
10-Q/A: Quarterly report (Amendment)

10-Q/A: Quarterly report (Amendment)

美股SEC公告 ·  06/05 03:38
FOXO Technologies Inc. (FOXO) reported financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2023, with a net loss of $3.66 million, compared to a net loss of $41.03 million for the same period in the previous year, marking a significant reduction in losses by 91%. The company's accumulated deficit as of September 30, 2023, was $173.2 million. Operating expenses decreased by 5% to $18.47 million, primarily due to lower research and development costs, which dropped by 57% to $925,000. Selling, general, and administrative expenses also decreased by 13% to $15.05 million. The company's revenue for the quarter was $10,000, a decrease from $14,000 in the prior-year period. FOXO Technologies also highlighted the completion of the sale of FOXO Life Insurance Company, which provided access to $4.75 million previously held as statutory capital and surplus...Show More
FOXO Technologies Inc. (FOXO) reported financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2023, with a net loss of $3.66 million, compared to a net loss of $41.03 million for the same period in the previous year, marking a significant reduction in losses by 91%. The company's accumulated deficit as of September 30, 2023, was $173.2 million. Operating expenses decreased by 5% to $18.47 million, primarily due to lower research and development costs, which dropped by 57% to $925,000. Selling, general, and administrative expenses also decreased by 13% to $15.05 million. The company's revenue for the quarter was $10,000, a decrease from $14,000 in the prior-year period. FOXO Technologies also highlighted the completion of the sale of FOXO Life Insurance Company, which provided access to $4.75 million previously held as statutory capital and surplus. The company acknowledged the need for additional funding to support operations and growth, having raised capital through a private placement and a strategic agreement with ClearThink Capital Partners, LLC, which agreed to purchase up to $2 million of FOXO's Class A common stock. The company's management is reviewing strategic goals and focusing on Bioinformatics Services, which offers epigenetic data processing and analysis. FOXO Technologies also noted the challenges of maintaining compliance with NYSE American listing standards, having received a notice of noncompliance due to stockholders' deficit and net losses. The company submitted a compliance plan to regain listing standards by December 2024.
FOXO科技公司(FOXO)公佈截至2023年9月30日的季度財報,淨虧損為3,660萬美元,相比上年同期的淨虧損為4103萬美元,損失大幅減少91%。截至2023年9月30日,該公司累積虧損為1.732億美元。營業費用下降5%,為1,847萬美元,主要是由於研發成本降低57%,為925,000美元。銷售、管理和行政費用也下降13%,為1,505萬美元。該公司當季的營業收入為10,000美元,較去年同期的14,000美元下降。FOXO科技還強調完成了FOXO人壽保險公司的出售,可使用之前持有的4,750萬美元作為法定資本和盈餘。該公司承認需要額外的資金來支撐營運和創業板,通過定向增發和與ClearThink Capital Partners, LLC達成的戰略協議來籌集資本,後者同意購買FOXO的A類普通股高達2,000,000美元。公司管理層正在審查戰略目標,重點關注生物信息服務,提供表觀遺傳學的數據處理和分析。FOXO科技還提到了在紐交所美國上市標準方面的維持合規的挑戰,因為其股東赤字和淨損失收到了未合規的通知。該公司提交了符合計劃,以在2024年12月恢復上市標準。


