
McDonald's | 10-K: Annual report

麥當勞 | 10-K:年度報表

美股sec公告 ·  02/23 01:37
In 2023, McDonald's reported a robust financial performance with global comparable sales increasing by 9.0%, driven by the successful implementation of its Accelerating the Arches strategy. In the U.S., comparable sales rose by 8.7%, attributed to strategic menu price increases, effective marketing promotions, and growth in digital and delivery services. The International Operated segment saw a 9.2% increase in comparable sales, with significant contributions from the U.K., Germany, and Canada. The International Developmental Licensed segment experienced a 9.4% rise in comparable sales, indicating strong performance across all regions. Systemwide sales, including those from loyalty program members across approximately 50 markets, also contributed to the company's revenue, although specific financial figures for systemwide sales were not disclosed. The company's financial health was...Show More
In 2023, McDonald's reported a robust financial performance with global comparable sales increasing by 9.0%, driven by the successful implementation of its Accelerating the Arches strategy. In the U.S., comparable sales rose by 8.7%, attributed to strategic menu price increases, effective marketing promotions, and growth in digital and delivery services. The International Operated segment saw a 9.2% increase in comparable sales, with significant contributions from the U.K., Germany, and Canada. The International Developmental Licensed segment experienced a 9.4% rise in comparable sales, indicating strong performance across all regions. Systemwide sales, including those from loyalty program members across approximately 50 markets, also contributed to the company's revenue, although specific financial figures for systemwide sales were not disclosed. The company's financial health was further supported by the performance of franchised restaurants, which, while not recorded as direct revenues, are essential for calculating franchised revenues and reflect the franchisee base's financial health. McDonald's also monitors metrics such as after-tax return on invested capital (ROIC) and free cash flow to evaluate capital allocation effectiveness and the ability to convert net profits into cash resources for shareholder value enhancement. However, specific figures for ROIC and free cash flow were not provided in the announcement. The company's earnings and cash flow growth rates in 2023 were impacted by charges related to its growth strategy and restructuring costs.
2023年,麥當勞公佈了強勁的財務業績,全球可比銷售額增長了9.0%,這得益於其 “加速拱門” 戰略的成功實施。在美國,可比銷售額增長了8.7%,這要歸因於戰略菜單價格上漲、有效的營銷促銷以及數字和送貨服務的增長。國際運營板塊的可比銷售額增長了9.2%,其中來自英國、德國和加拿大的重大貢獻。國際開發許可板塊的可比銷售額增長了9.4%,這表明所有地區的強勁表現。儘管未披露全系統銷售的具體財務數據,但全系統的銷售額,包括來自約50個市場的忠誠度計劃成員的銷售額,也爲公司的收入做出了貢獻。特許經營餐廳的業績進一步支撐了該公司的財務狀況,特許經營餐廳雖然不記作直接收入,但對於計算特許經營收入和反映加盟...展開全部
2023年,麥當勞公佈了強勁的財務業績,全球可比銷售額增長了9.0%,這得益於其 “加速拱門” 戰略的成功實施。在美國,可比銷售額增長了8.7%,這要歸因於戰略菜單價格上漲、有效的營銷促銷以及數字和送貨服務的增長。國際運營板塊的可比銷售額增長了9.2%,其中來自英國、德國和加拿大的重大貢獻。國際開發許可板塊的可比銷售額增長了9.4%,這表明所有地區的強勁表現。儘管未披露全系統銷售的具體財務數據,但全系統的銷售額,包括來自約50個市場的忠誠度計劃成員的銷售額,也爲公司的收入做出了貢獻。特許經營餐廳的業績進一步支撐了該公司的財務狀況,特許經營餐廳雖然不記作直接收入,但對於計算特許經營收入和反映加盟商基礎的財務狀況至關重要。麥當勞還監控稅後投資資本回報率(ROIC)和自由現金流等指標,以評估資本配置的有效性以及將淨利潤轉換爲現金資源以提高股東價值的能力。但是,公告中沒有提供投資回報率和自由現金流的具體數字。該公司2023年的收益和現金流增長率受到與其增長戰略和重組成本相關的費用的影響。


