
Chevron | SD: Specialized disclosure report

Chevron | SD: Specialized disclosure report

雪佛龍 | SD:專項披露公告
美股SEC公告 ·  09/25 00:56


Chevron Corporation has submitted its annual Specialized Disclosure Report (Form SD) to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, detailing payments made to governments for the commercial development of oil, natural gas, or minerals for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The report, in compliance with the Resource Extraction Payment Rules, includes payments made by Chevron and its consolidated subsidiaries. Payments reported in U.S. dollars, with foreign currency payments converted at the time of payment, cover taxes, royalties, fees, production entitlements, and bonuses, but exclude dividends and infrastructure payments. The report also notes that certain payments related to exploratory activities and payments from the recently acquired PDC Energy, Inc. will be disclosed in the next fiscal year's report. The report's Exhibit 99.1 provides a detailed breakdown of payments by country and project, with significant payments made in countries such as Angola, Argentina, Australia, and Nigeria, among others.
Chevron Corporation has submitted its annual Specialized Disclosure Report (Form SD) to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, detailing payments made to governments for the commercial development of oil, natural gas, or minerals for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The report, in compliance with the Resource Extraction Payment Rules, includes payments made by Chevron and its consolidated subsidiaries. Payments reported in U.S. dollars, with foreign currency payments converted at the time of payment, cover taxes, royalties, fees, production entitlements, and bonuses, but exclude dividends and infrastructure payments. The report also notes that certain payments related to exploratory activities and payments from the recently acquired PDC Energy, Inc. will be disclosed in the next fiscal year's report. The report's Exhibit 99.1 provides a detailed breakdown of payments by country and project, with significant payments made in countries such as Angola, Argentina, Australia, and Nigeria, among others.
雪佛龍公司已向美國證券交易委員會提交了其年度專門披露報告(Form SD),詳細說明截至2023年12月31日財政年度結束時向政府支付的用於商業開發石油、天然氣或礦產的款項。該報告符合資源開採支付規則,包括雪佛龍及其合併子公司支付的款項。報告以美元報告支付,外幣支付在支付時進行兌換,支付範圍包括稅款、皇家權利金、費用、生產權益和獎金,但不包括分紅和基礎設施款項。報告還指出,與勘探活動相關的某些支付以及最近收購的PDC Energy, Inc.的支付將在下一個財政年度的報告中披露。報告的附件99.1詳細列出了按國家和項目劃分的支付細目,重要支付地點包括安哥拉、阿根廷、澳洲和尼日利亞等國家。
雪佛龍公司已向美國證券交易委員會提交了其年度專門披露報告(Form SD),詳細說明截至2023年12月31日財政年度結束時向政府支付的用於商業開發石油、天然氣或礦產的款項。該報告符合資源開採支付規則,包括雪佛龍及其合併子公司支付的款項。報告以美元報告支付,外幣支付在支付時進行兌換,支付範圍包括稅款、皇家權利金、費用、生產權益和獎金,但不包括分紅和基礎設施款項。報告還指出,與勘探活動相關的某些支付以及最近收購的PDC Energy, Inc.的支付將在下一個財政年度的報告中披露。報告的附件99.1詳細列出了按國家和項目劃分的支付細目,重要支付地點包括安哥拉、阿根廷、澳洲和尼日利亞等國家。


