
10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

美股SEC公告 ·  08/05 18:07
Berkshire Hathaway-A reported a robust financial performance in the second quarter of 2024, with significant growth in net earnings attributable to shareholders, which reached $30,348 million, compared to $35,912 million in the same period in 2023. The company's insurance underwriting business saw a substantial increase in after-tax earnings, rising from $1,247 million in Q2 2023 to $2,263 million in Q2 2024, largely due to improved operations at GEICO and the absence of significant catastrophe events. Investment income from insurance also saw a notable increase, driven by higher interest income from short-term investments in U.S. Treasury Bills. BNSF's after-tax earnings experienced a slight decline, while Berkshire Hathaway Energy's earnings decreased in Q2 but increased over the first six months of 2024. Pilot Travel Centers, now...Show More
Berkshire Hathaway-A reported a robust financial performance in the second quarter of 2024, with significant growth in net earnings attributable to shareholders, which reached $30,348 million, compared to $35,912 million in the same period in 2023. The company's insurance underwriting business saw a substantial increase in after-tax earnings, rising from $1,247 million in Q2 2023 to $2,263 million in Q2 2024, largely due to improved operations at GEICO and the absence of significant catastrophe events. Investment income from insurance also saw a notable increase, driven by higher interest income from short-term investments in U.S. Treasury Bills. BNSF's after-tax earnings experienced a slight decline, while Berkshire Hathaway Energy's earnings decreased in Q2 but increased over the first six months of 2024. Pilot Travel Centers, now fully owned by Berkshire, showed a decrease in revenues but an increase in pre-tax earnings for Q2 2024. The manufacturing, service, and retailing sectors experienced mixed results, with manufacturing showing revenue growth and service and retailing seeing a decrease in revenues and pre-tax earnings. The company's future plans include significant capital expenditures, particularly for BHE and BNSF, totaling approximately $7.4 billion for the remainder of 2024. Berkshire Hathaway's financial condition remains strong, with substantial liquidity and a solid capital base, as evidenced by shareholders' equity of $601.7 billion and significant operating cash flows.
伯克希爾-a在2024年第二季度報告了強勁的財務表現,股東應占淨收益顯著增長,達到303.48億美元,相比於2023年同期的359.12億美元。公司的保險承保業務,實現了大幅增長的稅後收益,從2023年第二季度的1.247億美元上升至2024年第二季度的2.263億美元,這主要是由於GEICO運營得到改善,以及重大災害事件的缺席。保險投資收入也有顯著增長,這主要是由於短期美國國債投資的利息收入增加。BNSF的稅後收益略有下降,而伯克希爾能源公司的收益在2024年第二季度下降,但在前六個月內有所增長。現在完全由伯克希爾持有的Pilot Travel Centers,營業收入下降但2024年第二季...展開全部
伯克希爾-a在2024年第二季度報告了強勁的財務表現,股東應占淨收益顯著增長,達到303.48億美元,相比於2023年同期的359.12億美元。公司的保險承保業務,實現了大幅增長的稅後收益,從2023年第二季度的1.247億美元上升至2024年第二季度的2.263億美元,這主要是由於GEICO運營得到改善,以及重大災害事件的缺席。保險投資收入也有顯著增長,這主要是由於短期美國國債投資的利息收入增加。BNSF的稅後收益略有下降,而伯克希爾能源公司的收益在2024年第二季度下降,但在前六個月內有所增長。現在完全由伯克希爾持有的Pilot Travel Centers,營業收入下降但2024年第二季度稅前收益有所增長。製造、服務和零售部門的表現各不相同,製造業表現出營收增長,而服務和零售業則看到營收和稅前收益下降。公司未來的計劃包括重大的資本支出,特別是用於BHE和BNSF,總計大約740億美元,用於2024年剩餘的時間。伯克希爾公司的財務狀況仍然強勁,流動性充足,資本基礎穩固,股東權益爲6017億美元,並有顯著的營運現金流。


