
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/11/22 21:06


On November 8, 2024, Nukkleus entered into a securities purchase agreement with NUKK TRACKER NOTES - CH1108678926 / 23714, series of notes (Series 24) issued by ProETP DAC. The company sold 138,556 shares of common stock at $1.7765 per share, generating aggregate gross proceeds of $246,145.The transaction was conducted as an unregistered sale of equity securities to a single accredited investor, relying on exemptions under Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Rule 506 of Regulation D. The stock transfer was restricted in accordance with Securities Act requirements, with no advertising or general solicitation employed in the offering.
On November 8, 2024, Nukkleus entered into a securities purchase agreement with NUKK TRACKER NOTES - CH1108678926 / 23714, series of notes (Series 24) issued by ProETP DAC. The company sold 138,556 shares of common stock at $1.7765 per share, generating aggregate gross proceeds of $246,145.The transaction was conducted as an unregistered sale of equity securities to a single accredited investor, relying on exemptions under Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Rule 506 of Regulation D. The stock transfer was restricted in accordance with Securities Act requirements, with no advertising or general solicitation employed in the offering.
在2024年11月8日,Nukkleus與NUKk TRACKER NOTES - CH1108678926 / 23714簽訂了一份證券購買協議,該協議涉及由ProETP DAC發行的一系列票據(第24系列)。公司以每股1.7765美元的價格出售了138,556股普通股,累計籌集了246,145美元的總收入。該交易作爲對單一合格投資者的未註冊股權證券銷售進行,依賴於證券法第4(a)(2)節和D規則506的豁免。股票轉倉按照證券法的要求受到限制,且在提供過程中未進行任何廣告或一般招攬。
在2024年11月8日,Nukkleus與NUKk TRACKER NOTES - CH1108678926 / 23714簽訂了一份證券購買協議,該協議涉及由ProETP DAC發行的一系列票據(第24系列)。公司以每股1.7765美元的價格出售了138,556股普通股,累計籌集了246,145美元的總收入。該交易作爲對單一合格投資者的未註冊股權證券銷售進行,依賴於證券法第4(a)(2)節和D規則506的豁免。股票轉倉按照證券法的要求受到限制,且在提供過程中未進行任何廣告或一般招攬。


