WestKam Gold Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire Uranium Project in Utah
WestKam Gold Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire Uranium Project in Utah
Vancouver, Canada, June 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WestKam Gold Corp. (TSX-V:WKG) (the "Company" or "WestKam") is pleased to announce that it has signed a Letter of Intent ("LOI") dated June 21, 2024 with Ameranium Resources Corp. (an arm's length party) for the purchase of 100-per-cent legal and beneficial interest in 131 lode claims in Grand County, Utah, covering 2,649 acres (1,072 ha), called the Powerline One Project (the "Powerline").
加拿大溫哥華,2024年6月24日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——WestKam Gold Corp.(TSX-V:WKG)("公司"或"WestKam")很高興宣佈,其已經與Ameranium Resources Corp.(一家獨立方)簽署了一份意向書("LOI"),購買了密歇根州大廈地區共有131個脈狀索賠的100%的法律和利益,項目佔地2649英畝(1072公頃),稱爲Powerline One Project("Powerline")。
The Powerline lies within sedimentary rocks of the Colorado Plateau, the most prolific uranium mining region in the United States, and has produced over 328 million pounds U3O8 (at 0.2 to 0.4 per cent U3O8) since the 1950's (referenced from January 30, 2024, NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Powerline Uranium Project from Ameranium Resources Corp ). Utah is a mining-friendly state with a long history of mining. The required environmental surveys have been completed and permits to carry out drilling have been issued by the United States Bureau of Land Management. Drilling can commence at any time following the posting of the necessary reclamation bond. Field work and mining can be carried out year-round.
Powerline位於科羅拉多高原的沉積岩區域,這是美國採鈾最多的地區,自20世紀50年代以來曾生產出超過3.28億磅的U3O8(在0.2%至0.4%的U3O8含量下)(引自2024年1月30日Ameranium Resources Corp對Powerline鈾項目的NI 43-101技術報告)。猶他州是一個友好採礦的州,擁有悠久的採礦歷史。需要的環境調查已經完成,美國國土管理局已經發放了進行鑽探的許可證。只要發佈了必要的復墾保險單,鑽探就可以隨時開始,野外工作和採礦可以全年進行。
Prior work on the project identified a prospective target zone extending across the Powerline property, and resulted from reanalysis and reinterpretation of historical seismic data. The data was cross-analyzed against gamma ray logs from numerous historical abandoned oil and gas wells.
Gamma ray logs are a common geophysical log used in downhole surveying of wells drilled by the oil and gas industry and are used to assist in identifying lithological units in a well. When radioactive elements decay, they emit radiation that can be measured by the logging instrument. This amount of radiation is typically scaled in application programming interface ("API") units, a standardized system established by the American Petroleum Institute.
Figures in the original well logs version show zones of anomalous API readings (greater than 400 API). The anomalous values detected by the gamma ray logs from these wells are likely to be indicative of high-grade radioactive material.
原始的井錄中的數值顯示了異常API讀數區域(大於400 API)。由這些井的γ射線記錄檢測到的異常值可能表明高品位放射性材料。
The Samson 12-1 well is the primary well of interest with multiple anomalies identified in the Chinle formation at about 2,700 ft with readings well in excess of 400 API. Gamma ray geophysical logs indicate a 35.4-metre-(116-feet)-thick zone of uranium mineralization within which a 19.0 m (62.4 ft) thick section is estimated to have uranium grade of 0.0258 per cent eU3O8.
Samson 12-1井是最感興趣的主井,位於約2,700英尺處的Chinle岩層中鑑定出多個異常,讀數遠遠超過400 API。γ射線地球物理測井表明,在鈾礦化帶內有一段35.4米(116英尺)厚的區域,其中一段19.0米(62.4英尺)厚的區域估計鈾含量爲0.0258%的eU3O8。
The top of the favourable target zone in the Samson Powerline hole is at a depth of 823 m (2,700 ft). This zone is well below the potable water table and has the potential to be amenable for uranium mining by in situ leach and recovery methods ("ISL"). The buried deposits are thought to lie at depths ranging from 300 to 1,000 m and are considered to be attractive targets due to the advent of ISL. Deposits of this type and grade account for approximately 46 per cent of worldwide uranium production.
Samson Powerline井中有利靶區的頂部位於823m (2,700 ft)的深度以下。該區位於可飲用水位以下,可以通過原位浸出和回收方法("ISL")適宜進行鈾採礦。這些埋藏的底部蘊含鈾的位置,估計深度範圍在300至1,000米之間,由於ISL的出現,被認爲是有吸引力的目標。這種類型和品位的礦牀約佔全球鈾產量的46%。
Pursuant to the terms of the LOI, the purchase price payable by WestKam will be:
All WestKam shares issued to Ameranium will be subject to a hold period expiring four months and one day after their date of issue pursuant to applicable Canadian securities laws and the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV").
發行給Ameranium的所有WestKam股票將受到一份保留期限的約束,該約束在其發行日起四個月零一天後屆滿,符合適用的加拿大證券法和TSX Venture Exchange("TSXV")的政策。
This acquisition, and issuance of the WestKam shares thereunder, is subject to TSXV approval. Not finder's fees are payable in connection with the transaction.
The Company is in the process of completing due diligence on the Powerline project. Upon successful due diligence, the parties will work to finalize and execute a definitive agreement for submission to the TSX-V for approval. The Company will provide updates on this transaction as and when they become available.
Qualified person
Lorne Warner P.Geo, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 -- Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has read and approved all technical and scientific information contained in this news release.
Lorne Warner P.Geo,符合採礦項目披露標準43-101的合格人員,已閱讀並批准本新聞稿中包含的所有技術和科學信息。
About WestKam
WestKam Gold Corp. is a Canadian-listed junior gold exploration company focused on exploring and developing projects in Western Canada.
WestKam Gold Corp.是一家加拿大上市的初創金礦勘探公司,專注於在加拿大西部探索和開發項目。
"Peter Laipnieks"
Peter Laipnieks, President & CEO
"Peter Laipnieks"
Peter Laipnieks,總裁兼首席執行官
WestKam Gold Corp。
Peter Laipnieks,總裁兼首席執行官
WestKam Gold Corp. |
Contact: Investor Relations |
Suite 900, 570 Granville Street | 250.216.5674 |
Vancouver, BC V6C 3P1 |
westkam007@gmail.com westkamgoldcorp.com |
WestKam Gold Corp. |
聯繫人:投資者關係 |
570 Granville Street,套間900號 | 250.216.5674 |
加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華V6C 3P1 |
westkam007@gmail.com westkamgoldcorp.com |
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All statements included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions made by the Company based on its experience, perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. In addition, these statements involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will prove inaccurate, certain of which are beyond the Company's control. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, the Company does not intend to revise or update these forward-looking statements after the date hereof or revise them to reflect the occurrence of future unanticipated events.