
Ault Alliance | 8-K: Current report

Ault Alliance | 8-K: Current report

Ault Alliance | 8-K:重大事件
美股sec公告 ·  05/01 04:34
Ault Alliance, Inc., a Delaware-based corporation, has entered into a significant financial agreement by issuing a term note with a principal amount of $1,705,000 to an accredited investor, effective April 29, 2024. The note, which carries an annual interest rate of 15%, was issued at a discount with a purchase price of $1,550,000 and is set to mature on May 17, 2024. Ault Alliance has secured the repayment of the note with a guaranty from both its wholly owned subsidiary, Ault Lending, LLC, and Milton C. Ault, the company's Executive Chairman. This financial move creates a direct financial obligation for Ault Alliance, as detailed in the Form 8-K report filed with the SEC. The terms of the note and guaranty are outlined in exhibits annexed to the report, which provide a comprehensive understanding of the rights and obligations of the involved parties.
Ault Alliance, Inc., a Delaware-based corporation, has entered into a significant financial agreement by issuing a term note with a principal amount of $1,705,000 to an accredited investor, effective April 29, 2024. The note, which carries an annual interest rate of 15%, was issued at a discount with a purchase price of $1,550,000 and is set to mature on May 17, 2024. Ault Alliance has secured the repayment of the note with a guaranty from both its wholly owned subsidiary, Ault Lending, LLC, and Milton C. Ault, the company's Executive Chairman. This financial move creates a direct financial obligation for Ault Alliance, as detailed in the Form 8-K report filed with the SEC. The terms of the note and guaranty are outlined in exhibits annexed to the report, which provide a comprehensive understanding of the rights and obligations of the involved parties.
總部位於特拉華州的公司Ault Alliance, Inc. 已簽訂了一項重要的財務協議,向合格投資者發行了本金爲170.5萬美元的定期票據,該票據自2024年4月29日起生效。該票據的年利率爲15%,以折扣價發行,收購價爲155萬美元,定於2024年5月17日到期。Ault Alliance已通過其全資子公司Ault Lending, LLC和該公司執行董事長米爾頓·奧爾特的擔保爲該票據的償還提供了擔保。正如向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-K表格報告所詳述的那樣,這一財務舉措爲Ault Alliance帶來了直接的財務義務。本報告所附的附錄概述了照會和擔保的條款,使人們全面了解了有關各方的權利和義務。
總部位於特拉華州的公司Ault Alliance, Inc. 已簽訂了一項重要的財務協議,向合格投資者發行了本金爲170.5萬美元的定期票據,該票據自2024年4月29日起生效。該票據的年利率爲15%,以折扣價發行,收購價爲155萬美元,定於2024年5月17日到期。Ault Alliance已通過其全資子公司Ault Lending, LLC和該公司執行董事長米爾頓·奧爾特的擔保爲該票據的償還提供了擔保。正如向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-K表格報告所詳述的那樣,這一財務舉措爲Ault Alliance帶來了直接的財務義務。本報告所附的附錄概述了照會和擔保的條款,使人們全面了解了有關各方的權利和義務。


