
Fortinet | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

Fortinet | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

飛塔信息 | 10-Q:2024財年二季報
美股SEC公告 ·  08/09 04:21
Fortinet, a global leader in cybersecurity, reported an 11% increase in total revenue to $1.43 billion for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to $1.29 billion in the same period last year. The company's six-month revenue also rose by 9% to $2.79 billion. Despite a decrease in product revenue by 4% and 12% for the three and six months respectively, service revenue saw a significant increase of 20% and 22% for the same periods. Operating income surged by 57% to $437.2 million for the quarter and by 37% to $758.4 million for the six months, with operating margins expanding to 30.5% and 27.2% respectively. Geographically, revenue growth was reported across all regions with the Americas and EMEA contributing the most. Fortinet's gross margin improved, driven by a shift in revenue mix towards higher...Show More
Fortinet, a global leader in cybersecurity, reported an 11% increase in total revenue to $1.43 billion for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to $1.29 billion in the same period last year. The company's six-month revenue also rose by 9% to $2.79 billion. Despite a decrease in product revenue by 4% and 12% for the three and six months respectively, service revenue saw a significant increase of 20% and 22% for the same periods. Operating income surged by 57% to $437.2 million for the quarter and by 37% to $758.4 million for the six months, with operating margins expanding to 30.5% and 27.2% respectively. Geographically, revenue growth was reported across all regions with the Americas and EMEA contributing the most. Fortinet's gross margin improved, driven by a shift in revenue mix towards higher margin service revenue and increased service gross margin. The company completed two acquisitions, Lacework, Inc. and Next DLP Holdings Limited, to enhance its cloud security and data loss protection offerings. Fortinet also invested in real property in Canada and California. Looking forward, Fortinet anticipates continued growth and market share gains, with a focus on secure networking, unified SASE, and AI-driven security operations. The company expects service revenue to continue growing, driven by unified SASE and SecOps offerings, although at a moderated pace for the remainder of the year.
全球領先的安防-半導體飛塔信息報告截至2024年6月30日的季度總營業收入達到14.3億美元,同比去年同期的12.9億美元增長11%。該公司的六個月營收也增長了9%,達到27.9億美元。儘管產品收入在三個月和六個月分別下降了4%和12%,但服務收入在同期間實現了顯著增長,分別增長了20%和22%。季度營業收入激增57%,達到43720萬美元,六個月營業收入激增37%,達到75840萬美元,營業利潤率分別擴大至30.5%和27.2%。在地理上,所有地區的營業收入均呈增長趨勢,其中美洲和歐洲、中東、非洲貢獻最大。飛塔信息的毛利率得到了改善,得益於向更高毛利的服務收入轉型以及服務毛利率的增加。該公司收購了Lacework,Inc.和Next DLP Holdings Limited以增強其雲安全和數據丟失保護業務,還在加拿大和加利福尼亞投資了房地產。展望未來,飛塔信息預計將繼續增長和擴大市場份額,重點關注安全網絡、統一的SASE和基於人工智能的安全運營。公司預計服務營收將繼續增長,主要由統一的SASE和SecOps提供支撐,儘管在今年餘下的時間裏,增長速度可能會適度放緩。


