
Ault Alliance | 8-K: Current report

Ault Alliance | 8-K: Current report

Ault Alliance | 8-K:重大事件
美股sec公告 ·  04/16 18:09
Ault Alliance, Inc., a Delaware-based corporation, along with its subsidiaries, has entered into an amendment to its existing Loan and Guaranty Agreement with Ault & Company, Inc. and other lenders on April 15, 2024. The amendment modifies the terms of the original Loan Agreement under which Ault Alliance borrowed $36 million and issued secured promissory notes totaling $38,918,919. A key change in the amendment is the extension of the deadline for Ault Alliance to maintain a minimum balance of $7 million in a segregated deposit account, which serves as a guarantee for the repayment of the notes. The new deadline is now May 15, 2024, extended from the original date of April 15, 2024. This segregated account is a critical component of the loan's security structure. The details of the amendment are disclosed in Exhibit 10.1 attached to the Form 8-K filed with the SEC.
Ault Alliance, Inc., a Delaware-based corporation, along with its subsidiaries, has entered into an amendment to its existing Loan and Guaranty Agreement with Ault & Company, Inc. and other lenders on April 15, 2024. The amendment modifies the terms of the original Loan Agreement under which Ault Alliance borrowed $36 million and issued secured promissory notes totaling $38,918,919. A key change in the amendment is the extension of the deadline for Ault Alliance to maintain a minimum balance of $7 million in a segregated deposit account, which serves as a guarantee for the repayment of the notes. The new deadline is now May 15, 2024, extended from the original date of April 15, 2024. This segregated account is a critical component of the loan's security structure. The details of the amendment are disclosed in Exhibit 10.1 attached to the Form 8-K filed with the SEC.
總部位於特拉華州的公司Ault Alliance, Inc. 及其子公司已於2024年4月15日修訂了與Ault & Company, Inc.和其他貸款機構的現有貸款和擔保協議。該修正案修改了原始貸款協議的條款,根據該協議,Ault Alliance借入了3,600萬美元,併發行了總額爲38,918,919美元的有擔保本票。該修正案的一個關鍵變化是延長了Ault Alliance在獨立存款賬戶中維持最低700萬美元餘額的最後期限,該賬戶是償還票據的擔保。新的截止日期現在是2024年5月15日,從原來的2024年4月15日延長。這種隔離賬戶是貸款安全結構的關鍵組成部分。修正案的細節在向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-K表格所附的附錄10.1中披露。
總部位於特拉華州的公司Ault Alliance, Inc. 及其子公司已於2024年4月15日修訂了與Ault & Company, Inc.和其他貸款機構的現有貸款和擔保協議。該修正案修改了原始貸款協議的條款,根據該協議,Ault Alliance借入了3,600萬美元,併發行了總額爲38,918,919美元的有擔保本票。該修正案的一個關鍵變化是延長了Ault Alliance在獨立存款賬戶中維持最低700萬美元餘額的最後期限,該賬戶是償還票據的擔保。新的截止日期現在是2024年5月15日,從原來的2024年4月15日延長。這種隔離賬戶是貸款安全結構的關鍵組成部分。修正案的細節在向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-K表格所附的附錄10.1中披露。


