
SciSparc | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

SciSparc | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)

SEC announcement ·  01/25 22:09
SciSparc Ltd., a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, has entered into a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement (SEPA) with YA II PN, Ltd., a fund managed by Yorkville Advisors Global, LP, on January 21, 2024. Under the SEPA, SciSparc may sell up to $20 million of its ordinary shares over the next three years at a 3% discount to the market price, subject to certain conditions including a cap on YA's ownership at 4.99% of SciSparc's shares. The agreement allows for pre-paid advances up to $5 million, with promissory notes maturing 24 months post-issuance and accruing interest at 5% per annum, increasing to 18% upon an event of default. Monthly installment payments begin 150 days after a note's issuance, with the option for SciSparc to pay in...Show More
SciSparc Ltd., a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, has entered into a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement (SEPA) with YA II PN, Ltd., a fund managed by Yorkville Advisors Global, LP, on January 21, 2024. Under the SEPA, SciSparc may sell up to $20 million of its ordinary shares over the next three years at a 3% discount to the market price, subject to certain conditions including a cap on YA's ownership at 4.99% of SciSparc's shares. The agreement allows for pre-paid advances up to $5 million, with promissory notes maturing 24 months post-issuance and accruing interest at 5% per annum, increasing to 18% upon an event of default. Monthly installment payments begin 150 days after a note's issuance, with the option for SciSparc to pay in cash or shares. SciSparc is not obligated to utilize the full $20 million and there are no penalties for underuse. The company also agreed to pay YA a commitment fee of $200,000 in shares and a structuring fee of $10,000 to an affiliate of YA. The proceeds from any share sales are intended for working capital and general corporate purposes. The shares and commitment fee shares will be exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and will require a registration statement for resale by YA. The announcement was made in a press release on January 24, 2024, and the details of the SEPA and promissory notes are included in the exhibits of the report filed with the SEC.
處於臨床階段的製藥公司ScisPARC Ltd. 已於2024年1月21日與Yorkville Advisors Global, Ltd.管理的基金YA II PN, Ltd. 簽訂了備用股權購買協議(SEPA)。根據SEPA,ScisPARC可能在未來三年內以市價的3%折扣出售高達2000萬美元的普通股,但須遵守某些條件,包括將YA的所有權上限定爲ScisPARC股份的4.99%。該協議允許預付高達500萬美元的預付款,期票在發行後24個月到期,應計利息爲每年5%,違約事件發生時將增加到18%。每月分期付款從票據發行後的150天開始,ScisPARC可以選擇以現金或股票支付。ScisPARC...展開全部
處於臨床階段的製藥公司ScisPARC Ltd. 已於2024年1月21日與Yorkville Advisors Global, Ltd.管理的基金YA II PN, Ltd. 簽訂了備用股權購買協議(SEPA)。根據SEPA,ScisPARC可能在未來三年內以市價的3%折扣出售高達2000萬美元的普通股,但須遵守某些條件,包括將YA的所有權上限定爲ScisPARC股份的4.99%。該協議允許預付高達500萬美元的預付款,期票在發行後24個月到期,應計利息爲每年5%,違約事件發生時將增加到18%。每月分期付款從票據發行後的150天開始,ScisPARC可以選擇以現金或股票支付。ScisPARC沒有義務使用全部2000萬美元,使用不當也不會受到任何處罰。該公司還同意向YA的子公司支付20萬美元股票的承諾費和1萬美元的結構設計費。任何股票出售的收益均用於營運資金和一般公司用途。根據經修訂的1933年《證券法》,股票和承諾費股票將免於註冊,並且需要YA提供註冊聲明才能轉售。該公告是在2024年1月24日的新聞稿中宣佈的,SEPA和期票的詳細信息已包含在向美國證券交易委員會提交的報告的證物中。


