
Minim | 8-K/A: Current report (Amendment)

Minim | 8-K/A:重大事件(修正)

美股SEC公告 ·  01/27 03:40
On January 22, 2024, Minim, Inc., a technology company incorporated in Delaware, entered into two significant agreements with Motorola Mobility, LLC. The first, a Letter Agreement, involved the transfer of a portion of Minim's inventory to Motorola to settle liabilities, with the remainder to be transferred upon securing funding. Additionally, Minim will continue to provide customer and technical support. The second, a Debt Settlement Agreement, stipulates that Minim will pay Motorola a settlement amount upon receiving the funding and will transfer additional funds as they are collected from Minim's customers. These agreements are part of Minim's strategy to streamline operations and reduce current liabilities. The following day, Minim entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement with board member David Lazar...Show More
On January 22, 2024, Minim, Inc., a technology company incorporated in Delaware, entered into two significant agreements with Motorola Mobility, LLC. The first, a Letter Agreement, involved the transfer of a portion of Minim's inventory to Motorola to settle liabilities, with the remainder to be transferred upon securing funding. Additionally, Minim will continue to provide customer and technical support. The second, a Debt Settlement Agreement, stipulates that Minim will pay Motorola a settlement amount upon receiving the funding and will transfer additional funds as they are collected from Minim's customers. These agreements are part of Minim's strategy to streamline operations and reduce current liabilities. The following day, Minim entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement with board member David Lazar, agreeing to sell 2 million shares of preferred stock at $1.40 per share, totaling $2.8 million, subject to shareholder approval and other closing conditions. The preferred stock will be designated as Series A and is convertible into common stock, with Lazar also receiving warrants to purchase additional common stock. The agreement includes conditions such as shareholder approval for a reverse stock split, an increase in authorized preferred stock, and changes to the company's Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws. The Board of Directors has exempted Lazar's acquisition from certain SEC regulations and granted him rights to sell or transfer the securities. This report, filed with the SEC, clarifies the terms of the Securities Purchase Agreement, correcting the previously reported number of shares and price per share.
2024年1月22日,在特拉華州註冊的科技公司Minim, Inc. 與摩托羅拉移動有限責任公司簽訂了兩項重要協議。第一項是書面協議,涉及將Minim的一部分庫存轉移給摩托羅拉以清償負債,其餘部分將在獲得資金後轉移。此外,Minim 將繼續提供客戶和技術支持。第二項是債務清算協議,規定Minim將在收到資金後向摩托羅拉支付一筆和解金額,並將轉移從Minim客戶那裏收取的額外資金。這些協議是Minim簡化運營和減少流動負債的戰略的一部分。第二天,Minim與董事會成員戴維·拉扎爾簽訂了證券購買協議,同意以每股1.40美元的價格出售200萬股優先股,總額爲280萬美元,但須經股東批准和其他成交條件...展開全部
2024年1月22日,在特拉華州註冊的科技公司Minim, Inc. 與摩托羅拉移動有限責任公司簽訂了兩項重要協議。第一項是書面協議,涉及將Minim的一部分庫存轉移給摩托羅拉以清償負債,其餘部分將在獲得資金後轉移。此外,Minim 將繼續提供客戶和技術支持。第二項是債務清算協議,規定Minim將在收到資金後向摩托羅拉支付一筆和解金額,並將轉移從Minim客戶那裏收取的額外資金。這些協議是Minim簡化運營和減少流動負債的戰略的一部分。第二天,Minim與董事會成員戴維·拉扎爾簽訂了證券購買協議,同意以每股1.40美元的價格出售200萬股優先股,總額爲280萬美元,但須經股東批准和其他成交條件。優先股將被指定爲A系列並可轉換爲普通股,拉扎爾還將獲得購買更多普通股的認股權證。該協議包括股東批准反向股票拆分、增加授權優先股以及修改公司註冊證書和章程等條件。董事會已將Lazar的收購豁免於美國證券交易委員會的某些法規,並授予他出售或轉讓證券的權利。這份向美國證券交易委員會提交的報告澄清了證券購買協議的條款,更正了先前報告的股票數量和每股價格。


