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Intelligent Bio Solutions | 424B5: Prospectus
Intelligent Bio Solutions | 424B5: Prospectus
Intelligent Bio Solutions | 424B5:募資說明書
Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc. (Intelligent Bio Solutions) has entered into an At The Market Offering Agreement with Ladenburg Thalmann & Co. Inc. (Ladenburg) on September 18, 2024, to offer and sell shares of its common stock with an aggregate offering price of up to $3,000,000. The shares will be offered through Ladenburg, acting as a sales agent or principal. Intelligent Bio Solutions is classified as an 'emerging growth company' and 'smaller reporting company' under U.S. federal securities laws, subject to reduced public company reporting requirements. The company's common stock is listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol 'INBS', with the last sale price on September 16, 2024, being $2.24 per share. The offering may be made in 'at the market offerings' as defined...Show More
Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc. (Intelligent Bio Solutions) has entered into an At The Market Offering Agreement with Ladenburg Thalmann & Co. Inc. (Ladenburg) on September 18, 2024, to offer and sell shares of its common stock with an aggregate offering price of up to $3,000,000. The shares will be offered through Ladenburg, acting as a sales agent or principal. Intelligent Bio Solutions is classified as an 'emerging growth company' and 'smaller reporting company' under U.S. federal securities laws, subject to reduced public company reporting requirements. The company's common stock is listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol 'INBS', with the last sale price on September 16, 2024, being $2.24 per share. The offering may be made in 'at the market offerings' as defined in Rule 415 under the Securities Act of 1933. Ladenburg will use commercially reasonable efforts to sell the shares, and the compensation to Ladenburg will be 3.0% of the gross proceeds from any shares sold under the agreement, in addition to reimbursement of certain expenses. Intelligent Bio Solutions has also agreed to provide indemnification and contribution to Ladenburg with respect to certain liabilities. As of September 16, 2024, the aggregate market value of the company's non-affiliate shares was $9.45 million, based on 4,249,782 outstanding common stock shares. The company has not sold any securities pursuant to General Instruction I.B.6 of Form S-3 in the 12 months prior to the prospectus supplement date. Investing in the company's securities involves a high degree of risk, and the Securities and Exchange Commission has not approved or disapproved the securities or passed upon the adequacy or accuracy of the prospectus supplement.
Intelligent Bio Solutions公司(智能生物解決方案公司)已於2024年9月18日與Ladenburg Thalmann&Co. Inc.(Ladenburg)簽訂了《上市交易協議》,以提供並出售其普通股,發行價格總額高達300萬美元。這些股份將通過Ladenburg作爲銷售代理或負責人進行發行。智能生物解決方案公司被歸類爲「新興增長型公司」和「較小報告公司」,受美國聯邦證券法的減少公開公司報告要求的監管。該公司的普通股在納斯達克資本市場上市,股票代碼爲'INBS',2024年9月16日的最後成交價爲每股2.24美元。根據1933年證券法規定第415條規定中定義的「市場交易...展開全部
Intelligent Bio Solutions公司(智能生物解決方案公司)已於2024年9月18日與Ladenburg Thalmann&Co. Inc.(Ladenburg)簽訂了《上市交易協議》,以提供並出售其普通股,發行價格總額高達300萬美元。這些股份將通過Ladenburg作爲銷售代理或負責人進行發行。智能生物解決方案公司被歸類爲「新興增長型公司」和「較小報告公司」,受美國聯邦證券法的減少公開公司報告要求的監管。該公司的普通股在納斯達克資本市場上市,股票代碼爲'INBS',2024年9月16日的最後成交價爲每股2.24美元。根據1933年證券法規定第415條規定中定義的「市場交易發行」,發行可能會進行。Ladenburg將盡商業上的合理努力銷售這些股份,Ladenburg將獲得協議下所售股份的總收入的3.0%作爲報酬,另外還有對某些費用的返還。智能生物解決方案公司還同意對Ladenburg就特定責任提供賠償和貢獻。截至2024年9月16日,該公司的非關聯方股份的總市值爲945萬美元,基於4,249,782股流通的普通股。在補充招股說明書日期前12個月內,公司未根據《S-3表格通用指示I.b.6》出售任何證券。投資於公司的證券涉及高度風險,美國證券交易委員會尚未批准或駁回這些證券,也尚未審查招股說明書的充分性或準確性。

財報季來臨,公司股價最易大升大跌,很多優秀的投資者會將財報季視為“大賺一筆”的好時機。 假設你現在持有某隻股票,該公司發佈財報後股價跳水,大跌10%,此時你會怎麼做? 短期波動不改長期增長邏輯,堅定持有 財報業績不及預期,馬上賣掉止盈止損 未來可能還要跌,賣掉之後反手做空 具體如何選擇?取決於我們是什麼類型的投資者,也
英偉達是近兩年美股中漲勢最好的科技巨頭之一,2024年以來股價更是經歷了顯著的增長,漲幅一度超過了兩倍。這樣的股價表現,首先在一定程度上反映了市場對其AI晶片地位的認可,還有對其前景的期待。 不過在今年1月底,受到DeepSeek低成本AI模型的衝擊,市場擔憂競爭格局發生變化,擔憂AI硬件的投資回報率會受影響,加上整體
又到了美股業績期。而巨頭公司的業績,不但會影響自己的股價,甚至還會影響整個美股市場的走勢,其中也可能蘊含著交易機會。 那麼,這些巨頭公司的業績該怎麼看呢?今天我們聚焦特斯拉,看看特斯拉的業績有哪些關鍵因素,可能會對股價帶來什麼明顯影響…… 1、銷量變化 首先,對新能源車企來說,最重要的觀察指標始終是總交付量, 或者說銷