
MedX Health Corp. Consulting with Medical Advisory Boards Across North America

MedX Health Corp. Consulting with Medical Advisory Boards Across North America

MedX Health Corp.與北美各地的醫療顧問委員會進行諮詢
Businesswire ·  2021/11/22 13:40

Panels of dermatologists convened to explore clinical applications of SIAscopy® and DermSecure® technology

皮膚科專家小組召開會議,探討該技術在臨牀上的應用。SIA鏡術®和DermSecure® 技術

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--$MDX #SkinCancer--MedX Health Corp. ("MedX" or the "Company") (TSXV: MDX) recently convened Medical Advisory Boards of leading dermatologists across Canada and the United States to explore clinical application opportunities for its image capture technology, SIAscopy® and patient management system, DermSecure®.

安大略省密西索加--(美國商業新聞網)--$MDX#皮膚癌--MedX Health Corp.(“MedX”或“公司”)(TSXV: MDX)最近召集了加拿大和美國的領先皮膚科醫生組成的醫療顧問委員會,探索其圖像捕獲技術SIAscope的臨牀應用機會®和患者管理系統,DermSecure®.

Summarized findings from both advisory boards will help validate the technological uses and benefits of SIAscopy® in clinical practice, particularly as a triage tool for dermatological assessment of suspicious moles and lesions. The Medical Advisory Boards' recommendations will be compiled and published in the coming months through separate publication pertaining to the Canadian and U.S. markets.


"This technology has the potential to save many lives as an effective triage tool," said Dr. Daniel Siegel, Chair of the U.S.-based Medical Advisory Board. "Scanning more at-risk patients in easy to access locations will provide greater early detection of cancerous and pre-cancerous lesions, providing better patient outcomes while lowering overall healthcare costs. MedX's DermSecure® platform offers a very complete teledermatology solution – with their unique imaging technology, they can provide dermatologists with high resolution images of pigmented lesions for evaluation along with multispectral images that enhance diagnostic accuracy. Until now, most teledermatology offerings could not provide high quality images of potentially deadly melanomas to dermatologists for assessment. This is truly an industry gamechanger."

美國醫學諮詢委員會主席Daniel Siegel博士説:“作為一種有效的分診工具,這項技術有可能拯救許多人的生命。”在容易接近的地方掃描更多的高危患者將提供更早的癌症和癌前病變檢測,在降低整體醫療成本的同時提供更好的患者結果。MedX的DermSecure®該平臺提供了非常完整的遠程皮膚病解決方案-憑藉其獨特的成像技術,他們可以為皮膚科醫生提供用於評估的色素病變的高分辨率圖像以及可提高診斷準確性的多光譜圖像。到目前為止,大多數遠程皮膚科產品都不能為皮膚科醫生提供高質量的潛在致命黑色素瘤的圖像以供評估。這是一個真正的行業遊戲改變者。“

Dr. Charles Lynde, Chair of the Canadian-based Medical Advisory Board, said, "This technology shows tremendous promise for positively impacting patient care, particularly as a tool for patients and clinicians seeking second opinions. Because of the quality of SIAscopy's® high resolution images, we're also interested in its potential for assessing a wide range of additional skin conditions."


A similar Medical Advisory Board consultation process is also underway in the United Kingdom, which will be shortly followed by the formation of a European-based Medical Advisory Board.


MedX's SIAscopy® is the only technology on the market that captures five high resolution images, including four spectrophotometric images 2mm below the skin's surface, enabling dermatological assessment of suspicious moles and lesions in a pain-free, non-invasive manner. Combined with MedX's DermSecure® Screening Platform – its secure, cloud-based patient management system – these high resolution images are transmitted safely and securely for virtual dermatological assessment by a certified dermatologist within just 72 hours, compared to a wait time of five months to one year for traditional dermatological assessment.

MedX公司的SIA型內窺鏡檢查®該產品是市場上唯一一項能夠捕捉5幅高分辨率圖像的技術,其中包括4幅位於皮膚表面2 mm以下的分光光度計圖像,從而可以無痛、非侵入性地對可疑痣和皮損進行皮膚學評估。與MedX的DermSecure相結合®其安全、基於雲的患者管理系統-篩查平臺-這些高分辨率圖像可在72小時內安全可靠地傳輸,由認證皮膚科醫生進行虛擬皮膚病評估,而傳統皮膚病評估需要5個月至一年的等待時間。

About MedX:


MedX, headquartered in Ontario, Canada, is a leading medical device and software company focused on skin health with its SIAscopy® on DermSecure® telemedicine platform, utilizing its SIAscopy® technology. SIAscopy® is also embedded in its products SIAMETRICS®, SIMSYS®, and MoleMate®, which MedX manufactures in its ISO 13485-certified facility. SIAMETRICS®, SIMSYS®, and MoleMate® include hand-held devices that use patented technology utilizing light and its remittance to view up to 2 mm beneath suspicious moles and lesions in a pain-free, non-invasive manner, with its software then creating real-time images for physicians and dermatologists to evaluate all types of moles or lesions within seconds. These products are approved by Health Canada, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Therapeutic Goods Administration and Conformité Européenne for use in Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, the European Union, Brazil and Turkey. Visit


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Bill Mitoulas, Investor Relations
MedX Health Corp.

比爾·米圖拉斯(Bill Mitoulas),投資者關係部
MedX Health Corp.


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