
Quantum Threats Are Accelerating -- These Companies Are Preparing for the Shift

Quantum Threats Are Accelerating -- These Companies Are Preparing for the Shift

量子威脅正在加速 — 這些公司正在爲轉變做好準備
PR Newswire ·  03/18 15:11

Equity Insider News Commentary


Issued on behalf of Scope Technologies Corp.

代表Scope Technologies CORP.發佈

VANCOUVER, BC, March 18, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Equity Insider News Commentary – Whether quantum computing becomes a commercial reality in the near future or remains years away, the threat it poses to current encryption methods is undeniable, making quantum security a growing priority. A recent McKinsey report highlights the rapid expansion of quantum computing investments, emphasizing the critical need for post-quantum cryptography to safeguard sensitive data. Analysts project the quantum communication market to grow at a 23-25% CAGR, reaching $14.9 billion by 2035, with post-quantum cryptography making up $2.4 billion to $3.4 billion of that total. As a result, investors are increasingly focusing on both quantum computing developers and the companies working to protect against its risks, including Scope Technologies Corp. (CSE: SCPE) (OTCQB: SCPCF), Palo Alto Networks (NYSE: PANW), Alphabet, Inc. (Google) (NASDAQ: GOOG, GOOGL), Cisco Systems (CSCO), and WISeKey International Holding AG (NASDAQ: WKEY).

溫哥華,BC,2025年3月18日 /PRNewswire/ -- 股票內部人新聞評論 – 無論量子計算是否在不久的將來成爲商業現實,還是距離實現還有數年,其對當前加密方法構成的威脅都是不容否認的,這使得量子安全成爲日益重要的優先事項。最近的麥肯錫報告強調了量子計算投資的快速擴張,突顯了後量子密碼學在保護敏感數據方面的關鍵需求。分析師預計量子通信市場的年均增長率將達到23-25%,到2035年將達到149億美元,其中後量子密碼學將佔總額的24億至34億美元。因此,投資者越來越專注於量子計算開發商和致力於防範其風險的公司,包括Scope Technologies CORP. (CSE: SCPE) (OTCQB: SCPCF),Palo Alto Networks (NYSE: PANW),Alphabet, Inc. (Google) (NASDAQ: GOOG, GOOGL),思科系統 (CSCO) 和WISeKey國際控股公司 (NASDAQ: WKEY)。

Quantum advancements are moving at an unprecedented pace, creating new possibilities while exposing serious security vulnerabilities. Europol has warned that failure to transition to post-quantum encryption could lead to a digital crisis of historic proportions, urging financial institutions and policymakers to act swiftly. As cybercriminals adopt "harvest now, decrypt later" tactics—stealing encrypted data today with plans to decrypt it once quantum computers become viable—the race to implement quantum-safe cryptography has never been more urgent.


Scope Technologies Corp. (CSE: SCPE) (OTCQB: SCPCF), a pioneering technology company specializing in quantum security, has made a big leap forward with its Quantum Preparedness Assessment (QPA) tool. The company recently announced that QPA is now fully integrated with a widely used risk management system, making it easier for businesses to evaluate and protect themselves against future cyber threats from quantum computing. Using AI-powered automation, this upgraded tool helps organizations quickly and accurately assess their risks, plan their security strategies, and stay ahead of potential quantum-based attacks.

Scope Technologies CORP. (CSE: SCPE) (OTCQB: SCPCF)是一家專注於量子安全的先鋒科技公司,已通過其量子準備評估 (QPA) 工具取得了重大進展。該公司最近宣佈QPA現在已完全與廣泛使用的風險管理系統集成,使企業更容易評估和保護自己免受未來量子計算帶來的網絡威脅。利用人工智能驅動的自動化,這一升級工具幫助組織快速準確地評估風險,規劃安全策略,並在潛在的量子攻擊前保持領先。

"As quantum threats loom closer, businesses must act now to evaluate and strengthen their security infrastructure," said Sean Prescott, Founder and CTO of Scope Technologies Corp. "Our AI-powered QPA, with full RMF integration, provides a seamless, data-driven approach to assessing and mitigating risks before it's too late."

「隨着量子威脅日益迫近,企業必須立刻採取行動,以評估和增強其安防基礎設施,」Scope Technologies CORP的創始人兼CTO Sean Prescott說道。「我們的AI驅動QPA,結合全面的RMF集成,提供了一種無縫的數據驅動方法,以在爲時已晚之前評估和減輕風險。」

As quantum computing advances, traditional encryption methods are becoming easier to break. One major concern is the "Harvest Now, Decrypt Later" (HNDL) strategy, where cybercriminals steal encrypted data today, knowing that future quantum computers will be able to decode it.


Recent breakthroughs, like Google's Willow chip in December 2024, and Microsoft's Majorana 1 processor in February 2025, show how fast the landscape of quantum technology is progressing.

