
Safe & Green Development | 8-K: Current report

Safe & Green Development | 8-K: Current report

Safe & Green Development | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  09/07 04:45
On August 30, 2024, Safe and Green Development Corporation ('Safe & Green') amended its Equity Line of Credit (ELOC) Purchase Agreement with Arena Business Solutions Global SPC II, LTD ('Arena Global'). The amendment modifies the commitment fee structure, now requiring Safe & Green to issue shares and warrants to Arena Global in two separate tranches. The first tranche includes 925,000 shares and warrants to purchase an additional 1,075,000 shares at $0.01 each. The second tranche's number of shares will be determined by the average share price preceding the three-month anniversary of the registration statement's effectiveness. Additional shares may be issued if the value of the commitment fee shares falls below certain thresholds. Furthermore, the amendment adjusts obligations regarding the registration of the resale of...Show More
On August 30, 2024, Safe and Green Development Corporation ('Safe & Green') amended its Equity Line of Credit (ELOC) Purchase Agreement with Arena Business Solutions Global SPC II, LTD ('Arena Global'). The amendment modifies the commitment fee structure, now requiring Safe & Green to issue shares and warrants to Arena Global in two separate tranches. The first tranche includes 925,000 shares and warrants to purchase an additional 1,075,000 shares at $0.01 each. The second tranche's number of shares will be determined by the average share price preceding the three-month anniversary of the registration statement's effectiveness. Additional shares may be issued if the value of the commitment fee shares falls below certain thresholds. Furthermore, the amendment adjusts obligations regarding the registration of the resale of shares. Separately, on September 2, 2024, Safe & Green entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Milk & Honey LLC to develop a storage unit facility on land in Palmview, Texas. Safe & Green will manage the joint venture, contribute $100,000, and cover costs related to land improvements and storage unit conversions. The company holds a 60% interest in the venture, with profits and losses shared equally with Milk & Honey. Decisions on borrowing, loans, and significant expenditures require mutual consent. In case of a deadlock, a buy-sell arrangement is stipulated. These agreements were disclosed in a Form 8-K filed with the SEC by Safe & Green's CFO, Nicolai Brune, on September 6, 2024.
2024年8月30日,安全綠色發展公司('安全綠色')修訂了與Arena Business Solutions Global SPC II,LTD('Arena Global')的股本貸款購買協議。修訂後的協議調整了承諾費用結構,現在要求安全綠色以兩個獨立的分期發行股份和權證給Arena Global。第一期包括925,000股股份和權證,可以以每股0.01美元的價格購買額外的1,075,000股股份。第二期的股份數量將由在註冊聲明有效期滿三個月紀念日之前的平均股價決定。如果承諾費用股份的價值低於某個閾值,可以發行額外的股份。此外,修訂還調整了關於轉售股份的註冊義務。另外,在2024年9月2日...展開全部
2024年8月30日,安全綠色發展公司('安全綠色')修訂了與Arena Business Solutions Global SPC II,LTD('Arena Global')的股本貸款購買協議。修訂後的協議調整了承諾費用結構,現在要求安全綠色以兩個獨立的分期發行股份和權證給Arena Global。第一期包括925,000股股份和權證,可以以每股0.01美元的價格購買額外的1,075,000股股份。第二期的股份數量將由在註冊聲明有效期滿三個月紀念日之前的平均股價決定。如果承諾費用股份的價值低於某個閾值,可以發行額外的股份。此外,修訂還調整了關於轉售股份的註冊義務。另外,在2024年9月2日,安全綠色與Milk & Honey LLC簽訂了一項合資協議,共同開發德克薩斯州Palmview的土地上的儲藏設施。安全綠色將管理該合資企業,投資10萬美元,並支付與土地改造和儲藏設施轉換相關的費用。該公司持有該創業公司60%的股權,利潤和損失由Milk & Honey平等分享。借款、貸款和重大支出的決策需互相同意。在出現僵局時,可以進行買賣安排。這些協議是安全綠色首席財務官Nicolai Brune於2024年9月6日在提交給美國證券交易委員會的8-k表中披露的。


