
Clearmind Medicine | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Clearmind Medicine | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Clearmind Medicine | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/06/14 04:05


Clearmind Medicine reported Q2 2024 financial results with a net loss of $908,217, compared to $2.07M in Q2 2023. The company ended the quarter with $8.3M cash and working capital of $4.49M, strengthened by a $2.4M registered direct offering in January 2024.The company achieved significant operational milestones, including FDA Type A meeting completion for CMND-100 AUD treatment, Israeli Ministry of Health approval for Phase I/IIa clinical trials, and multiple strategic patent agreements. Notable developments include licensing deals with Hebrew University for PTSD treatment compounds and advancement in alcohol substitute beverage program.Research and development expenses remained stable at $322,956 compared to $317,572 in Q2 2023, while general and administrative expenses decreased to $980,549 from $1.34M. The company's financial position was further enhanced by positive changes in warrant liability valuation and investment gains, contributing to reduced quarterly losses.
Clearmind Medicine reported Q2 2024 financial results with a net loss of $908,217, compared to $2.07M in Q2 2023. The company ended the quarter with $8.3M cash and working capital of $4.49M, strengthened by a $2.4M registered direct offering in January 2024.The company achieved significant operational milestones, including FDA Type A meeting completion for CMND-100 AUD treatment, Israeli Ministry of Health approval for Phase I/IIa clinical trials, and multiple strategic patent agreements. Notable developments include licensing deals with Hebrew University for PTSD treatment compounds and advancement in alcohol substitute beverage program.Research and development expenses remained stable at $322,956 compared to $317,572 in Q2 2023, while general and administrative expenses decreased to $980,549 from $1.34M. The company's financial position was further enhanced by positive changes in warrant liability valuation and investment gains, contributing to reduced quarterly losses.
Clearmind Medicine Inc.,一家處於臨床階段的藥品公司,已提交其截至2024年4月30日三個月和六個月未經審計的簡明中期綜合財務報表和管理層討論與分析。這些文件已經提交給了加拿大證券管理局、安大略省、不列顛哥倫比亞和阿爾伯塔的證券委員會。報告的日期爲2024年6月13日,已被納入公司在美國聯邦證券交易委員會提交的F-3表格的註冊聲明之中。 Clearmind Medicine 在納斯達克上以“CMND”標的交易,專注於開發用於酗酒障礙 (AUD) 和暴飲暴食等健康問題的致幻藥品。該公司最近與FDA進行了A類會議,討論了使用其專有複合物CMND-100進行AUD治療的臨床試驗...展開全部
Clearmind Medicine Inc.,一家處於臨床階段的藥品公司,已提交其截至2024年4月30日三個月和六個月未經審計的簡明中期綜合財務報表和管理層討論與分析。這些文件已經提交給了加拿大證券管理局、安大略省、不列顛哥倫比亞和阿爾伯塔的證券委員會。報告的日期爲2024年6月13日,已被納入公司在美國聯邦證券交易委員會提交的F-3表格的註冊聲明之中。 Clearmind Medicine 在納斯達克上以“CMND”標的交易,專注於開發用於酗酒障礙 (AUD) 和暴飲暴食等健康問題的致幻藥品。該公司最近與FDA進行了A類會議,討論了使用其專有複合物CMND-100進行AUD治療的臨床試驗。此外,Clearmind宣佈了一系列專利申請和許可協議,包括一個與耶路撒冷希伯來大學的Yissum Research Development Company獨家許可協議,用於治療PTSD和其他精神衛生問題的新型化合物。截至2024年4月30日,該公司在手頭有830萬5927美元的現金和449萬1100美元的營運資本,同時報告了截至同一日期的三個月的淨虧損908,217美元和六個月的淨虧損2,276,017美元。