近期的突破,例如谷歌的Willow芯片(2024年12月)和微軟的Majorana 1處理器(2025年2月),展示了量子科技領域的快速進展。

Google's Willow chip has demonstrated computing power at speeds previously thought impossible, while Microsoft's Majorana 1 uses a new type of qubit designed to make quantum computing more stable and scalable.

谷歌的Willow芯片展示了之前認爲不可能的計算速度,而微軟的Majorana 1使用了一種新的量子比特設計,使量子計算更加穩定和可擴展。

With real-world quantum applications on the horizon, businesses need to assess their risks now and take action before these threats become a reality.


To help companies stay ahead, QSE Group, the quantum security division of Scope Technologies, has developed an AI-powered assessment tool that simplifies the process of evaluating quantum-related risks. This automated tool provides clear, actionable insights to help businesses protect their sensitive data and infrastructure—without requiring a large investment.

爲了幫助公司保持領先,Scope Technologies的量子安全部門QSE Group開發了一種AI驅動的評估工具,簡化了評估量子相關風險的過程。該自動化工具提供清晰、可行的見解,幫助企業保護其敏感數據和基礎設施,而無需大量投資。

Scope's upgraded Quantum Preparedness Assessment (QPA) offers key advantages, including full integration with widely used risk management frameworks. Its AI-driven automation helps businesses identify vulnerabilities faster and with less manual effort. The tool also features an easy-to-use questionnaire system that customizes assessments based on each organization's needs. Now market-ready, this solution allows companies to proactively strengthen their quantum security before threats become urgent.


Prior to the QPA incorporation, Scope affirmed that its Quantum Security Entropy (QSE) platform is fully aligned with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) proposed updates to the HIPAA Security Rule. These updates are designed to strengthen protections for healthcare data against growing cybersecurity threats.


Shortly after this announcement, the company demonstrated strong market confidence in its progress by securing $2.8 million in new funding. This includes a $1.8 million private placement and a $1 million debt financing deal with its first enterprise-level client, First Majestic Silver. These funds are now available to support further growth and innovation.

在這項公告不久後,公司通過獲得280萬美元的新資金,展示了市場對其進展的強勁信心。其中包括180萬美元的定向增發和與首個企業級客戶First Majestic Silver達成的100萬美元債務融資協議。這些資金現已可用,支持進一步的增長和創新。

Scope Technologies is rapidly expanding its team and product lineup, reinforcing its leadership in next-generation quantum-proof security. With QSE already in the market and gaining traction, the company remains focused on delivering practical, real-world solutions to safeguard critical data now and in the future.

Scope Technologies正在快速擴展其團隊和產品線,加強其在下一代量子安全防護中的領導地位。隨着QSE已在市場上並獲得關注,公司仍專注於提供切實可行的現實解決方案,以保護關鍵數據現在及未來的安全。

CONTINUED... Read this and more news for Scope AI at:

繼續... 閱讀更多Scope AI的資訊請訪問:

In other industry developments and happenings in the market include:


Palo Alto Networks (NYSE: PANW) has launched a Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) Open API, enabling organizations to integrate quantum-safe cryptographic randomness into their security systems. Developed with six industry partners, this open framework eliminates proprietary barriers, allowing for multi-vendor interoperability and easier adoption of post-quantum security solutions.

Palo Alto Networks(紐交所:PANW)推出了量子隨機數生成器(QRNG)開放API,使組織能夠將量子安全的加密隨機性集成到其安全系統中。該開放框架由六個行業合作伙伴共同開發,消除了專有障礙,允許多供應商互操作性,更容易採用後量子安全解決方案。

"Helping the world become quantum safe is much more than any one cybersecurity company, government agency or critical infrastructure organization can tackle alone," said Rich Campagna, SVP Product Management, Palo Alto Networks. "Collaboration in the QRNG field is vital to future-proofing against quantum computing threats and we are committed to our work with standards bodies, global governments and our partners to help steer the industry toward standardization. We are thrilled to launch the QRNG Open API to benefit as many organizations as possible."

Palo Alto Networks的產品管理高級副總裁Rich Campagna表示:「幫助世界變得量子安全,絕非任何一家網絡安全公司、政府機構或關鍵基礎設施組織可以單獨應對的。」他說:「在QRNG領域的合作對於未來防範量子計算威脅至關重要,我們致力於與標準機構、全球政府及合作伙伴共同努力,引導行業走向標準化。我們很高興推出QRNG開放API,以便使盡可能多的組織受益。」

The QRNG Open API is now available on GitHub, with support coming to Palo Alto Networks' Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) later this year. By standardizing QRNG access, this initiative helps businesses future-proof their encryption against quantum-enabled cyber threats.

QRNG開放API現在在GitHub上可用,支持將在今年晚些時候加入Palo Alto Networks的下一代防火牆(NGFWs)。通過標準化QRNG訪問,這項舉措幫助企業未來保護其加密,抵禦量子計算帶來的網絡威脅。

Alphabet, Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG, GOOGL), through its better-known subsidiary Google Cloud has introduced quantum-safe digital signatures in its Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS), using NIST-standardized post-quantum cryptography to protect digital signatures from future quantum threats. This update allows organizations to cryptographically sign and validate data with quantum-resistant algorithms, ensuring long-term security against potential attacks from quantum computers.

