
Amer Sports | SCHEDULE 13D/A: Others

Amer Sports | SCHEDULE 13D/A: Others

亞瑪芬體育 | SCHEDULE 13D/A:其他
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/12/21 05:37


FountainVest China Capital Partners GP3 Ltd. and its affiliates have disclosed a 12.6% stake in Amer Sports, Inc. following the company's recent follow-on offering. The disclosure, made in an amended Schedule 13D filing on December 20, 2024, reveals ownership of 69,099,348 ordinary shares.The stake was diluted from previous levels due to Amer Sports issuing 40,800,000 new ordinary shares in its follow-on offering on December 5, 2024. Baseball Investment Limited and Baseball Investment II Limited, both affiliated with FountainVest, entered into 90-day lock-up agreements with the offering's underwriters, restricting their ability to sell or transfer shares.The filing provides details on voting power and share dispositions for each reporting entity, with Baseball Investment Limited holding the largest portion at 11.2% of outstanding shares. The disclosure is based on 546,359,667 total outstanding ordinary shares following the follow-on offering.
FountainVest China Capital Partners GP3 Ltd. and its affiliates have disclosed a 12.6% stake in Amer Sports, Inc. following the company's recent follow-on offering. The disclosure, made in an amended Schedule 13D filing on December 20, 2024, reveals ownership of 69,099,348 ordinary shares.The stake was diluted from previous levels due to Amer Sports issuing 40,800,000 new ordinary shares in its follow-on offering on December 5, 2024. Baseball Investment Limited and Baseball Investment II Limited, both affiliated with FountainVest, entered into 90-day lock-up agreements with the offering's underwriters, restricting their ability to sell or transfer shares.The filing provides details on voting power and share dispositions for each reporting entity, with Baseball Investment Limited holding the largest portion at 11.2% of outstanding shares. The disclosure is based on 546,359,667 total outstanding ordinary shares following the follow-on offering.
FountainVest中國資本合作伙伴GP3有限公司及其附屬機構披露了在亞瑪芬體育公司的12.6%的股權,後者最近進行了增發。該披露於2024年12月20日的修訂第13D表格中公佈,顯示其擁有69,099,348股普通股。由於亞瑪芬體育在2024年12月5日的增發中發行了40,800,000股新普通股,該股權從之前的水平被稀釋。與FountainVest關聯的Baseball Investment Limited和Baseball Investment II Limited與承銷商簽訂了90天的鎖定協議,限制其出售或轉讓股票的能力。該文件提供了每個報告實體的投票權和股票處置的詳細信息,其中Baseball Investment Limited持有最大部分,達到11.2%的流通股份。該披露是基於增發後總計546,359,667股普通股份。
FountainVest中國資本合作伙伴GP3有限公司及其附屬機構披露了在亞瑪芬體育公司的12.6%的股權,後者最近進行了增發。該披露於2024年12月20日的修訂第13D表格中公佈,顯示其擁有69,099,348股普通股。由於亞瑪芬體育在2024年12月5日的增發中發行了40,800,000股新普通股,該股權從之前的水平被稀釋。與FountainVest關聯的Baseball Investment Limited和Baseball Investment II Limited與承銷商簽訂了90天的鎖定協議,限制其出售或轉讓股票的能力。該文件提供了每個報告實體的投票權和股票處置的詳細信息,其中Baseball Investment Limited持有最大部分,達到11.2%的流通股份。該披露是基於增發後總計546,359,667股普通股份。


