
海通证券:AI革命助力中国新旧动能转换 20年前的重估中国可能再现

HAITONG SEC: The AI revolution aids the transformation of old and new driving forces in China, with a possibility of a revaluation like 20 years ago.

Breakings ·  Mar 16 08:45

Xun Yugen, chief economist at HAITONG SEC, believes that a sharp decline in the US stock market often indicates problems in the US economy, making it hard for Global equity Assets to remain unaffected. The best scenario is a turbulent US stock market while both A-shares and Hong Kong stocks rise. If the AI revolution successfully helps China transform its old and new driving forces, Chinese Assets are expected to see a revaluation similar to that of 20 years ago. Xun Yugen stated that China is expected to leverage its large market and user base in the application of AI to provide fertile ground for innovative applications. The AI revolution will become an important force driving the transformation of old and new economic driving forces, with the future fields of AI applications, Semiconductors, and high-end manufacturing expected to see the emergence of more internationally influential Technology giants that might push Chinese Assets revaluation from grand narratives to reality.

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