
Tembo E-LV Progresses Business Combination Agreement With CCTS at a Combined Enterprise Value Of US$904m

Tembo E-LV Progresses Business Combination Agreement With CCTS at a Combined Enterprise Value Of US$904m

Tembo E-LV 與 CCTS 進展業務合併協議,合併企業價值爲 9.04 億美元
GlobeNewswire ·  03/21 13:15

Business Combination Agreement with CCTS originally announced in August 2024


Combined pro forma enterprise value of US$904m assumes no public trust redemptions for CCTS


Parties working to close the transaction by Q2, calendar 2025


LONDON, March  21, 2025  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tembo E-LV B.V. ("Tembo"), a subsidiary of Nasdaq-listed B Corporation, VivoPower International PLC (Nasdaq: VVPR) ("VivoPower" or the "Company"), today announced that it is working closely with CCTS ("Cactus Acquisition Corp. 1 Limited"), a Cayman Islands exempted special purpose acquisition company to progress towards a closing of the Business Combination by Q2, calendar 2025.

倫敦,2025年3月21日(環球新聞)-- Tembo E-LV B.V.(「Tembo」),納斯達克上市的B型公司VivoPower International PLC(納斯達克:VVPR)(「VivoPower」或「公司」)的子公司,今天宣佈正在與CCTS(「Cactus Acquisition CORP. 1 Limited」),一家開曼群島免稅特殊目的收購公司緊密合作,以期在2025年第二季度完成業務合併。

The parties originally announced a Business Combination Agreement ("BCA") in August 2024 with an original target of closing the Business Combination by the end of calendar 2024. However, as a consequence of new rules relating to special purpose acquisition company transactions, the parties took the opportunity to work with respective counsel to review the transaction structure. This has now been completed, and work has resumed in relation to finalization of the registration statement on Form F-4, to be filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


The parties expect a registration statement on Form F-4 to be filed shortly with the SEC in connection with the proposed transaction (the "Business Combination"), which they are working to close, subject to satisfaction (or waiver, as applicable) of closing conditions, including, without limitation, the completion of the SEC review process and approval of the transaction by CCTS shareholders, prior to the end of Q2, 2025.


The BCA was entered into by the parties following due diligence and receipt by the CCTS board of directors of a fairness opinion from an independent third party.


In connection with the Business Combination, the parties will submit to Nasdaq an application to list the securities of a newly formed company ("Tembo Group") established in connection with the transaction on Nasdaq.

與業務合併相關,各方將向納斯達克提交申請,以在納斯達克上市與交易相關的新成立公司的證券("Tembo Group")。

About VivoPower


Established in 2014 and listed on Nasdaq since 2016, VivoPower is an award-winning global sustainable energy solutions B Corporation company focused on electric solutions for off-road and on-road customized and ruggedized fleet applications as well as ancillary financing, charging, battery and microgrids solutions. VivoPower's core purpose is to provide its customers with turnkey decarbonization solutions that enable them to move toward net-zero carbon status. VivoPower has operations and personnel covering Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates.

VivoPower成立於2014年,自2016年起在納斯達克上市,是一家獲得獎項的全球可持續能源解決方案B Corporation公司,專注於爲越野和公路定製和加強的車隊應用提供電動解決方案,以及附屬融資、充電、電池和微電網解決方案。VivoPower的核心使命是爲客戶提供交鑰匙的脫碳解決方案,幫助他們邁向淨零碳狀態。VivoPower在澳洲、加拿大、荷蘭、英國、美國、菲律賓和阿聯酋擁有業務和人員。

About Tembo


Tembo electric utility vehicles (EUVs) are a 100% electric solution for ruggedized and/or customized applications for fleet owners in the mining, agriculture, energy utilities, defense, police, construction, infrastructure, government, humanitarian, and game safari industries. Tembo provides safe, high-performance off-road and on-road electric utility vehicles. Its core purpose is to provide safe and reliable electrification solutions for utility vehicle fleet owners, helping to perpetuate useful life, reduce costs, maximize return on assets, meet ESG goals, and seeks to further the circular economy. Tembo is a subsidiary of VivoPower, a Nasdaq-listed B Corporation.

Tembo電動公共事業車輛(EUV)是爲採礦、農業、能源公用事業、軍工股、警察、施工、製造行業、政府、人道主義和遊獵行業的車隊所有者提供的100%電動解決方案,適用於加強和/或定製的應用。Tembo提供安全、高性能的越野和公路電動公共事業車輛。其核心使命是爲公共事業車輛車隊所有者提供安全可靠的電氣化解決方案,幫助延長使用壽命、降低成本、最大化資產回報、滿足ESG目標,並進一步推動循環經濟。Tembo是VivoPower的子公司,VivoPower是納斯達克上市的B Corporation。


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