
iBio Inc | S-8: Initial registration statement for securities to be offered to employees pursuant to employee benefit plans

iBio Inc | S-8:員工福利計劃證券登記

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/01/10 13:00


iBio Inc, a biotechnology company, has filed a Form S-8 registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on January 10, 2024. The filing pertains to the iBio Inc 2023 Omnibus Incentive Plan, which is designed to offer securities to employees under the company's incentive plan. The Form S-8 document includes references to previously filed financial reports and other regulatory filings, indicating the incorporation of these documents by reference into the registration statement. The company, incorporated in Delaware, has also outlined the indemnification provisions for its directors and officers, as permitted by Delaware law, and has confirmed that it has insurance policies in place for its officers and directors. The filing includes a list of exhibits that are part of the registration statement, such as certificates of incorporation and amendments, as well as the company's bylaws. The registration statement has been signed by key executives, including the CEO and CFO, and other directors of iBio Inc.
iBio Inc, a biotechnology company, has filed a Form S-8 registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on January 10, 2024. The filing pertains to the iBio Inc 2023 Omnibus Incentive Plan, which is designed to offer securities to employees under the company's incentive plan. The Form S-8 document includes references to previously filed financial reports and other regulatory filings, indicating the incorporation of these documents by reference into the registration statement. The company, incorporated in Delaware, has also outlined the indemnification provisions for its directors and officers, as permitted by Delaware law, and has confirmed that it has insurance policies in place for its officers and directors. The filing includes a list of exhibits that are part of the registration statement, such as certificates of incorporation and amendments, as well as the company's bylaws. The registration statement has been signed by key executives, including the CEO and CFO, and other directors of iBio Inc.
生物技術公司iBio Inc已於2024年1月10日向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了S-8表格註冊聲明。該文件與iBio Inc 2023年綜合激勵計劃有關,該計劃旨在根據公司的激勵計劃向員工提供證券。S-8表格文件包括對先前提交的財務報告和其他監管文件的引用,表明這些文件以引用方式納入了註冊聲明。該公司在特拉華州註冊成立,還概述了特拉華州法律允許的董事和高級管理人員的賠償條款,並確認已爲其高管和董事制定了保險單。該文件包括作爲註冊聲明一部分的證物清單,例如公司註冊證書和修正案以及公司的章程。註冊聲明已由包括首席執行官和首席財務官以及iBio Inc.其他董事在內的主要高管簽署。
生物技術公司iBio Inc已於2024年1月10日向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了S-8表格註冊聲明。該文件與iBio Inc 2023年綜合激勵計劃有關,該計劃旨在根據公司的激勵計劃向員工提供證券。S-8表格文件包括對先前提交的財務報告和其他監管文件的引用,表明這些文件以引用方式納入了註冊聲明。該公司在特拉華州註冊成立,還概述了特拉華州法律允許的董事和高級管理人員的賠償條款,並確認已爲其高管和董事制定了保險單。該文件包括作爲註冊聲明一部分的證物清單,例如公司註冊證書和修正案以及公司的章程。註冊聲明已由包括首席執行官和首席財務官以及iBio Inc.其他董事在內的主要高管簽署。


