
CleanSpark | 425: Filing under Securities Act Rule 425 of certain prospectuses and communications in connection with business combination transactions

CleanSpark | 425: Filing under Securities Act Rule 425 of certain prospectuses and communications in connection with business combination transactions

CleanSpark | 425:募資說明/企業合併公告
美股SEC公告 ·  08/06 03:17
On August 2, 2024, CleanSpark, a sustainable bitcoin mining company, released its unaudited July 2024 Bitcoin Mining Update, announcing significant operational advancements. The company mined 494 bitcoins in July, contributing to a total of 4,108 bitcoins mined in the calendar year 2024, and increased its bitcoin treasury by 567% compared to the same period in the previous year. CleanSpark also reported the expansion of its operations into Wyoming and Tennessee. In Wyoming, CleanSpark secured power agreements for 75 MW and closed on its first mining site, with plans to add approximately 2 EH/s to its hashrate by year-end. In Tennessee, the company began operations under agreements with GRIID Infrastructure Inc., adding 1 EH/s of hashrate in July, with expectations to increase this further. The company's deployed...Show More
On August 2, 2024, CleanSpark, a sustainable bitcoin mining company, released its unaudited July 2024 Bitcoin Mining Update, announcing significant operational advancements. The company mined 494 bitcoins in July, contributing to a total of 4,108 bitcoins mined in the calendar year 2024, and increased its bitcoin treasury by 567% compared to the same period in the previous year. CleanSpark also reported the expansion of its operations into Wyoming and Tennessee. In Wyoming, CleanSpark secured power agreements for 75 MW and closed on its first mining site, with plans to add approximately 2 EH/s to its hashrate by year-end. In Tennessee, the company began operations under agreements with GRIID Infrastructure Inc., adding 1 EH/s of hashrate in July, with expectations to increase this further. The company's deployed mining fleet consisted of 160,900 units with a month-end operating hashrate of 21.2 EH/s. CleanSpark sold a modest 2.54 bitcoins in July at an average price of $62,070 each. The company's CEO, Zach Bradford, expressed confidence in achieving a target hashrate of 32 EH/s by the end of 2024. CleanSpark's growth strategy includes the ongoing Dalton Expansion, which is expected to contribute an additional 0.9 EH/s upon completion in early September 2024. The company emphasized its commitment to low-carbon power and responsible infrastructure for supporting Bitcoin as a digital commodity.
2024年7月未經審計的比特幣挖礦更新消息公佈,可持續的比特幣挖礦公司cleanspark宣佈有重大的運營進展。該公司於7月份挖掘了494枚比特幣,在該年度的日曆年挖掘了4108枚比特幣,並使其比特幣儲備與前一年同期相比增加了567%。cleanspark還宣佈將其業務拓展到懷俄明州和田納西州。在懷俄明州,Cleanspark獲得了75 MW的電力協議,並關閉了第一個採礦場地,並計劃到年底將其哈希率增加約2 EH / s 。在田納西州,該公司開始營運,與GRIID Infrastructure Inc.簽訂協議,7月份的哈希率增加了1 EH / s ,預計更進一步增加。公司的挖礦團隊部署了16...展開全部
2024年7月未經審計的比特幣挖礦更新消息公佈,可持續的比特幣挖礦公司cleanspark宣佈有重大的運營進展。該公司於7月份挖掘了494枚比特幣,在該年度的日曆年挖掘了4108枚比特幣,並使其比特幣儲備與前一年同期相比增加了567%。cleanspark還宣佈將其業務拓展到懷俄明州和田納西州。在懷俄明州,Cleanspark獲得了75 MW的電力協議,並關閉了第一個採礦場地,並計劃到年底將其哈希率增加約2 EH / s 。在田納西州,該公司開始營運,與GRIID Infrastructure Inc.簽訂協議,7月份的哈希率增加了1 EH / s ,預計更進一步增加。公司的挖礦團隊部署了16.09萬個單位,並擁有月末的運營哈希率爲21.2 EH / s。Cleanspark在7月份以每枚62070美元的平均價格出售了2.54枚比特幣。該公司的CEO Zach Bradford 表示,對於2024年底實現32 EH / s的目標哈希率有信心。CleanSpark的增長策略包括不斷進行的道爾頓拓展,預計將在2024年9月初完成,預計對哈希率增加0.9 EH / s。該公司強調其致力於低碳能源和負責任的基礎設施來支持比特幣作爲一種數字商品。


