
Bit Digital | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Bit Digital | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Bit Digital | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
美股SEC公告 ·  11/18 21:03


Bit Digital, Inc. (Bit Digital), a New York-based high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure and digital asset production company, announced its unaudited financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2024. The company reported a significant increase in total revenue, reaching $22.7 million, a 96% rise compared to the same period in 2023, primarily driven by the commencement of its HPC business. Despite the increase in revenue, Bit Digital experienced a net loss of $38.8 million, attributed to a $21.9 million unrealized loss on digital assets and increased operating expenses. The company's HPC business recognized $12.2 million in revenue, compared to none in the previous year, while revenue from bitcoin mining decreased by 11% to $10.1 million. The company's liquidity position was strong, with cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash totaling approximately $105.6 million. Bit Digital also announced strategic developments, including the acquisition of Enovum Data Centers and the execution of a Master Service and Lease Agreement with Boosteroid Inc., positioning the company for potential future growth.
Bit Digital, Inc. (Bit Digital), a New York-based high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure and digital asset production company, announced its unaudited financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2024. The company reported a significant increase in total revenue, reaching $22.7 million, a 96% rise compared to the same period in 2023, primarily driven by the commencement of its HPC business. Despite the increase in revenue, Bit Digital experienced a net loss of $38.8 million, attributed to a $21.9 million unrealized loss on digital assets and increased operating expenses. The company's HPC business recognized $12.2 million in revenue, compared to none in the previous year, while revenue from bitcoin mining decreased by 11% to $10.1 million. The company's liquidity position was strong, with cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash totaling approximately $105.6 million. Bit Digital also announced strategic developments, including the acquisition of Enovum Data Centers and the execution of a Master Service and Lease Agreement with Boosteroid Inc., positioning the company for potential future growth.
Bit Digital, Inc.(bit digital)是一家總部位於紐約的高性能計算(HPC)製造行業和數字資產生產公司,宣佈了截至2024年9月30日的第三季度未經審計的財務業績。該公司報告總營業收入顯著增加,達到2270萬美金,比2023年同期增長了96%,主要得益於HPC業務的啓動。儘管營業收入增加,bit digital卻出現了3880萬美金的淨虧損,這歸因於2190萬美金的數字資產未實現損失和增加的營業費用。公司的HPC業務收入爲1220萬美金,而去年爲零,同時比特幣挖礦的營業收入下降了11%,降至1010萬美金。公司的流動性狀況良好,現金、現金等價物和受限現金總額約爲10560萬美金。bit digital還宣佈了戰略發展,包括收購Enovum數據中心和與Boosteroid Inc.簽署主服務和租賃協議,使公司具備潛在的未來增長潛力。
Bit Digital, Inc.(bit digital)是一家總部位於紐約的高性能計算(HPC)製造行業和數字資產生產公司,宣佈了截至2024年9月30日的第三季度未經審計的財務業績。該公司報告總營業收入顯著增加,達到2270萬美金,比2023年同期增長了96%,主要得益於HPC業務的啓動。儘管營業收入增加,bit digital卻出現了3880萬美金的淨虧損,這歸因於2190萬美金的數字資產未實現損失和增加的營業費用。公司的HPC業務收入爲1220萬美金,而去年爲零,同時比特幣挖礦的營業收入下降了11%,降至1010萬美金。公司的流動性狀況良好,現金、現金等價物和受限現金總額約爲10560萬美金。bit digital還宣佈了戰略發展,包括收購Enovum數據中心和與Boosteroid Inc.簽署主服務和租賃協議,使公司具備潛在的未來增長潛力。


