
In8bio | 10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report

In8bio | 10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report

In8bio | 10-Q:2024財年三季報
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/11/13 05:40


In8bio, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, reported its financial performance for the quarter ending September 30, 2024. The company recognized a total lease cost of $662,000 for the quarter, a slight decrease from $697,000 in the same period the previous year. The lease costs included amortization of finance right-of-use assets, interest on finance lease liabilities, operating lease cost, short-term lease cost, and variable lease cost. The company's cash paid for lease liabilities amounted to $85,000 for finance leases and $1,010,000 for operating leases. The weighted-average remaining lease term stood at 1.59 years for finance leases and 3.88 years for operating leases, with weighted-average discount rates of 11.4% and 12.8%, respectively. In8bio also completed a private placement in October 2024, raising net proceeds of $11.6 million after fees and...Show More
In8bio, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, reported its financial performance for the quarter ending September 30, 2024. The company recognized a total lease cost of $662,000 for the quarter, a slight decrease from $697,000 in the same period the previous year. The lease costs included amortization of finance right-of-use assets, interest on finance lease liabilities, operating lease cost, short-term lease cost, and variable lease cost. The company's cash paid for lease liabilities amounted to $85,000 for finance leases and $1,010,000 for operating leases. The weighted-average remaining lease term stood at 1.59 years for finance leases and 3.88 years for operating leases, with weighted-average discount rates of 11.4% and 12.8%, respectively. In8bio also completed a private placement in October 2024, raising net proceeds of $11.6 million after fees and expenses. This funding is expected to support operations through December 2025, despite ongoing concerns about the company's ability to continue as a going concern. In8bio's business development has been focused on its DeltEx platform, advancing gamma-delta T cell product candidates for cancer treatment. The company has reported encouraging data from its INB-100 trial for high-risk leukemias and is expanding patient enrollment. However, In8bio suspended further enrollment in its Phase 2 trial of INB-400 for glioblastoma treatment to explore partnership opportunities. Future plans include seeking strategic collaborations for its preclinical assets and advancing its product candidates through clinical trials.
In8bio是一家臨床階段的生物製藥公司,報告了截至2024年9月30日的季度財務表現。公司在本季度確認的總租賃成本爲662,000美元,較去年同期的697,000美元略有下降。租賃成本包括融資使用權資產的攤銷、融資租賃負債的利息、營業租賃成本、短期租賃成本和變量租賃成本。公司支付的租賃負債現金爲融資租賃85,000美元和營業租賃1,010,000美元。融資租賃的加權平均剩餘租賃期限爲1.59年,營業租賃爲3.88年,加權平均折現率分別爲11.4%和12.8%。In8bio還在2024年10月完成了一次定向增發,扣除費用和支出後籌集淨收益1160萬。這筆資金預計將支持運營至2025年12月,儘管對公司能否繼續運營的擔憂依然存在。In8bio的業務發展主要集中在其DeltEx平台,推進用於癌症治療的伽馬-δ t 電芯產品候選。公司報告其INb-100試驗在高風險白血病中的數據令人鼓舞,並正在擴大患者入組。然而,In8bio暫停了其INb-400治療膠質瘤的第二階段試驗的進一步入組,以探索合作機會。未來計劃包括尋求對其臨床前資產的戰略合作以及通過臨床試驗推進其產品候選。


