
Singularity Future Technology | 10-K: FY2024 Annual Report

Singularity Future Technology | 10-K: FY2024 Annual Report

Singularity Future Technology | 10-K:2024財年年報
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/10/15 23:59


Singularity Future Technology reported annual revenue of $3.1 million for fiscal year 2024, down 30.9% from $4.5 million in FY2023. The company recorded a net loss of $5.5 million compared to a net loss of $23.1 million in the previous year. Gross margin declined to -15.2% from 12.1% as the company ceased cryptocurrency mining equipment sales and experienced reduced freight logistics revenue.The company strengthened its balance sheet with $17.7 million in cash and restricted cash as of June 30, 2024. Management implemented several strategic initiatives including streamlining operations, resolving legal matters, and restructuring the board with new independent directors. The company also regained compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement following a 1-for-10 reverse stock split in February 2024.Looking ahead, Singularity is expanding into the solar panel business through its newly formed subsidiary New Energy Tech Limited. In August 2024, the company entered into a joint venture agreement with Market One Services Corp. to develop solar panel commodity trading operations, marking its strategic entry into the renewable energy sector.
Singularity Future Technology reported annual revenue of $3.1 million for fiscal year 2024, down 30.9% from $4.5 million in FY2023. The company recorded a net loss of $5.5 million compared to a net loss of $23.1 million in the previous year. Gross margin declined to -15.2% from 12.1% as the company ceased cryptocurrency mining equipment sales and experienced reduced freight logistics revenue.The company strengthened its balance sheet with $17.7 million in cash and restricted cash as of June 30, 2024. Management implemented several strategic initiatives including streamlining operations, resolving legal matters, and restructuring the board with new independent directors. The company also regained compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement following a 1-for-10 reverse stock split in February 2024.Looking ahead, Singularity is expanding into the solar panel business through its newly formed subsidiary New Energy Tech Limited. In August 2024, the company entered into a joint venture agreement with Market One Services Corp. to develop solar panel commodity trading operations, marking its strategic entry into the renewable energy sector.
奇點未來科技在2024財年的年營業收入爲310萬美元,較2023財年的450萬美元下降了30.9%。公司錄得淨虧損550萬美元,而前一年淨虧損爲2310萬美元。毛利率從12.1%下降至-15.2%,因爲公司停止了數字貨幣挖礦設備銷售,並經歷了貨運物流收入的減少。截至2024年6月30日,公司用1770萬美元現金和受限現金加強了資產負債表。管理層實施了幾項戰略舉措,包括精簡運營、解決法律事務以及與新的獨立董事重組董事會。公司還在2024年2月通過1比10的反向股票拆分重新符合納斯達克的最低買盤價格要求。展望未來,奇點正通過新成立的子公司新能母基拓展太陽能面板業務。在2024年8月,公司與Market One Services CORP.簽署了一項合資協議,以開發太陽能面板商品交易業務,標誌着其在可再生能源板塊的戰略性進入。
奇點未來科技在2024財年的年營業收入爲310萬美元,較2023財年的450萬美元下降了30.9%。公司錄得淨虧損550萬美元,而前一年淨虧損爲2310萬美元。毛利率從12.1%下降至-15.2%,因爲公司停止了數字貨幣挖礦設備銷售,並經歷了貨運物流收入的減少。截至2024年6月30日,公司用1770萬美元現金和受限現金加強了資產負債表。管理層實施了幾項戰略舉措,包括精簡運營、解決法律事務以及與新的獨立董事重組董事會。公司還在2024年2月通過1比10的反向股票拆分重新符合納斯達克的最低買盤價格要求。展望未來,奇點正通過新成立的子公司新能母基拓展太陽能面板業務。在2024年8月,公司與Market One Services CORP.簽署了一項合資協議,以開發太陽能面板商品交易業務,標誌着其在可再生能源板塊的戰略性進入。


