
Asep Medical Featured in National Documentary

Asep Medical Featured in National Documentary

PR Newswire ·  08/02 03:00

Asep was selected to be a part of a special series titled Empowered, Hosted by Meg Ryan, focusing on science, technology and medicine leaders.

Asep被選爲一位特別系列節目Empowered的一員,由Meg Ryan主持,重點關注科學、技術和醫學領袖。

VANCOUVER, BC, Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Asep Medical Holdings Inc. ("Asep Inc." or the "Company") (CSE: ASEP) (OTCQB: SEPSF) (FSE: JJ8) is pleased to announce that its innovative sepsis diagnostic test will be getting national exposure in the US through a documentary series called Empowered, Hosted by Meg Ryan, now being aired on Public Television. The documentary, written and produced by Summit Studios of Boca Raton, FL, features interviews with Asep's Founder and CEO, Dr. Robert E. W. Hancock and Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Evan Haney. To view the documentary, click here.

2024年8月1日,卑詩省溫哥華/新華社——Asep Medical Holdings Inc. (以下簡稱“Asep公司”或“公司”)(CSE:ASEP)(OTCQB:SEPSF)(FSE:JJ8)很高興地宣佈,其創新的敗血症診斷測試將通過一部名爲Empowered的記錄片系列在美國得到全國性曝光,該記錄片由Summit Studios of Boca Raton,FL編寫和製作,由Meg Ryan主持,Asep的創始人兼首席執行官Dr. Robert E.W. Hancock和首席科學官Dr. Evan Haney接受了採訪。點擊此處查看記錄片。

In July of 2023, one of Asep's news releases announcing its groundbreaking AI-based technology for the rapid identification of sepsis caught the attention of the producers of the docuseries. Sepsis is a debilitating and severe disease that is responsible for one in five deaths worldwide1, and essentially all deaths from pandemic microbes like COVID-19. After a few meetings, the producers decided to bring the Asep story to its audience of over 60 million households in the US. The segment is distributed to over 170 Public Television stations in the US and will continue running for about a year.


"This is an exciting opportunity for us to help educate a large audience about the seriousness of sepsis and provide hope for a faster, more reliable diagnostic tool for emergency room teams worldwide," said Dr. Hancock. "Once our technology is FDA cleared, we expect to see our test kits widely distributed to hospitals across the US."


According to Dr. Evan Haney, Asep's CSO, "It is critical to identify sepsis as early as possible due to the 7.6% increased risk of death2 for every hour of delay in diagnosis and initiation of appropriate treatment. No conventional assay accurately predicts sepsis onset in the first hours after a patient enters the hospital. Our team has found that our test, called SepsetER, can help assess whether a patient will subsequently acquire sepsis in 9 out of 10 patients in the ICU, and 7 of 10 patients in the emergency department, based on analysis of company and published data."

據Asep公司的首席科學官Evan Haney博士介紹,儘早識別敗血症非常重要,因爲每診斷和開始適當治療的時間延遲一小時,死亡風險將增加7.6%2。 沒有一種傳統的檢測方法能夠準確預測病人入院後的前幾個小時內是否會發生敗血症。我們的團隊發現,我們的測試稱爲SepsetER,可以根據公司的數據和相關出版數據分析,幫助評估ICU中90%的患者和急診科中70%的患者是否會隨後感染敗血症。”

The technology was developed using an innovative team approach, including microbiologists and computer scientists at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. "We've harnessed the power of AI to identify a minimum number of genes involved in the immune dysfunction underlying sepsis and translated this discovery to an in vitro diagnostic assay that can accurately identify those patients at highest risk of progressing to sepsis and associated organ failure," said Dr. Hancock.


Chief Operating Officer Tim Murphy said, "We hope that current and prospective investors will take the time to tune in to PBS and learn a little more about our Company and the great work our scientific team is doing to tackle a global health crisis where every hour counts."

