
424B2: Prospectus

424B2: Prospectus

美股SEC公告 ·  03/14 17:34


Bank of Montreal announced the issuance of additional MicroSectors FANG+ 3x Leveraged Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) with an aggregate principal amount of $125 million. The additional ETNs will be consolidated with and form a single tranche with the original ETNs, bringing the total outstanding principal amount to $287.5 million.The additional ETNs, trading under ticker FNGB, are expected to settle on March 14, 2025. The ETNs provide three times leveraged exposure to the NYSE FANG+ Index performance on a daily basis, before fees and charges. BMO Capital Markets will receive proceeds equal to 100% of the price at which the ETNs are sold to the public, less commissions.The ETNs are designed as short-term trading tools for sophisticated investors to manage daily trading risks, not as buy-and-hold investments. They are subject to risks including leverage reset daily, decay effect over time, and potential loss of principal. The ETNs will mature on February 17, 2045, unless called earlier by the issuer.
Bank of Montreal announced the issuance of additional MicroSectors FANG+ 3x Leveraged Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) with an aggregate principal amount of $125 million. The additional ETNs will be consolidated with and form a single tranche with the original ETNs, bringing the total outstanding principal amount to $287.5 million.The additional ETNs, trading under ticker FNGB, are expected to settle on March 14, 2025. The ETNs provide three times leveraged exposure to the NYSE FANG+ Index performance on a daily basis, before fees and charges. BMO Capital Markets will receive proceeds equal to 100% of the price at which the ETNs are sold to the public, less commissions.The ETNs are designed as short-term trading tools for sophisticated investors to manage daily trading risks, not as buy-and-hold investments. They are subject to risks including leverage reset daily, decay effect over time, and potential loss of principal. The ETNs will mature on February 17, 2045, unless called earlier by the issuer.
蒙特利爾銀行宣佈發行額外的MicroSectors FANG+ 3倍槓桿交易所交易票據(ETNs),總本金金額爲12500萬美元。這些額外的ETNs將與原始ETNs合併,形成一個單一的分段,使總未償本金金額達到28750萬美元。額外的ETNs將在逐筆明細FNGB下交易,預計在2025年3月14日結算。這些ETNs提供每日三倍槓桿的NYSE FANG+指數表現暴露,費用和收費前。BMO 資本市場將獲得相當於ETNs對公衆銷售價格100%的收益,扣除佣金。這些ETNs旨在作爲短期交易工具,供成熟投資者管理每日交易風險,而不是作爲持有投資。它們面臨包括每日槓桿重置、隨時間衰減效果和潛在本金損失在內的風險。這些ETNs將於2045年2月17日到期,除非發行人提前叫回。
蒙特利爾銀行宣佈發行額外的MicroSectors FANG+ 3倍槓桿交易所交易票據(ETNs),總本金金額爲12500萬美元。這些額外的ETNs將與原始ETNs合併,形成一個單一的分段,使總未償本金金額達到28750萬美元。額外的ETNs將在逐筆明細FNGB下交易,預計在2025年3月14日結算。這些ETNs提供每日三倍槓桿的NYSE FANG+指數表現暴露,費用和收費前。BMO 資本市場將獲得相當於ETNs對公衆銷售價格100%的收益,扣除佣金。這些ETNs旨在作爲短期交易工具,供成熟投資者管理每日交易風險,而不是作爲持有投資。它們面臨包括每日槓桿重置、隨時間衰減效果和潛在本金損失在內的風險。這些ETNs將於2045年2月17日到期,除非發行人提前叫回。



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