
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/07/01 21:25


Collective Audience has completed the acquisition of a 51% controlling interest in DSL Digital, a Marketing-as-a-Service solutions provider, with an exclusive option to acquire the remaining 49% within two years. The all-stock transaction involved issuing 3,242,875 restricted shares, with a 10% holdback provision for 18 months.The acquisition brings DSL Digital's Fortune 500 B2B customer base, proprietary AI-powered AdTech tools, and a 20-member global services team to Collective Audience. DSL Digital's assets will form the foundation for Collective Audience's new AudienceServices group, which has been generating multi-million-dollar profitable revenues with 20% annual growth.The integration will enhance Collective Audience's AudienceCloud ecosystem with DSL Digital's proprietary technology. The company expects substantial revenue growth from the acquisition starting in Q2 2024, with the launch of AudienceServices planned for the coming weeks. A two-year lock-up agreement restricts the seller from transferring company securities, subject to certain exceptions.
Collective Audience has completed the acquisition of a 51% controlling interest in DSL Digital, a Marketing-as-a-Service solutions provider, with an exclusive option to acquire the remaining 49% within two years. The all-stock transaction involved issuing 3,242,875 restricted shares, with a 10% holdback provision for 18 months.The acquisition brings DSL Digital's Fortune 500 B2B customer base, proprietary AI-powered AdTech tools, and a 20-member global services team to Collective Audience. DSL Digital's assets will form the foundation for Collective Audience's new AudienceServices group, which has been generating multi-million-dollar profitable revenues with 20% annual growth.The integration will enhance Collective Audience's AudienceCloud ecosystem with DSL Digital's proprietary technology. The company expects substantial revenue growth from the acquisition starting in Q2 2024, with the launch of AudienceServices planned for the coming weeks. A two-year lock-up agreement restricts the seller from transferring company securities, subject to certain exceptions.
2024年6月28日,納斯達克上市的德州公司Collective Audience,Inc.(股票代碼爲CAUD),報道了一項重大收購的完成。該公司簽署了一份股權交換協議,以購買DSL Digital LLC 51%的股份,使其成爲合併子公司。交易涉及向DSL的唯一成員Gregg Greenberg發行3242875股Collective Audience的限制股票,其中有10%的保留股將在交割後18個月釋放,但受到賠償權利的限制。此外,一份鎖定協議限制出售這些證券的期限長達兩年。Collective Audience將來保留收購DSL其餘49%的選項。這項收購同意書於同一天關閉,預計將對Co...展開全部
2024年6月28日,納斯達克上市的德州公司Collective Audience,Inc.(股票代碼爲CAUD),報道了一項重大收購的完成。該公司簽署了一份股權交換協議,以購買DSL Digital LLC 51%的股份,使其成爲合併子公司。交易涉及向DSL的唯一成員Gregg Greenberg發行3242875股Collective Audience的限制股票,其中有10%的保留股將在交割後18個月釋放,但受到賠償權利的限制。此外,一份鎖定協議限制出售這些證券的期限長達兩年。Collective Audience將來保留收購DSL其餘49%的選項。這項收購同意書於同一天關閉,預計將對Collective Audience的營業收入增長做出重大貢獻,特別是隨着面向全球品牌和代理商的AudienceServices™ 的推出。該公司於2024年7月1日發佈新聞稿,宣佈該收購預計將加速第二季度及以後的營業收入增長。DSL Digital的整合爲Collective Audience帶來了專有的人工智能驅動的AdTech工具和一個由20名全球服務團隊組成的團隊,增強其AudienceCloud平台。這項收購符合Collective Audience的增長策略和新業務模式的轉型,旨在以基於受衆的表現廣告和開放網絡媒體平台顛覆行業。



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