首席運營官Tim Murphy表示:“我們希望現有和潛在的投資者能抽出時間收看PBS(Public Broadcasting Service)並了解更多關於我們公司和我們的科學團隊爲解決全球衛生危機所做的出色工作。”

Asep Medical Holdings Inc.
( is dedicated to addressing the global issue of antibiotic failure by developing novel solutions for significant unmet medical needs in human medicine. The Company is a consolidation of three existing private companies, all with technology in advanced development — Sepset Biosciences Inc. (proprietary diagnostic tools to enable the early and timely identification of sepsis), ABT Innovations Inc. (broad-spectrum therapeutic agents to address multi-drug resistant biofilm infections), and SafeCoat Medical Inc. (an antimicrobial peptide, anti-fouling medical device coating technology).

關於Asep Medical Holdings Inc。
Asep Medical Holdings Inc. (致力於通過爲人類醫學領域中重要的未滿足醫學需求開發新的解決方案,解決抗生素失效的全球性問題。該公司整合了三家現有的私人公司,所有這些公司都有先進的技術——Sepset Biosciences Inc.(用於啓用早期和及時診斷敗血症的專有診斷工具),ABt Innovations Inc.(用於應對多重耐藥生物膜感染的廣譜治療劑)和SafeCoat Medical Inc.(一種抗微生物肽,防污醫療器械塗層技術)。

Sepset Biosciences Inc. ( is developing a diagnostic technology that involves a patient gene expression signature that helps assess the development of severe sepsis, one of the significant diseases leading to antibiotic failure, since antibiotics are the primary treatment for sepsis. Sepsis was responsible for nearly 20% of all deaths on the planet in 2017 and essentially all deaths due to COVID-19 and other pandemics. The SepsetER test is a blood-based gene expression assay that is straightforward to implement, and results are obtained about an hour after taking a blood sample in the emergency room or intensive care unit. This proprietary diagnostic technology differs from current diagnostic tests, enabling the risk assessment for progression to severe sepsis within 60 minutes of initiating the test. Bacterial culture, the gold standard, provides a diagnosis after ~15 hours but can be as long as three days. Asep Inc. believes its test will enable physicians to make critical early decisions regarding appropriate therapies and thus reduce overall morbidity and mortality due to sepsis.

Sepset Biosciences Inc. (正在開發一種診斷技術,該技術涉及患者基因表達譜,有助於評估發展爲嚴重敗血症的情況,其中敗血症是導致抗生素失效的重大疾病之一,因爲抗生素是敗血症的主要治療方法。統計數據顯示,敗血症負責全球2017年接近20%的死亡,並幾乎是COVID-19和其他流行病的所有死亡原因。 SepsetER測試是一種基於血液基因表達的診斷方法,可在急診室或重症監護室取血樣本後一小時內獲得結果。該專有的診斷技術不同於當前的診斷測試,可在啓動測試後60分鐘內進行嚴重敗血症進展的風險評估。細菌培養是診斷的金標準,在約15小時後(但最多可長達三天)提供診斷結果。Asep公司認爲其測試將使醫生能夠就適當的治療作出關鍵的早期決策,從而減少敗血症導致的整體發病率和死亡率。

ABT Innovations Inc.'s ( peptide technology covers a broad range of therapeutic applications, including bacterial biofilm infections (medical device infections, chronic infections, lung, bladder, wound, dental, skin, ear-nose and throat, sinusitis, orthopaedic, etc.), anti-inflammatories, anti-infective immune-modulators and vaccine adjuvants. The company is in the pre-clinical development phase with promising data.

ABt Innovations Inc. 的(肽技術涵蓋了廣泛的治療應用,包括細菌生物膜感染(醫療器械感染、慢性感染、肺、膀胱、傷口、口腔、皮膚、耳鼻喉、鼻竇炎、骨科等)、抗炎、抗感染的免疫調節劑以及疫苗佐劑。該公司處於臨床前開發階段,數據表現出色。

SafeCoat Medical Inc.'s ( technology incorporates self-assembling biocompatible polymers combined with conjugated antimicrobial peptides and applied to virtually any surface as stable antimicrobial and/or anti-fouling coatings. Of particular interest is the application of this versatile antimicrobial coating to various medical devices and implants that often become contaminated with biofilm infections. SafeCoat is optimizing methods to manufacture and apply these anti-bacterial coatings to a host of surfaces and can tailor the composition of the coating and associated peptide sequences for any desired application.

