
Disney | PRRN14A: Others

迪士尼 | PRRN14A:其他

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/02/01 22:31


Blackwells Onshore I LLC, along with Blackwells Capital LLC and Jason Aintabi (collectively referred to as "Blackwells"), who collectively own 139,631 shares of The Walt Disney Company ("Disney"), have issued a preliminary proxy statement dated February 1, 2024, to solicit shareholder support for the election of their three director nominees—Craig Hatkoff, Jessica Schell, and Leah Solivan—to Disney's Board of Directors. Blackwells believes these nominees will contribute to Disney's strategic transformation and align with shareholder interests. The proxy statement also includes a non-binding advisory proposal (the "Blackwells Proposal") to reappoint any incumbent Disney director who fails to be elected at the 2024 Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is scheduled to be held virtually on a yet-to-be-announced date in 2024. Blackwells is urging shareholders to vote using the GREEN Universal Proxy Card, which includes the names of both the company's and Trian Group's nominees, and emphasizes that shareholders need not use any other proxy card to cast their votes.
Blackwells Onshore I LLC, along with Blackwells Capital LLC and Jason Aintabi (collectively referred to as "Blackwells"), who collectively own 139,631 shares of The Walt Disney Company ("Disney"), have issued a preliminary proxy statement dated February 1, 2024, to solicit shareholder support for the election of their three director nominees—Craig Hatkoff, Jessica Schell, and Leah Solivan—to Disney's Board of Directors. Blackwells believes these nominees will contribute to Disney's strategic transformation and align with shareholder interests. The proxy statement also includes a non-binding advisory proposal (the "Blackwells Proposal") to reappoint any incumbent Disney director who fails to be elected at the 2024 Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is scheduled to be held virtually on a yet-to-be-announced date in 2024. Blackwells is urging shareholders to vote using the GREEN Universal Proxy Card, which includes the names of both the company's and Trian Group's nominees, and emphasizes that shareholders need not use any other proxy card to cast their votes.
Blackwells Onshore I LLC以及共擁有華特迪士尼公司(“迪士尼”)139,631股股票的布萊克威爾斯資本有限責任公司和傑森·安塔比(統稱爲 “布萊克威爾”)於2024年2月1日發佈了初步委託聲明,以爭取股東支持其三名董事候選人——克雷格·哈特科夫、傑西卡·謝爾和利亞·索利萬——當選迪士尼董事會董事會。布萊克威爾斯認爲,這些被提名人將爲迪士尼的戰略轉型做出貢獻,並符合股東的利益。委託書還包括一項不具約束力的諮詢提案(“Blackwells提案”),旨在重新任命任何未能在2024年年會上當選的現任迪士尼董事。該年會計劃於2024年以虛擬方式舉行,日期尚未公佈。Blackwells敦促股東使用綠色通用代理卡進行投票,其中包括該公司和Trian集團提名人的姓名,並強調股東無需使用任何其他代理卡進行投票。
Blackwells Onshore I LLC以及共擁有華特迪士尼公司(“迪士尼”)139,631股股票的布萊克威爾斯資本有限責任公司和傑森·安塔比(統稱爲 “布萊克威爾”)於2024年2月1日發佈了初步委託聲明,以爭取股東支持其三名董事候選人——克雷格·哈特科夫、傑西卡·謝爾和利亞·索利萬——當選迪士尼董事會董事會。布萊克威爾斯認爲,這些被提名人將爲迪士尼的戰略轉型做出貢獻,並符合股東的利益。委託書還包括一項不具約束力的諮詢提案(“Blackwells提案”),旨在重新任命任何未能在2024年年會上當選的現任迪士尼董事。該年會計劃於2024年以虛擬方式舉行,日期尚未公佈。Blackwells敦促股東使用綠色通用代理卡進行投票,其中包括該公司和Trian集團提名人的姓名,並強調股東無需使用任何其他代理卡進行投票。


