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Lululemon Athletica | 10-K: FY2024 Annual Report
Lululemon Athletica | 10-K: FY2024 Annual Report
Lululemon Athletica | 10-K:2024財年年報
Lululemon Athletica reported a robust financial performance for the fiscal year 2023, with significant growth across key metrics. Net revenue surged by 19% to $9.6 billion, while comparable sales rose by 13%, or 14% on a constant dollar basis. The company saw a substantial 61% increase in income from operations to $2.1 billion, and a notable 83% rise in diluted earnings per share to $12.20, or 27% to $12.77 on an adjusted basis. Gross profit grew by 25% to $5.6 billion, with gross margin expanding by 290 basis points to 58.3%. Adjusted gross margin also increased, reaching 58.6%. The company's effective tax rate decreased to 28.8% from 35.9% in the previous year. Lululemon's growth was geographically widespread, with net revenue in the Americas up by 12%, China Mainland by a remarkable 67%, and Rest of World by 43%. The...Show More
Lululemon Athletica reported a robust financial performance for the fiscal year 2023, with significant growth across key metrics. Net revenue surged by 19% to $9.6 billion, while comparable sales rose by 13%, or 14% on a constant dollar basis. The company saw a substantial 61% increase in income from operations to $2.1 billion, and a notable 83% rise in diluted earnings per share to $12.20, or 27% to $12.77 on an adjusted basis. Gross profit grew by 25% to $5.6 billion, with gross margin expanding by 290 basis points to 58.3%. Adjusted gross margin also increased, reaching 58.6%. The company's effective tax rate decreased to 28.8% from 35.9% in the previous year. Lululemon's growth was geographically widespread, with net revenue in the Americas up by 12%, China Mainland by a remarkable 67%, and Rest of World by 43%. The women's product range contributed a 17% increase, men's by 15%, and other categories by 36%. The company also opened 56 new stores, enhancing its square footage by 15%. Lululemon's business development was marked by product innovation, including the launch of new collections and updates to footwear. The brand's awareness initiatives and community engagement, such as the Dupe Swap event and a partnership with Peloton, were key highlights. Looking ahead, Lululemon plans to continue its growth trajectory, focusing on product innovation, brand awareness, and community engagement. The company's liquidity remains strong, with cash and cash equivalents at $2.24 billion and a working capital excluding cash and cash equivalents of $185.3 million.
在2023財年,lululemon athletica公司財務表現強勁,關鍵指標實現了顯著增長。淨營業收入增長19%至96億美元,比較可比銷售額同比增長13%,或按恒定匯率計算爲14%。公司營業收入增長61%,達到21億美元,按攤薄基礎每股收益也增長83%,達到12.20美元,或按調整基礎計算爲增長27%至12.77美元。毛利潤增長25%至56億美元,毛利率擴大290個點子至58.3%。調整後毛利率也有所提高,達到58.6%。公司的有效稅率從上一年的35.9%下降至28.8%。Lululemon Athletica的增長在地理上普遍,美洲淨營業收入增長12%,中國內地增長驚人的67%,其餘地區...展開全部
在2023財年,lululemon athletica公司財務表現強勁,關鍵指標實現了顯著增長。淨營業收入增長19%至96億美元,比較可比銷售額同比增長13%,或按恒定匯率計算爲14%。公司營業收入增長61%,達到21億美元,按攤薄基礎每股收益也增長83%,達到12.20美元,或按調整基礎計算爲增長27%至12.77美元。毛利潤增長25%至56億美元,毛利率擴大290個點子至58.3%。調整後毛利率也有所提高,達到58.6%。公司的有效稅率從上一年的35.9%下降至28.8%。Lululemon Athletica的增長在地理上普遍,美洲淨營業收入增長12%,中國內地增長驚人的67%,其餘地區增長43%。女裝產品系列貢獻了17%的增長,男裝貢獻了15%,其他類別貢獻了36%的增長。公司還開設了56家新店鋪,使其店鋪面積增加了15%。Lululemon Athletica的業務發展以產品創新爲標誌,包括推出新系列產品和更新鞋類。品牌的宣傳和社區參與,如Dupe Swap活動和與Peloton的合作伙伴關係,是關鍵亮點。展望未來,Lululemon Athletica計劃繼續保持增長勢頭,專注於產品創新、品牌認知和社區參與。公司的流動性仍然強勁,現金及現金等價物爲22.4億美元,除現金及現金等價物外的營運資本爲1.853億元。
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