委員會提交附表13D的瓦西里·弗蘭克·蒂米斯共獲得發行人16,378,797股普通股。此外,2023年11月29日商定了一項現金結算的股票衍生品交易(CSED),該交易要求環球將AFRAG的部分股票轉讓給Vellar Opportunities Fund Master, Master, Ltd。作爲交換,全球在合併後發行了11,701,250股發行人的普通股。還簽訂了封鎖協議,限制了Global在合併後持有的股份的轉讓。申報人全球和蒂米斯先生目前持有非洲農業控股公司48.5%的實益所有權,佔該公司的大量股份。申報人可以與管理層或其他利益相關者就潛在的公司交易或公司結構或戰略的變化進行討論。


