
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/10/17 04:33


Coherent announced inducement grants to its new Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, Sherri R. Luther, effective October 11, 2024. The awards include two RSU grants: 15,902 shares vesting over three years and 63,154 shares vesting over two years, both subject to continued employment.Additionally, Luther received PSUs targeting 118,583 shares, with vesting tied to the company's total shareholder return through June 30, 2027. The PSU payout ranges from 0% to 200% based on performance percentile, with a 100% cap if absolute TSR is negative. Performance is measured against the S&P Composite 1500—Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components index.All awards include standard vesting provisions for termination and change in control scenarios, aligned with the company's Revised Executive Severance Plan. These grants were made as material inducement to Luther joining Coherent as CFO and Treasurer, in accordance with NYSE Rule 303A.08.
Coherent announced inducement grants to its new Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, Sherri R. Luther, effective October 11, 2024. The awards include two RSU grants: 15,902 shares vesting over three years and 63,154 shares vesting over two years, both subject to continued employment.Additionally, Luther received PSUs targeting 118,583 shares, with vesting tied to the company's total shareholder return through June 30, 2027. The PSU payout ranges from 0% to 200% based on performance percentile, with a 100% cap if absolute TSR is negative. Performance is measured against the S&P Composite 1500—Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components index.All awards include standard vesting provisions for termination and change in control scenarios, aligned with the company's Revised Executive Severance Plan. These grants were made as material inducement to Luther joining Coherent as CFO and Treasurer, in accordance with NYSE Rule 303A.08.
Coherent宣佈向其新任財務長兼財務主管Sherri R. Luther授予誘導性補償,生效日期爲2024年10月11日。獎勵包括兩個RSU授予:15,902股在三年內歸屬,63,154股在兩年內歸屬,均需持續僱傭。此外,Luther還獲得了以118,583股爲目標的PSU,其歸屬與公司截至2027年6月30日的總股東回報掛鉤。PSU的支付範圍從0%到200%,基於績效百分位,絕對TSR爲負時支付上限爲100%。績效是根據S&P Composite 1500—電子設備、儀器和元件指數進行評估。所有獎勵都包括針對終止和控制權變更情況的標準歸屬條款,與公司的修訂版高管離職計劃相一致。這些補償作爲Luther加入Coherent擔任財務長和財務主管的重要誘因,根據紐交所303A.08條規則進行授予。
Coherent宣佈向其新任財務長兼財務主管Sherri R. Luther授予誘導性補償,生效日期爲2024年10月11日。獎勵包括兩個RSU授予:15,902股在三年內歸屬,63,154股在兩年內歸屬,均需持續僱傭。此外,Luther還獲得了以118,583股爲目標的PSU,其歸屬與公司截至2027年6月30日的總股東回報掛鉤。PSU的支付範圍從0%到200%,基於績效百分位,絕對TSR爲負時支付上限爲100%。績效是根據S&P Composite 1500—電子設備、儀器和元件指數進行評估。所有獎勵都包括針對終止和控制權變更情況的標準歸屬條款,與公司的修訂版高管離職計劃相一致。這些補償作爲Luther加入Coherent擔任財務長和財務主管的重要誘因,根據紐交所303A.08條規則進行授予。


