
Aurora Cannabis | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Aurora Cannabis | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

極光大麻 | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/11/06 05:17


Aurora Cannabis Inc. reported financial results for Q2 fiscal 2025 ended September 30, 2024. Net revenue increased to $81.1 million, up 28.5% YoY. The company achieved positive cash flow from operations before working capital changes of $5.3 million.Medical cannabis revenue grew 41% YoY to $61.3 million, driven by strong international sales. Consumer cannabis revenue declined 12.9% to $10.4 million. Plant propagation revenue from Bevo increased 20.7% to $8.6 million. Gross profit before fair value adjustments rose to $39.2 million from $18.6 million last year.The company reported net income from continuing operations of $1.7 million, compared to $0.4 million in Q2 2024. However, including discontinued operations, Aurora posted a net loss of $13.0 million. As of September 30, 2024, Aurora had $84.9 million in cash and cash equivalents.
Aurora Cannabis Inc. reported financial results for Q2 fiscal 2025 ended September 30, 2024. Net revenue increased to $81.1 million, up 28.5% YoY. The company achieved positive cash flow from operations before working capital changes of $5.3 million.Medical cannabis revenue grew 41% YoY to $61.3 million, driven by strong international sales. Consumer cannabis revenue declined 12.9% to $10.4 million. Plant propagation revenue from Bevo increased 20.7% to $8.6 million. Gross profit before fair value adjustments rose to $39.2 million from $18.6 million last year.The company reported net income from continuing operations of $1.7 million, compared to $0.4 million in Q2 2024. However, including discontinued operations, Aurora posted a net loss of $13.0 million. As of September 30, 2024, Aurora had $84.9 million in cash and cash equivalents.
Aurora Cannabis Inc. 報告了截至2024年9月30日的2025財年第二季度財務業績。營業收入增加至8110萬,同比增長28.5%。公司在營運現金流中,在工作資本變動前實現了530萬的正現金流。醫療用大麻的營業收入同比增長41%,達到6130萬,主要受到強勁國際銷售的推動。消費用大麻的營業收入下降12.9%,降至1040萬。來自Bevo的植物繁殖收入增加20.7%,達到860萬。在公允價值調整前的毛利潤從去年的1860萬上升至3920萬。公司報告來自持續經營的凈利潤爲170萬,與2024年第二季度的40萬相比有所增加。然而,包括停業業務在內,Aurora 記錄了一項1300萬的淨虧損。截至2024年9月30日,Aurora 擁有8490萬的現金及現金等價物。
Aurora Cannabis Inc. 報告了截至2024年9月30日的2025財年第二季度財務業績。營業收入增加至8110萬,同比增長28.5%。公司在營運現金流中,在工作資本變動前實現了530萬的正現金流。醫療用大麻的營業收入同比增長41%,達到6130萬,主要受到強勁國際銷售的推動。消費用大麻的營業收入下降12.9%,降至1040萬。來自Bevo的植物繁殖收入增加20.7%,達到860萬。在公允價值調整前的毛利潤從去年的1860萬上升至3920萬。公司報告來自持續經營的凈利潤爲170萬,與2024年第二季度的40萬相比有所增加。然而,包括停業業務在內,Aurora 記錄了一項1300萬的淨虧損。截至2024年9月30日,Aurora 擁有8490萬的現金及現金等價物。


