
Hut 8 | 8-K: Current report

Hut 8 | 8-K: Current report

Hut 8 | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  08/06 18:44


On August 6, 2024, Hut 8 Corp. announced the appointment of Sean Glennan as the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective August 21, 2024. Glennan, with a background as Managing Director in Citigroup's Global Power, Utilities & Renewables group, brings extensive experience in financial services to Hut 8. His appointment follows the departure of Shenif Visram, the outgoing CFO, who is leaving for personal, family-related reasons but will remain until Glennan's start date to ensure a smooth transition. Glennan's employment agreement includes a base salary, annual bonus, equity awards, and additional benefits. He will also be subject to non-competition, non-solicitation, non-disparagement, and confidentiality obligations. Hut 8, a leading Bitcoin miner and energy infrastructure operator, expects Glennan to contribute significantly to the company's strategic and financial goals.
On August 6, 2024, Hut 8 Corp. announced the appointment of Sean Glennan as the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective August 21, 2024. Glennan, with a background as Managing Director in Citigroup's Global Power, Utilities & Renewables group, brings extensive experience in financial services to Hut 8. His appointment follows the departure of Shenif Visram, the outgoing CFO, who is leaving for personal, family-related reasons but will remain until Glennan's start date to ensure a smooth transition. Glennan's employment agreement includes a base salary, annual bonus, equity awards, and additional benefits. He will also be subject to non-competition, non-solicitation, non-disparagement, and confidentiality obligations. Hut 8, a leading Bitcoin miner and energy infrastructure operator, expects Glennan to contribute significantly to the company's strategic and financial goals.
2024年8月6日,Hut 8 corp.宣佈任命肖恩·格倫南爲新的致富金融(臨時代碼)主管,任職日期爲2024年8月21日。格倫南曾擔任花旗集團全球電力、公用事業和可再生能源集團的董事總經理,具有豐富的金融服務經驗,將這些經驗帶到Hut 8。他的任命是在前首席財務官謝尼夫·維斯拉姆出於私人和家庭原因離職後,爲了確保平穩過渡,維斯拉姆在格倫南到任之前將繼續留任。格倫南的僱傭協議包括基本工資、年終獎金、股權獎勵和額外福利。他還將受到不競爭、不招攬、不貶低和保密義務的限制。作爲領先的比特幣礦工和能源基礎設施運營商-5g,Hut 8希望格倫南爲該公司的戰略和財務目標做出重要貢獻。
2024年8月6日,Hut 8 corp.宣佈任命肖恩·格倫南爲新的致富金融(臨時代碼)主管,任職日期爲2024年8月21日。格倫南曾擔任花旗集團全球電力、公用事業和可再生能源集團的董事總經理,具有豐富的金融服務經驗,將這些經驗帶到Hut 8。他的任命是在前首席財務官謝尼夫·維斯拉姆出於私人和家庭原因離職後,爲了確保平穩過渡,維斯拉姆在格倫南到任之前將繼續留任。格倫南的僱傭協議包括基本工資、年終獎金、股權獎勵和額外福利。他還將受到不競爭、不招攬、不貶低和保密義務的限制。作爲領先的比特幣礦工和能源基礎設施運營商-5g,Hut 8希望格倫南爲該公司的戰略和財務目標做出重要貢獻。


