
Canopy Growth | S-3ASR: Automatic shelf registration statement of securities of well-known seasoned issuers

Canopy Growth | S-3ASR: Automatic shelf registration statement of securities of well-known seasoned issuers

Canopy Growth | S-3ASR:“知名成熟發行人”證券註冊聲明
美股SEC公告 ·  06/05 19:41
Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC) has filed a registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 5, 2024, for the potential sale of various securities, including Common Shares, Exchangeable Shares, Subscription Receipts, Units, Warrants, and Debt Securities. The registration allows for the sale of these securities in one or more offerings, with the possibility of certain securities being sold by selling securityholders. The registration statement includes details such as the indemnification of directors and officers, the appointment of an agent for service of process in the U.S., and the potential enforceability of civil liabilities under U.S. federal securities laws in Canada. The company has not specified the total amount of securities to be offered or the prices at which they will be sold. The registration is subject to approval by the SEC, and the specific terms of any offerings will be detailed in future prospectus supplements.
Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC) has filed a registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 5, 2024, for the potential sale of various securities, including Common Shares, Exchangeable Shares, Subscription Receipts, Units, Warrants, and Debt Securities. The registration allows for the sale of these securities in one or more offerings, with the possibility of certain securities being sold by selling securityholders. The registration statement includes details such as the indemnification of directors and officers, the appointment of an agent for service of process in the U.S., and the potential enforceability of civil liabilities under U.S. federal securities laws in Canada. The company has not specified the total amount of securities to be offered or the prices at which they will be sold. The registration is subject to approval by the SEC, and the specific terms of any offerings will be detailed in future prospectus supplements.
Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC) 於 2024 年 6 月 5 日向美國證券交易所(SEC)提出登記聲明,以便潛在出售各種證券,包括普通股、可兌換股、認股證、單位、權證和債務證券。登記允許在一個或多個發行中銷售這些證券,其中某些證券有可能由銷售證券持有人出售。登記聲明包括董事和高級職員的賠償安排,美國訴訟程序的代理服務任命以及在加拿大的美國聯邦證券法下可能實行的民事責任。公司尚未指定要提供的證券總額或它們將以何價出售。登記需要經SEC批准,任何發行的具體條款將詳細說明在未來的招股說明書中。
Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC) 於 2024 年 6 月 5 日向美國證券交易所(SEC)提出登記聲明,以便潛在出售各種證券,包括普通股、可兌換股、認股證、單位、權證和債務證券。登記允許在一個或多個發行中銷售這些證券,其中某些證券有可能由銷售證券持有人出售。登記聲明包括董事和高級職員的賠償安排,美國訴訟程序的代理服務任命以及在加拿大的美國聯邦證券法下可能實行的民事責任。公司尚未指定要提供的證券總額或它們將以何價出售。登記需要經SEC批准,任何發行的具體條款將詳細說明在未來的招股說明書中。


