
Phio Pharmaceuticals | 8-K: Current report

Phio Pharmaceuticals | 8-K: Current report

Phio Pharmaceuticals | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/12/19 21:39


Phio Pharmaceuticals announced on December 19, 2024, that its Phase 1b clinical trial for PH-762 received approval from the Safety Monitoring Committee to proceed to the third dose cohort. The trial evaluates PH-762's safety and tolerability in treating various skin cancers, including cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and Merkel cell carcinoma.Initial efficacy data from the second cohort, comprising 4 patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, showed promising results. The first two patients who completed treatment demonstrated a complete response (100% tumor clearance) and partial response (90% clearance) at Day 36, with pathology data pending for the remaining patients. Importantly, the intratumoral injections were well-tolerated with no dose-limiting toxicities or serious adverse events reported.PH-762, utilizing Phio's proprietary INTASYL siRNA gene silencing technology, targets PD-1 and is being developed as a non-surgical treatment for skin cancers. The trial, which received FDA clearance in Q2 2023, represents a significant step in advancing the company's immuno-oncology therapeutic platform.
Phio Pharmaceuticals announced on December 19, 2024, that its Phase 1b clinical trial for PH-762 received approval from the Safety Monitoring Committee to proceed to the third dose cohort. The trial evaluates PH-762's safety and tolerability in treating various skin cancers, including cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and Merkel cell carcinoma.Initial efficacy data from the second cohort, comprising 4 patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, showed promising results. The first two patients who completed treatment demonstrated a complete response (100% tumor clearance) and partial response (90% clearance) at Day 36, with pathology data pending for the remaining patients. Importantly, the intratumoral injections were well-tolerated with no dose-limiting toxicities or serious adverse events reported.PH-762, utilizing Phio's proprietary INTASYL siRNA gene silencing technology, targets PD-1 and is being developed as a non-surgical treatment for skin cancers. The trial, which received FDA clearance in Q2 2023, represents a significant step in advancing the company's immuno-oncology therapeutic platform.
Phio Pharmaceuticals於2024年12月19日宣佈,其PH-762的10億階段臨牀試驗獲得安全監測委員會的批准,可以進入第三劑量組。這項試驗評估PH-762在治療各種皮膚癌(包括鱗狀細胞癌、黑色素瘤和梅克爾細胞癌)中的安全性和耐受性。來自第二組的初步療效數據顯示,4名患有鱗狀細胞癌的患者顯示出良好的結果。完成治療的前兩名患者在第36天展現了完全反應(腫瘤清除率100%)和部分反應(90%清除率),其餘患者的病理數據尚待確定。重要的是,腫瘤內注射的耐受性良好,沒有報告劑量限制毒性或嚴重不良事件。PH-762利用Phio的專有INTASYL siRNA基因沉默科技,靶向PD-1,並作爲皮膚癌的非手術治療進行開發。該試驗於2023年第二季度獲得FDA批准,標誌着公司免疫腫瘤治療平台的重大進展。
Phio Pharmaceuticals於2024年12月19日宣佈,其PH-762的10億階段臨牀試驗獲得安全監測委員會的批准,可以進入第三劑量組。這項試驗評估PH-762在治療各種皮膚癌(包括鱗狀細胞癌、黑色素瘤和梅克爾細胞癌)中的安全性和耐受性。來自第二組的初步療效數據顯示,4名患有鱗狀細胞癌的患者顯示出良好的結果。完成治療的前兩名患者在第36天展現了完全反應(腫瘤清除率100%)和部分反應(90%清除率),其餘患者的病理數據尚待確定。重要的是,腫瘤內注射的耐受性良好,沒有報告劑量限制毒性或嚴重不良事件。PH-762利用Phio的專有INTASYL siRNA基因沉默科技,靶向PD-1,並作爲皮膚癌的非手術治療進行開發。該試驗於2023年第二季度獲得FDA批准,標誌着公司免疫腫瘤治療平台的重大進展。