Alphabet, Inc.(納斯達克:GOOG,GOOGL)通過其知名子公司Google Cloud在其雲密鑰管理服務(Cloud KMS)中引入了量子安全數字簽名,使用NIST標準的後量子密碼學來保護數字簽名免受未來量子威脅。這一更新允許組織使用抗量子算法對數據進行密碼簽名和驗證,確保長期安全,抵禦來自量子計算機的潛在攻擊。

"At Google, we take post-quantum computing risks seriously," said a Google Cloud blog post authored by Jennifer Fernick, Senior Staff Security Engineer, Product Security Engineering, and Andrew Foster, Engineering Manager, Cloud KMS. "We began testing PQC in Chrome in 2016, we've been using PQC to protect internal communications since 2022, and we've taken additional quantum-computing protective measures in Google Chrome, Google's data center servers, and in experiments for connections between Chrome Desktop and Google products (such as Gmail and Cloud Console.)"

「在Google,我們非常認真對待後量子計算風險,」Google Cloud的博客帖子中寫道,作者爲高級員工安全工程師Jennifer Fernick和Cloud KMS工程經理Andrew Foster。「我們從2016年開始在Chrome中測試PQC,自2022年以來我們一直使用PQC來保護內部通信,並在Google Chrome、Google的數據中心服務器以及Chrome桌面與Google產品(如Gmail和Cloud Console)之間的連接實驗中採取了額外的量子計算保護措施。」

Google has been proactive in post-quantum security efforts since 2016, integrating protections across Chrome, data centers, and internal communications. As the quantum landscape evolves, Google remains committed to adapting its encryption technologies, supporting open-source cryptographic libraries, and working with industry partners to enhance quantum-safe security solutions.


Cisco Systems (CSCO) is advancing quantum-safe networking solutions by integrating Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) into its security framework. The company developed quantum-safe secure boot and network transport protocols, including the SKIP API, which allows network devices to obtain quantum-resistant cryptographic keys.

思科系統(CSCO)通過將量子密鑰分發(QKD)和後量子密碼學(PQC)集成到其安全框架中,推動量子安全網絡解決方案的發展。該公司開發了量子安全安全啓動和網絡傳輸協議,包括SKIP API,使網絡設備能夠獲取抗量子加密密鑰。

"While the quantum threat remains in the future, tech companies, standards bodies, and government entities have sought its mitigation for some time," wrote Mike Luken, Senior Product Manager for Cisco in a blog post. "To this end, Cisco was an early pioneer in efforts to define and provide quantum-safe networking solutions. Our initial focus was on quantum-safe hardware secure boot, followed by quantum-safe network transport protocols."

"雖然量子威脅仍在未來,但科技公司、標準機構和政府實體已對此進行了很長時間的緩解嘗試," 思科的高級產品經理Mike Luken在一篇博客中寫道。"爲此,思科是定義並提供量子安全網絡解決方案的早期先驅。我們最初的關注點是量子安全硬件安全啓動,隨後是量子安全網絡傳輸協議。"

While QKD shows promise, governments and industry leaders are prioritizing PQC solutions due to QKD's current limitations and adoption challenges. Cisco remains committed to developing PQC-based protections, aligning with global security standards to safeguard networks against future quantum threats.


WISeKey International Holding AG (NASDAQ: WKEY) has consolidated its cybersecurity, blockchain, AI, and quantum-resistant cryptography technologies into a unified ecosystem to strengthen digital trust across industries. This integration includes quantum-resistant chips, AI-driven authentication, blockchain-based identity verification, and secure IoT communications, enhancing security for enterprises, governments, and financial transactions.


"WISeKey's long-term strategy includes substantial investments in AI and Quantum Computing," said the company in a press release. "AI-powered cybersecurity solutions are being developed to predict and prevent cyber threats, while quantum-resistant cryptography is safeguarding digital assets from future quantum computing risks. Self-sovereign digital identity solutions will integrate AI to enhance authentication mechanisms, and blockchain will ensure secure AI model verification to prevent manipulation and breaches."

"WISeKey的長期策略包括對人工智能和量子計算概念的大量投資," 公司在一份新聞稿中表示。"正在開發基於人工智能的網絡安全解決方案,以預測和防止網絡威脅,而量子抗性加密則保護數字資產免受未來量子計算風險的影響。自我主權數字身份解決方案將整合人工智能以增強身份驗證機制,區塊鏈將確保安全的人工智能模型驗證,以防止操縱和泄露。"

SEALSQ, a key subsidiary, is embedding post-quantum cryptographic microcontrollers into digital identity solutions, while WISeSat secures satellite-based IoT communications with quantum-safe encryption. Through strategic acquisitions, partnerships, and R&D in AI and quantum computing, WISeKey is positioning itself as a global leader in cybersecurity for the emerging digital landscape.


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