Billionaire Hedge Funder Adds Mining Stocks Before Gold Makes Record-Highs: 'Gold Will Go Up,' Paulson Says
Billionaire Hedge Funder Adds Mining Stocks Before Gold Makes Record-Highs: 'Gold Will Go Up,' Paulson Says
The price of gold blew past the $3,000 mark in early trading Friday as investors navigate market turbulence driven by escalating trade tensions and economic uncertainty. Billionaire hedge funder John Paulson has stacked his portfolio with gold miners.
According to Paulson & Company's latest 13F filing, the fund increased its position in International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. (AMEX:THM) in the fourth quarter, adding over six million shares. The recent buys brought Paulson's total holdings to more than 70 million shares and a 37% stake in the mining company.
根據保爾森公司最新的13F文件,該基金在第四季度增加了對International Tower Hill Mines Ltd.(美交所:THM)的持倉,增加了超過600萬股。這些近期購買使保爾森的總持股超過7000萬股,並在這家礦業公司中佔有37%的股份。
International Tower Hills Mines holds interests in the Livengood Gold Project, located northwest of Fairbanks, Alaska, in the Tolovana mining district within the Tintina gold belt. The company's stock has climbed more than 40% over the past month as the price of gold rallied.
International Tower Hill Mines在位於阿拉斯加費爾班克斯西北部的Livengood黃金項目中持有利益,該項目位於Tintina黃金帶的Tolovana礦區。由於黃金價格回升,該公司的股票在過去一個月中上漲了40%以上。
Other Miner Holdings: Paulson & Co.'s other gold miner holdings include a $264.3 million stake in Perpetua Resources Corp. (NASDAQ:PPTA) and a $111 million stake in Novagold Resources Inc. (AMEX:NG).
其他礦業持股:保爾森公司的其他黃金礦業持股包括在Perpetua Resources CORP.(納斯達克:PPTA)中佔有26430萬美元股份,以及在NovaGold Resources Inc.(美交所:NG)中佔有11100萬美元股份。
Trilogy Metals Inc. (AMEX:TMQ), Seabridge Gold, Inc. (NYSE:SA), Equinox Gold Corp. (AMEX:EQX) and Iamgold Corp. (NYSE:IAG) round out the remainder of Paulson's gold mining holdings.
Trilogy Metals Inc.(美交所:TMQ)、Seabridge Gold, Inc.(紐交所:SA)、Equinox Gold CORP.(美交所:EQX)和Iamgold CORP.(紐交所:IAG)構成了保爾森的黃金礦業持股的其餘部分。
Paulson talked about de-dollarization and the benefits of owning gold in a 2023 interview with Alain Elkann.
"There has been a significant increase in demand from central banks to replace dollars with gold, and we're just at the beginning of that trend. Gold will go up and the dollar will go down, so you'd be better off keeping your investment reserves in gold at this point," Paulson said.
The SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE:GLD) ETF, which tracks the price of gold bullion, has gained nearly 40% over the past year.
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