
Lyft Inc | 8-K: Lyft Enters into Amendment No. 2 to Revolving Credit Agreement with Other Lenders and Company Announces Private Placement of $400 Million Convertible Senior Notes

Lyft Inc | 8-K:Lyft與其他貸款方簽訂了循環信貸協議第2號修正案且公司宣佈私募發行4億美元可轉換優先票據

美股SEC公告 ·  02/22 06:12
On February 21, 2024, Lyft Inc. announced the entry into Amendment No. 2 to its Revolving Credit Agreement, which includes significant changes such as the replacement of total leverage with total net leverage for financial covenant tests and the permission for the company to repurchase a specified amount of its common stock using proceeds from a convertible note offering. Concurrently, Lyft also declared its intention to offer $400 million in convertible senior notes due in 2029 to qualified institutional buyers, with the possibility of an additional $60 million to cover over-allotments. The proceeds from this offering are intended for repurchasing a portion of its 1.50% Convertible Senior Notes due 2025, paying for capped call transactions, and purchasing up to approximately $50 million of its Class A common stock. The company has also entered into capped call transactions to minimize dilution from the conversion of the new notes. The market activities related to the note offerings and capped call transactions may affect the trading prices of Lyft's Class A common stock and the notes.
On February 21, 2024, Lyft Inc. announced the entry into Amendment No. 2 to its Revolving Credit Agreement, which includes significant changes such as the replacement of total leverage with total net leverage for financial covenant tests and the permission for the company to repurchase a specified amount of its common stock using proceeds from a convertible note offering. Concurrently, Lyft also declared its intention to offer $400 million in convertible senior notes due in 2029 to qualified institutional buyers, with the possibility of an additional $60 million to cover over-allotments. The proceeds from this offering are intended for repurchasing a portion of its 1.50% Convertible Senior Notes due 2025, paying for capped call transactions, and purchasing up to approximately $50 million of its Class A common stock. The company has also entered into capped call transactions to minimize dilution from the conversion of the new notes. The market activities related to the note offerings and capped call transactions may affect the trading prices of Lyft's Class A common stock and the notes.
2024年2月21日,Lyft Inc.宣佈加入其循環信貸協議第2號修正案,其中包括重大變更,例如將總槓桿率替換爲財務契約測試的總淨槓桿率,以及允許該公司使用可轉換票據發行的收益回購一定數量的普通股。同時,Lyft還宣佈打算向合格的機構買家發行2029年到期的4億美元可轉換優先票據,並可能額外提供6000萬澳元以支付超額配股。此次發行的收益將用於回購其2025年到期的1.50%的可轉換優先票據的一部分,支付上限看漲期權交易,併購買高達約5000萬美元的A類普通股。該公司還進行了上限看漲期權交易,以最大限度地減少新票據轉換帶來的稀釋。與票據發行和上限看漲期權交易相關的市場活動可能會影響Lyft的A類普通股和票據的交易價格。
2024年2月21日,Lyft Inc.宣佈加入其循環信貸協議第2號修正案,其中包括重大變更,例如將總槓桿率替換爲財務契約測試的總淨槓桿率,以及允許該公司使用可轉換票據發行的收益回購一定數量的普通股。同時,Lyft還宣佈打算向合格的機構買家發行2029年到期的4億美元可轉換優先票據,並可能額外提供6000萬澳元以支付超額配股。此次發行的收益將用於回購其2025年到期的1.50%的可轉換優先票據的一部分,支付上限看漲期權交易,併購買高達約5000萬美元的A類普通股。該公司還進行了上限看漲期權交易,以最大限度地減少新票據轉換帶來的稀釋。與票據發行和上限看漲期權交易相關的市場活動可能會影響Lyft的A類普通股和票據的交易價格。


