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Zscaler | 10-K: FY2024 Annual Report
Zscaler | 10-K: FY2024 Annual Report
Zscaler | 10-K:2024財年年報
Zscaler delivered robust financial results for fiscal year 2024, with revenue increasing 34% year-over-year to $2.17 billion, up from $1.62 billion in FY2023. The company's net loss narrowed significantly to $57.7 million from $202.3 million in the previous year. Subscription and support revenue accounted for approximately 97% of total revenue, while maintaining a strong gross margin of 78%.The company continued to expand its global customer base, growing to over 8,650 customers across major industries, including approximately 35% of the Forbes Global 2000. International revenue remained strong, with markets outside the United States contributing about 50% of total revenue. The dollar-based net retention rate was 115%, reflecting successful customer expansion and upsell strategies.Looking ahead, Zscaler maintains a solid financial position with $2.41 billion in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments as of July 31, 2024. The company continues to invest significantly in research and development, which increased 43% to $499.8 million, focusing on enhancing its cloud platform capabilities and integrating artificial intelligence technologies. Zscaler's Zero Trust Exchange platform processed over 500 billion transactions daily across more than 160 data centers globally.
Zscaler delivered robust financial results for fiscal year 2024, with revenue increasing 34% year-over-year to $2.17 billion, up from $1.62 billion in FY2023. The company's net loss narrowed significantly to $57.7 million from $202.3 million in the previous year. Subscription and support revenue accounted for approximately 97% of total revenue, while maintaining a strong gross margin of 78%.The company continued to expand its global customer base, growing to over 8,650 customers across major industries, including approximately 35% of the Forbes Global 2000. International revenue remained strong, with markets outside the United States contributing about 50% of total revenue. The dollar-based net retention rate was 115%, reflecting successful customer expansion and upsell strategies.Looking ahead, Zscaler maintains a solid financial position with $2.41 billion in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments as of July 31, 2024. The company continues to invest significantly in research and development, which increased 43% to $499.8 million, focusing on enhancing its cloud platform capabilities and integrating artificial intelligence technologies. Zscaler's Zero Trust Exchange platform processed over 500 billion transactions daily across more than 160 data centers globally.
Zscaler在2024財年交出 robust 的財務業績,營業收入同比增長34%,達到$21.7億,較2023財年的$16.2億有所提升。公司的淨損失顯著縮窄,從上一年的$20230萬降至$5770萬。訂閱和支持收入佔總收入的約97%,同時保持強勁的毛利率爲78%。該公司繼續擴大其全球客戶基礎,客戶數量增長至超過8650個,涵蓋主要行業,包括約35%的福布斯全球2000強。國際收入保持強勁,來自美國以外市場的收入貢獻約佔總收入的50%。基於美元的淨留存率爲115%,反映出成功的客戶擴展和增售策略。展望未來,截至2024年7月31日,Zscaler保持穩健的財務狀況,現金、現金等價物和短期投資達$24.1億。該公司持續在研發方面進行重大投資,研發費用增長43%,達到$49980萬,重點提升其雲平台能力並整合人工智能技術。Zscaler的零信任交易所平台每天處理超過5000億筆交易,遍佈全球超過160個數據中心。
Zscaler在2024財年交出 robust 的財務業績,營業收入同比增長34%,達到$21.7億,較2023財年的$16.2億有所提升。公司的淨損失顯著縮窄,從上一年的$20230萬降至$5770萬。訂閱和支持收入佔總收入的約97%,同時保持強勁的毛利率爲78%。該公司繼續擴大其全球客戶基礎,客戶數量增長至超過8650個,涵蓋主要行業,包括約35%的福布斯全球2000強。國際收入保持強勁,來自美國以外市場的收入貢獻約佔總收入的50%。基於美元的淨留存率爲115%,反映出成功的客戶擴展和增售策略。展望未來,截至2024年7月31日,Zscaler保持穩健的財務狀況,現金、現金等價物和短期投資達$24.1億。該公司持續在研發方面進行重大投資,研發費用增長43%,達到$49980萬,重點提升其雲平台能力並整合人工智能技術。Zscaler的零信任交易所平台每天處理超過5000億筆交易,遍佈全球超過160個數據中心。
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