
Kaival Brands Innovations | 10-K: FY2023 Annual Report

Kaival Brands Innovations | 10-K: FY2023 Annual Report

Kaival Brands Innovations | 10-K:2023財年年報
美股SEC公告 ·  02/15 00:54


Kaival Brands Innovations, a company specializing in the distribution of vaping products, has reported significant business developments and financial transactions in its latest annual report. The company has entered into a licensing agreement with PMPSA, granting exclusive rights to use its technology and intellectual property for disposable nicotine e-cigarettes in specified international markets. This agreement includes royalty payments to Kaival Brands based on product sales, with an initial term of five years and potential for automatic renewal. Additionally, Kaival Brands has acquired intellectual property assets from GoFire, Inc., consisting of patents related to vaporization technologies, in exchange for equity securities and contingent cash consideration. The company has also engaged in various financing activities, including loan agreements and the issuance...Show More
Kaival Brands Innovations, a company specializing in the distribution of vaping products, has reported significant business developments and financial transactions in its latest annual report. The company has entered into a licensing agreement with PMPSA, granting exclusive rights to use its technology and intellectual property for disposable nicotine e-cigarettes in specified international markets. This agreement includes royalty payments to Kaival Brands based on product sales, with an initial term of five years and potential for automatic renewal. Additionally, Kaival Brands has acquired intellectual property assets from GoFire, Inc., consisting of patents related to vaporization technologies, in exchange for equity securities and contingent cash consideration. The company has also engaged in various financing activities, including loan agreements and the issuance of common stock warrants as part of compensation and advisory services. Notably, the company has a concentration of revenue from a handful of key customers, with the top five customers accounting for a significant portion of sales. Kaival Brands has also reported on its lease agreements for office and storage space, including a new lease agreement with Just Pick, LLC for premises in Florida. The report outlines the company's related-party transactions, particularly with Bidi, a company owned by Kaival Brands' Chief Science and Regulatory Officer, which involves the purchase of products and payment of license fees.
Kaival Brands Innovations是一家專門銷售電子煙產品的公司,最新公佈的年度報告中有一些重大的業務發展和財務交易。該公司已經與PMPSA簽署了許可協議,授予指定國際市場上使用其一次性尼古丁電子煙技術和知識產權的獨家權利。該協議包括根據產品銷售額向Kaival Brands支付的版稅,初始期限爲五年,可自動續期。此外,Kaival Brands還通過交換股票和有條件的現金支付獲得了來自GoFire,Inc.的知識產權資產,其中包括與蒸發技術相關的專利。該公司還進行了各種融資活動,包括貸款協議和發行普通股認股權作爲薪酬和諮詢服務的一部分。值得注意的是,該公司有少數幾個關鍵客戶帶...展開全部
Kaival Brands Innovations是一家專門銷售電子煙產品的公司,最新公佈的年度報告中有一些重大的業務發展和財務交易。該公司已經與PMPSA簽署了許可協議,授予指定國際市場上使用其一次性尼古丁電子煙技術和知識產權的獨家權利。該協議包括根據產品銷售額向Kaival Brands支付的版稅,初始期限爲五年,可自動續期。此外,Kaival Brands還通過交換股票和有條件的現金支付獲得了來自GoFire,Inc.的知識產權資產,其中包括與蒸發技術相關的專利。該公司還進行了各種融資活動,包括貸款協議和發行普通股認股權作爲薪酬和諮詢服務的一部分。值得注意的是,該公司有少數幾個關鍵客戶帶來的營業收入佔據了相當大的比例,前五個客戶佔據了銷售的很大一部分。Kaival Brands還彙報了其辦公和儲藏空間的租賃協議,其中包括一項新的租賃協議,該協議與位於佛羅里達的Just Pick,LLC簽訂。該報告概述了公司的關聯交易,特別是與Bidi的關聯交易,Bidi是Kaival Brands的首席科學和監管官擁有的公司,該交易涉及產品購買和許可費的支付。