SafeCoat Medical Inc.(的技術結合了自組裝生物兼容性聚合物和共軛抗微生物肽,塗覆到表面,作爲穩定的殺菌劑和/或防污塗層。特別值得關注的是將這種多功能抗菌塗層應用於各種醫療器械和植入物,這些醫療器械和植入物經常被生物膜感染污染。SafeCoat正在優化製造和應用這些抗細菌塗層的方法,並可以爲所需的應用程序定製塗層的成分和相關肽序列。

This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of such statements under applicable securities law. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as "anticipates," "plan," "continue," "expect," "project," "intend," "believe," "anticipate," "estimate," "may," "will," "potential," "proposed," "positioned" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. These statements include but are not limited to the successful clinical testing of our Sepsis in vitro diagnostic test and its intended filing for regulatory market authorization; the Company not receiving regulatory market authorization as planned or at all; the undertaking of pre-clinical studies on our lead therapeutic, with the expectation that this will lead to fast-track clinical trials; the timeframe for identification of sepsis with the company's products; the potential opportunities for the generation of revenue; the therapeutic benefits of the company's products; and other statements regarding the company's proposed business plans. Various assumptions were used in drawing conclusions or making the predictions contained in the forward-looking statements throughout this news release. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks including the risk that the company's products may not perform as expected; that the company may not receive the requisite regulatory market authorization or results of testing; the Company's testing of the products may not be successful and market authorization may not be obtained in the estimated timelines or at all; the company may not be able to generate revenue from its products as expected or at all; the market for the company's products may not be as described in this news release; and various other risk factors identified in the Asep Medical Inc.'s prospectus dated November 9, 2021, and in the company's management discussion and analysis, available for review under the Company's profile at and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Asep Medical Inc. is under no obligation and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable law.

前瞻性聲明 —
本新聞發佈包含根據適用證券法律定義下的某些“前瞻性聲明”。前瞻性聲明常以“預計”、“規劃”、“持續”、“預期”、“項目”、“打算”、“信任”、“預顯”、“估計”、“可能”、“將”、“潛在”、“擬議”、“定位”等類似詞彙或是聲稱某些事件或條件“可能”或“將要”發生的陳述爲特徵。此類聲明包括但不限於成功完成我們敗血性感染體外診斷試驗,並計劃爲其申請市場監管授權;公司未按計劃或根本未獲得市場監管授權;對我們的首席治療進行臨床前研究,預計該舉措將帶來快速臨床試驗;公司產品能夠在何時間隔內確定敗血性感染;公司產品產生營業收入的潛在機會;公司產品的治療效益;和其它關於公司擬議業務計劃的聲明。本新聞發佈中所包含的前瞻性聲明在得出結論或作出預測時使用了各種假設。前瞻性聲明基於管理層的意見和估計,在聲明發布日期時作出,並且受到各種風險的影響,包括公司產品可能不能按預期表現;公司可能無法獲得必要的監管市場授權或試驗結果;公司產品的測試可能不成功,並且監管市場授權可能不能在所估計的時間內獲得,或根本不能獲得;公司可能無法按預期或根本無法從其產品中產生收入;公司產品的市場可能與本新聞發佈描述的不同,並且可能存在於Asep Medical Inc.於2021年11月9日公佈的招股說明書及公司管理層討論與分析文件中所鑑別的各種其他風險因素和不確定性因素和其它因素,這些因素可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性聲明所預測的結果大不相同。Asep Medical Inc.無義務且明確聲明不打算或不承諾更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明,除非適用法律明確要求。

2 Kumar, A. et al. Duration of hypotension before initiation of effective antimicrobial therapy is the critical determinant of survival in human septic shock. Crit Care Med 34, 1589–1596 (2006).

2 Kumar, A.等人所著的《人體敗血性休克中有效抗菌治療使用前低血壓的持續時間是生存的關鍵決定》一文中提到。

SOURCE ASEP Medical Holdings Inc.

來源:ASEP Medical Holdings Inc。

