
Femasys | 10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report

Femasys | 10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report

Femasys | 10-Q:2024財年三季報
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/11/12 14:34


Femasys Inc. reported Q3 2024 revenue of $554,908, up 127% YoY, driven by initial commercial sales of FemaSeed infertility treatment and increased FemVue sales. The quarter marked the first U.S. and international sales of FemaSeed following FDA clearance in September 2023, with strategic distribution partnerships established in Spain expected to generate over $1.3 million in the next year.Operating expenses increased 29.3% to $5.48 million, primarily due to a $1.5 million rise in sales and marketing costs as the company built out its commercial team. R&D expenses grew 11.1% to $2.3 million focused on advancing the FemBloc permanent birth control pivotal trial. Net loss widened to $5.41 million from $4.0 million last year.The company ended Q3 with $7.61 million in cash and cash equivalents, which management expects will fund operations into July 2025. However, Femasys indicated substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern beyond 12 months without additional financing. The company is exploring various funding options while advancing commercialization of FemaSeed and clinical development of FemBloc.
Femasys Inc. reported Q3 2024 revenue of $554,908, up 127% YoY, driven by initial commercial sales of FemaSeed infertility treatment and increased FemVue sales. The quarter marked the first U.S. and international sales of FemaSeed following FDA clearance in September 2023, with strategic distribution partnerships established in Spain expected to generate over $1.3 million in the next year.Operating expenses increased 29.3% to $5.48 million, primarily due to a $1.5 million rise in sales and marketing costs as the company built out its commercial team. R&D expenses grew 11.1% to $2.3 million focused on advancing the FemBloc permanent birth control pivotal trial. Net loss widened to $5.41 million from $4.0 million last year.The company ended Q3 with $7.61 million in cash and cash equivalents, which management expects will fund operations into July 2025. However, Femasys indicated substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern beyond 12 months without additional financing. The company is exploring various funding options while advancing commercialization of FemaSeed and clinical development of FemBloc.
Femasys Inc. 報告顯示,2024年第三季度營業收入爲554,908美元,同比增加127%,主要得益於FemaSeed不孕治療的初步商業銷售和FemVue銷售的增長。本季度標誌着FemaSeed在2023年9月獲得FDA批准後的首次美國和國際銷售,預計在西班牙建立的戰略分銷合作伙伴關係將在接下來的一年內產生超過130萬的收益。營業費用增長了29.3%,達到548萬,主要由於公司建設其商業團隊導致銷售和營銷成本上升150萬。研發費用增長了11.1%,達到230萬,主要集中於推進FemBloc永久性避孕的關鍵試驗。淨虧損從去年的400萬擴大至541萬。公司在第三季度末擁有761萬的現金及現金等價物,管理層預計這將爲運營提供資金,直到2025年7月。然而,Femasys對在沒有額外融資的情況下是否能夠持續運營超過12個月表示了重大懷疑。公司正在探索各種融資期權,同時推進FemaSeed的商業化和FemBloc的臨牀開發。
Femasys Inc. 報告顯示,2024年第三季度營業收入爲554,908美元,同比增加127%,主要得益於FemaSeed不孕治療的初步商業銷售和FemVue銷售的增長。本季度標誌着FemaSeed在2023年9月獲得FDA批准後的首次美國和國際銷售,預計在西班牙建立的戰略分銷合作伙伴關係將在接下來的一年內產生超過130萬的收益。營業費用增長了29.3%,達到548萬,主要由於公司建設其商業團隊導致銷售和營銷成本上升150萬。研發費用增長了11.1%,達到230萬,主要集中於推進FemBloc永久性避孕的關鍵試驗。淨虧損從去年的400萬擴大至541萬。公司在第三季度末擁有761萬的現金及現金等價物,管理層預計這將爲運營提供資金,直到2025年7月。然而,Femasys對在沒有額外融資的情況下是否能夠持續運營超過12個月表示了重大懷疑。公司正在探索各種融資期權,同時推進FemaSeed的商業化和FemBloc的臨牀開發。



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