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Riot Platforms | 10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report
Riot Platforms | 10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report
Riot Platforms | 10-Q:2024財年三季報
Riot Platforms reported Q3 2024 revenue of $84.8 million, up 63% from $51.9 million in Q3 2023, driven by higher Bitcoin prices averaging $61,133 per coin. Bitcoin Mining revenue increased 116% to $67.5 million, while Engineering revenue declined to $12.6 million. The company mined 1,104 Bitcoin during Q3, maintaining consistent production despite increased network difficulty and the April 2024 halving.The company significantly expanded its Bitcoin mining capacity, with total deployed hash rate reaching 28.2 EH/s as of September 30, 2024, a 159% increase year-over-year. Development of the Corsicana Facility continued with 300 MW of mining infrastructure deployed across three buildings, while a fourth 100 MW building remains under construction. The acquisition of Block Mining added 60 MW of operational capacity in Kentucky.Net loss for Q3 2024 was $154.4 million compared to $80.0 million in Q3 2023, impacted by increased operating costs and $38.1 million in unrealized losses on equity investments. The company maintained a strong financial position with $355.7 million in cash and $190.1 million in marketable securities as of quarter-end. Riot expects to achieve a total self-mining hash rate capacity of 34.9 EH/s by end of 2024.
Riot Platforms reported Q3 2024 revenue of $84.8 million, up 63% from $51.9 million in Q3 2023, driven by higher Bitcoin prices averaging $61,133 per coin. Bitcoin Mining revenue increased 116% to $67.5 million, while Engineering revenue declined to $12.6 million. The company mined 1,104 Bitcoin during Q3, maintaining consistent production despite increased network difficulty and the April 2024 halving.The company significantly expanded its Bitcoin mining capacity, with total deployed hash rate reaching 28.2 EH/s as of September 30, 2024, a 159% increase year-over-year. Development of the Corsicana Facility continued with 300 MW of mining infrastructure deployed across three buildings, while a fourth 100 MW building remains under construction. The acquisition of Block Mining added 60 MW of operational capacity in Kentucky.Net loss for Q3 2024 was $154.4 million compared to $80.0 million in Q3 2023, impacted by increased operating costs and $38.1 million in unrealized losses on equity investments. The company maintained a strong financial position with $355.7 million in cash and $190.1 million in marketable securities as of quarter-end. Riot expects to achieve a total self-mining hash rate capacity of 34.9 EH/s by end of 2024.
Riot Platforms報告2024年第三季度營業收入爲8480萬美元,比2023年第三季度的5190萬美元增長了63%,這一增長得益於比特幣價格的上升,平均每個比特幣的價格爲61133美元。比特幣挖礦的營業收入增加了116%,達到6750萬美元,而工程營業收入則下降至1260萬美元。該公司在第三季度挖掘了1104個比特幣,儘管網絡難度增加並在2024年4月經歷減半,仍保持了穩定的生產。截至2024年9月30日,公司大幅擴展了其比特幣挖礦能力,總部署的哈希率達到了28.2 EH/s,同比增長159%。Corsicana設施的開發工作持續進行,300 MW的挖礦製造行業已在三棟建築中部署,而...展開全部
Riot Platforms報告2024年第三季度營業收入爲8480萬美元,比2023年第三季度的5190萬美元增長了63%,這一增長得益於比特幣價格的上升,平均每個比特幣的價格爲61133美元。比特幣挖礦的營業收入增加了116%,達到6750萬美元,而工程營業收入則下降至1260萬美元。該公司在第三季度挖掘了1104個比特幣,儘管網絡難度增加並在2024年4月經歷減半,仍保持了穩定的生產。截至2024年9月30日,公司大幅擴展了其比特幣挖礦能力,總部署的哈希率達到了28.2 EH/s,同比增長159%。Corsicana設施的開發工作持續進行,300 MW的挖礦製造行業已在三棟建築中部署,而第四棟100 MW的建築仍在施工中。收購Block Mining增加了在肯塔基州的60 MW的運營能力。2024年第三季度的淨虧損爲15440萬美元,而2023年第三季度的淨虧損爲8000萬美元,受運營成本增加和對股權投資的3810萬美元的未實現損失的影響。公司在季度末保持了強勁的財務狀況,現金爲35570萬美元,市場證券爲19010萬美元。Riot預計到2024年底將實現總自挖哈希率能力達到34.9 EH/s。

財報季來臨,公司股價最易大升大跌,很多優秀的投資者會將財報季視為“大賺一筆”的好時機。 假設你現在持有某隻股票,該公司發佈財報後股價跳水,大跌10%,此時你會怎麼做? 短期波動不改長期增長邏輯,堅定持有 財報業績不及預期,馬上賣掉止盈止損 未來可能還要跌,賣掉之後反手做空 具體如何選擇?取決於我們是什麼類型的投資者,也
英偉達是近兩年美股中漲勢最好的科技巨頭之一,2024年以來股價更是經歷了顯著的增長,漲幅一度超過了兩倍。這樣的股價表現,首先在一定程度上反映了市場對其AI晶片地位的認可,還有對其前景的期待。 不過在今年1月底,受到DeepSeek低成本AI模型的衝擊,市場擔憂競爭格局發生變化,擔憂AI硬件的投資回報率會受影響,加上整體
又到了美股業績期。而巨頭公司的業績,不但會影響自己的股價,甚至還會影響整個美股市場的走勢,其中也可能蘊含著交易機會。 那麼,這些巨頭公司的業績該怎麼看呢?今天我們聚焦特斯拉,看看特斯拉的業績有哪些關鍵因素,可能會對股價帶來什麼明顯影響…… 1、銷量變化 首先,對新能源車企來說,最重要的觀察指標始終是總交付量, 或者說銷